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Advice to our Children.

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 12 years ago Views: 6.0K
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Lvl 14
As far as what to say this has always been my favorite quote from the show Sports Night. I do believe it works perfectly in life.

"Actions are immoral. Opinions are not. And I won't apologize for mine. Discussion is good, and for those of us fortunate enough to be the subject of magazine articles, it may be our responsibility from time to time to try and raise the level of debate."

I think that's how everything should be, debate is not bad and you should never apologize for having an opinion no matter how out numbered you are.
Lvl 17
True happiness comes from within.
Lvl 24
Originally posted by pantsman12


I have a Bachelors from Syracuse, yet I can't get hired by ANYONE. So not sure college is always the answer. Unless you mean to the end as in go to college until the day you die.

Ok let me amend my statement by saying you need to be careful about what you get your degree in
Lvl 23
I would advise my children to always strive for success!

And then I would pause for a long time, making eye contact with each and every person in the room, and I would finally define success this way..........


To laugh often and much

To win the respect of intelligent people, and the affection of children

To earn the appreciation of honest critics, and endure the betrayal of false friends

To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others

To leave the world a bit better- whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition

To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.


-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Oh yeah, and to my boys I would tell them- "Sons, be sure to NEVER marry a girl who only grudgingly gives you a blowie, once a year bitchin' the entire way, while you're dating. Because I can guarantee you'll never, EVER!!! get another one while you're married. Take it from me!!!!".
Lvl 24
Originally posted by people

Oh yeah, and to my boys I would tell them- "Sons, be sure to NEVER marry a girl who only grudgingly gives you a blowie, once a year bitchin' the entire way, while you're dating. Because I can guarantee you'll never, EVER!!! get another one while you're married. Take it from me!!!!".

Pretty solid advice.

Oh yeah, that other stuff was alright too
Lvl 23
Thanks FeFe.
Can I have a blowie? I am on my deathbed, you know.
As stated, it's been awhile.
Lvl 24

sorry, can't help you out there but i'll be sympathetically feeling for you about it from over here
Lvl 28
Originally posted by people

Can I have a blowie? I am on my deathbed, you know.

If Honda is to be believed, you might wanna ask Demo.
Lvl 24
Originally posted by bustMall

If Honda is to be believed, you might wanna ask Demo.

Lvl 28
When you get Audrey's attention, you know you've arrived.
Lvl 23
Hey Audrey -
It's only this ginormous because it's been so long, like a swelling bratwurst left on a grill.
How 'bout a blowie?
I'd ask pamattie but she only likes..err.....loves...err.....can't stop talkin' about...............
Lvl 28
If you can't afford to tip properly, you can't afford to go out to eat.
Lvl 14
Originally posted by FeFeHumHum


Ok let me amend my statement by saying you need to be careful about what you get your degree in

Computer Forensics.. Try again.
Lvl 19 degree is in Mechanical Engineering. I am 34 years old and I've never had a problem getting a very well paying job in my field. Ever.

I don't know you, nor does anyone else on this site. But a casual observer might think that there is something more personal that you are sharing with us.

If you want more credibility for your position, you might want to provide more details.

Education rocks. Don't leave home without it!
Lvl 14
Originally posted by F1098

But a casual observer might think that there is something more personal that you are sharing with us.

DO YOU MEAN that I am NOT sharing. Because that would mean something different then what you stated. Otherwise I have no clue wtf you mean. Does that satisfy your bullshit?
Lvl 19
I am saying that you stated two things-that you have a technical degree from well known college and you have not be able to get a job.
Don't you have any idea as to why you are not being hired ? No idea at all ?

Based on my experience and that of my friends in the technical field that sounds fishy. It could be lots of things that disqualified you.

We have no idea if you failed a drug test, didn't pass the background test. You never said WHY !!! WHO KNOWS ???? You were just whining about having a degree from a nice school and not being able to get a job.

Bull shit ? Sorry. I've never been turned down for a job in my chosen field, so please keep the name calling to yourself.

AND STOP PMing me ! And stop trolling for attention by not supporting your position !
Lvl 59
Originally posted by people

I'd ask pamattie but she only likes..err.....loves...err.....can't stop talkin' about...............

Originally posted by F1098 degree is in Mechanical Engineering. I am 34 years old and I've never had a problem getting a very well paying job in my field. Ever.

I don't know you, nor does anyone else on this site. But a casual observer might think that there is something more personal that you are sharing with us.

If you want more credibility for your position, you might want to provide more details.

Education rocks. Don't leave home without it!

Well, maybe. I'm just guessing here, but I'd venture that you have more than just a regular old BS in Mec Eng, correct?

Originally posted by F1098

AND STOP PMing me ! And stop trolling for attention by not supporting your position !

If a member is PMing someone and they've been asked to stop, that's a violation of site rules, so I'd suggest heeding this request, pantsguy.
Lvl 19
Yes, I got an MS. What I object to is the implication that education isn't worthwhile and that he wants to play a guessing game as to why he isn't employed.

Education rocks !!
Lvl 14
Originally posted by EricLindros

If a member is PMing someone and they've been asked to stop, that's a violation of site rules, so I'd suggest heeding this request, pantsguy.

I PM'd her ONCE to ask her to clarify her earlier comment and she gave me shit.
SO, I responded semi hastily here.

Quite frankly I'm tired of the shit. I've been here on this site plenty long to be treated like a "troll"

And to your previous statement, I have never done ANY Drugs, or smoked a cigarette. I have never been arrested or charged for anything or even received a speeding ticket. I would appreciate you not jumping to conclusions and assuming I am some low life piece of shit. Thank you much.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by F1098

Yes, I got an MS. What I object to is the implication that education isn't worthwhile and that he wants to play a guessing game as to why he isn't employed.

Education rocks !!

With the latter comment, I agree. Someone who lived a long time ago said that knowledge is food for the soul. He might have been onto something.

My point was only that the more advanced the degree one possesses the less likely they are to be turned away from positions in their fields (in general, at least).
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