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Tagging FAQ

Starter: EricLindros Posted: 14 years ago Views: 98.4K
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Lvl 7
Originally posted by babeologist
I am interested in helping to tag if there is a need for more taggers. I believe I would be able to tag consistently and follow existing standards. I am volunteering to help if there's a need.

Good day to you all! I would also be happy to be equipped with tagging rights, if this is possible. I‘m a normal but usually very active member and would like to contribute by helping to make good stuff better findable for all. 🤗 Thanks in advance, whatever you decide.
chival_aardvark finds this awesome.
Lvl 7
Originally posted by Diz-X
People who have got the trusted "Tagging rights".

I'd also really appreciate having the elusive "tagging rights" bestowed upon me, Diz-X. I already agonize over untagged and incorrectly tagged items on a daily basis, but unfortunately there's nothing I can do about it beyond manually reporting errors to someone with tagging rights. The volume of tagging work to do is just too enormous for this to be a viable way for me to help the site, so mistakes go unreported.

I love WBW with all my heart, and I want to volunteer my time to help make the site's content more navigable. I'd be happy to memorize the aforementioned tagging standards and apply them faithfully to everything I find that's mischaracterized (or untagged). Peace!
Lvl 40
is it possible to get tag-rights please ?
chival_aardvark finds this awesome.
Lvl 15
Originally posted by chival_aardvark
I'd also really appreciate having the elusive "tagging rights" bestowed upon me, Diz-X. I already agonize over untagged and incorrectly tagged items on a daily basis, but unfortunately there's nothing I can do about it beyond manually reporting errors to someone with tagging rights. The volume of tagging work to do is just too enormous for this to be a viable way for me to help the site, so mistakes go unreported.

I love WBW with all my heart, and I want to volunteer my time to help make the site's content more navigable. I'd be happy to memorize the aforementioned tagging standards and apply them faithfully to everything I find that's mischaracterized (or untagged). Peace!

Same here, long time member and if given tag rights I'll re purchase year membership! Have often been paid up in the past
chival_aardvark finds this awesome.
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