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Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 17 years ago Views: 49.2K
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Lvl 14
it would be nothing short of a crime against humanity if you didn't upload

post it!
Lvl 8
it looks like she's enjoying the idea of being filmed... keep up the good work, and you just might not have to do all of the edits!

can't wait to see the vid!
Lvl 6
Lvl 13
hot stuff dude.. thanks for sharing!
Lvl 9
5***** give us the vid!
Lvl 5
hell yeah!!
Lvl 9

quick question though... why are you hiding her face in this thread when you didnt hide her face in a previous thread with the same girl.
your thread "Me fucking an AMAZING ASS cell phone pics" (
its definitely the same girl at least in the "home" vid
Originally posted by renavatio33

*edit: [ Link ]

quick question though... why are you hiding her face in this thread when you didnt hide her face in a previous thread with the same girl.
your thread "Me fucking an AMAZING ASS cell phone pics" (
its definitely the same girl at least in the "home" vid

its not the same girl. i jsut posted that thread cuz i wanted to show u guys her ass butt didnt know how without her face its a different girl ...
Lvl 9
I call bullshit on all this unless you actually post a sign, fucking this girl, with WBW on it. These videos don't even look like the same girl. You can block her face out in the videos but not the pictures? BTW, get your dick checked asap.
Originally posted by SpankyYou

I call bullshit on all this unless you actually post a sign, fucking this girl, with WBW on it. These videos don't even look like the same girl. You can block her face out in the videos but not the pictures? BTW, get your dick checked asap.

u can call bullshit all you want im not trying to prove anything. my dick is just fine...the girls seem to love it. i dont fuck her for you, i fuck her for myself and sometimes happen to make vids. if you dont like watching fuck off and dont post your stupid comments.
Lvl 12
Originally posted by kopchik

oh this looks awesome - please post it!
Lvl 9
Originally posted by kopchik


u can call bullshit all you want im not trying to prove anything. my dick is just fine...the girls seem to love it. i dont fuck her for you, i fuck her for myself and sometimes happen to make vids. if you dont like watching fuck off and dont post your stupid comments.

Of course you're trying to prove something, you're trying to prove to all the people on here, may I add they all have cocks, that you're some type of "cool dude". So you make a thread "girl gets fucked by me and "girls I have fucked", give me a break. Chances are you have never fucked anyone. Like I said bullshit.

I'll personally send you $50.00 through paypal if you and that girl both make a sign saying "spanky now owns me $50.00), no blocking out faces here.
Lvl 11
Give it a rest Spanky. I've never seen any of these vids before.... relax and enjoy the show.
Lvl 7
Don't worry about what these people say. I made a sign for them and then thought about it later and was like "Why do I give a F-- what the pushy non-posting themselves" people think anyway. This is not about pleasing everyone. It's about pleasing you and whoever you want to bring along. i like your posts. Just don't listen to the other people - Kitty ; P

Originally posted by SpankyYou

I call bullshit on all this unless you actually post a sign, fucking this girl, with WBW on it. These videos don't even look like the same girl. You can block her face out in the videos but not the pictures? BTW, get your dick checked asap.
Originally posted by SpankyYou

Of course you're trying to prove something, you're trying to prove to all the people on here, may I add they all have cocks, that you're some type of "cool dude". So you make a thread "girl gets fucked by me and "girls I have fucked", give me a break. Chances are you have never fucked anyone. Like I said bullshit.

I'll personally send you $50.00 through paypal if you and that girl both make a sign saying "spanky now owns me $50.00), no blocking out faces here.

give it a rest seriously, i dont know what your problem is. we dont all get to fuck every single girl in the world, and all im doing is sharing and letting people enjoy her too.

and as for 50.00 bout anyone who wants to send me $500 and i will fuck her and do do her what you tell me too ..then that might be fun...and profitable
Lvl 12
oh my - that was an amazing vid! absolutely fantastic....what a hottie you have there
Lvl 11
Very nice, kopchik
You've got a great thread here, keep on posting.
Lvl 7
ty for share .
Lvl 13
Lvl 9
well, she is definitely sexy, i will totally give you that. especially that last vid.
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