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Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 17 years ago Views: 49.2K
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Lvl 7
stationary and get a bj on stationary pleeeassseeeeeee
Lvl 24
Nice thong ass. Feel free to include her ass in a thong before you nail her next time.
haha damn ...stationary cam in thong....lotta requests my dick will be happy i guess lmao
Lvl 3
That's the best ever on this forum
you might as well show her face now. would love to see her eyes.
Lvl 7
let her film you while you're eating her pussy and show us her wet pussy .
Lvl 6
Stationary until the cumshot, which would be amazing to get as a POV
Lvl 25
Great videos keep them coming!
I will not critize you because Brownel has your back and bitch slaps me. But the black bars are
annoying. If these are really your videos just show them. Her face has been seen enough
where she could be identified.
Lvl 9
i agree, i love the videos and pics so great job man but u can already see enuf of her face to recognise her if u knew her so there's not much point cutting it out. ah wel, even if u do cut it out il still watch so nevermind
Lvl 24
Originally posted by camguy89

let her film you while you're eating her pussy

No, I don't want to see Kopchik, I want to see the babe!
No d00d sechs in this thread please.
Lvl 7
Originally posted by DarthSocal


No, I don't want to see Kopchik, I want to see the babe!
No d00d sechs in this thread please.

I don't want to see him either ... just her wet pussy.
Lvl 8
If you want some requests for new vids, here's mine... Stop trying to edit here face out, it's really annoying.
Lvl 7
dude, that ass flash video is awesome.thanks for the post and keep it up... she has an amazing ass.. what a catch
Lvl 6
Originally posted by monkey1234

If you want some requests for new vids, here's mine... Stop trying to edit here face out, it's really annoying.

agreed. other than that awesome thread.
Lvl 7
wow shes hot. more!
Lvl 7
Thanks again , baby ; P - Kitty
Lvl 9
Originally posted by kopchik

Thanks for the comments every1.

im gonna try to come over this wknd, any suggestions on what you wanna see, how should i fuck her?

should i hold the cam or put it stationary?

Thanks for the post - one of the best I've seen in a while on WbW (your girl is oozing sexappeal)!

Here some suggestions
1.Babyoil and a lap-dance ...
2.Stationary camera put at an angle where you can see her pretty face, while you fuck her from behind
3.Is she into anal ? (no pun intendet)
4.Waterproof camera ? If yes - how about a blowjob/fuck in the shower ?

Keep up the great post, greetings to the lady !

Joker has become your fan
Lvl 9
Originally posted by bunkersuicide

shes hot but wtf is wrong with your dick?

Why are you looking at his dick?!
Lvl 24
damn, this is a hot thread!

dont know how i missed it until now.

Lvl 5
does anyone have the pigtails/pink undies vid, only just discovered this thread she is stunning wud luv to see that vid !!
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