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Advice to our Children.

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 11 years ago Views: 6.0K
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Lvl 59
Originally posted by bustMall

the fact is that employment regulations are designed to favor big business, unions, and to be a huge hurdle to start-up companies. Ask any sole proprietor that's trying to comply. It's why so many try to skirt the laws by utilizing "subs" that they can 1099 instead of employees that get a W-2. Life is much easier if you can put the tax burden on the individual.

There would be a full-on revolt in this country if every employee was paid the full value of their employment taxes, including all Employer matching funds, worker's comp and other state taxes they never see on a check stub, and had to send in their own taxes after receiving their gross pay. So many people have become complacent over the money stolen from them that they don't even know what their "gross" pay is. It's a pity that our populace has taken it so lightly. The simple truth is that it's not about the money, it's about the compliance. There is no such thing as a tax on business. Politicians use business taxes to dupe the public. Any tax that is levied against business is simply passed on as a cost of doing business. In the end, the consumer pays it ALL. Or else the business folds. The people of this country are sucking on a giant government lollipop with no flavor, no nourishment, and being told it's good for them. To many have started to believe it.

I shall now go and tell all my black friends to give up, they can't do it.

Okay, but it didn't stop you. I know things like "taxes" are a real PITA for a person or business to pay, but the vast majority of all businesses have those expenses. 99.7% of all firms in the US are small businesses as classified by the SBA. And yet they all still exist.

None of that prevents anyone from taking the risk of putting it all on the line to try to start a business, which is what I was saying. Hundreds of thousands of people do just that every year. So, yeah, it's hard, because taxes and regulations and OSHA and blah blah, but a lot of that stuff is in place for a reason, like, to provide services, ensure quality, prevent injury, etc.

Anyway, my point is that the government, at least in the US, doesn't really stop anyone from doing what you did, as evidenced And the hundreds of thousands of people like you.

We should also be honest about things and not forget the fact that you've had opportunities that others haven't had. I said this before in another thread, but there are ~400 billionaires in the US. Oprah is the only one who is black. For a group that represents 13% of the US population, if all things were equal, you would expect 50 or so to be black. You'll also find that women are underrepresented on that list as well.

The fact is that white men have it easier in the United States (and elsewhere) than anyone else, and to deny that you're just not operating in the real world.

Originally posted by Bust

A government job might be a temporary fix, but it's a hard mold to get out of once you get in it. A job that pushes people to strive for mediocrity will never bring you long lasting satisfaction.

There are also tons of non-government jobs in the DC area; the whole metro area has a booming economy, and that provides for plenty of ancillary work. Probably more than there are government jobs, in fact.
Lvl 28

I think in a large way, we are talking about the same side of the coin, just doing it in a different way.

To expand on the void between our comments, yes there are many successes. Yet, without looking at current data, for every success, there's about 10 failures. Some because it was a bad idea. Some because of poor initiative. Some because of bad habits. Some because of any number of other reasons, some within their control, other out of.... But every new entreprenuer should have equal opportunity to succeed as those before them. A lot ofpeople in my shoes want more regs to cut down on new competition, and the actively lobby their gov'ts for more licensing, more insurance regs, more safety regs.... Not me. I want good competition, and I want to see initiative rewarded, without the burden of gov't regs that make it harder for the new guy on the corner lot. No matter what color, race, religion, sexual preference... as long as he/she's willing to work hard to get there. I want to see them rewarded for their ideas, their willingness to sacrifice, work hard, and strive to win on a level playing field. Not because the gov't declared them non-compliant.

You are right in everything you said, and I don't think anything you said contradicts anything I said ('cept maybe that astronaut - good one)

Blacks, especially true the farther south you, have a harder road. I just don't want to see any of them use Jesse Jackson as an excuse, but rather use Herman Cain, Oprah Winfrey or _____ (insert any number of successful blacks here) as an inspiration. I despise excuses of all manors... even my own.

If it's not obvious, I'm like the far end of the free-market mentality.
Lvl 19
BINGO !!!!!!!

Direct US Government payroll jobs are quite miniscule compared to govenment contract jobs. All those that whine about the dispicable size of our government have no idea of how badly their govenment depends on private industry to make it work.

Originally posted by EricLindros

There are also tons of non-government jobs in the DC area; the whole metro area has a booming economy, and that provides for plenty of ancillary work. Probably more than there are government jobs, in fact.
Lvl 22
Bullshit! To those of you that have no kids I'm sorry, to those of you that do....
Get some power of attorney as fast as you can
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