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would you do your sister if this was her???? long read strange days indeed

Starter: sd&lmm41 Posted: 18 years ago Views: 7.3K
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Lvl 9
lawnmowerman41: good morning
alyssanjnudist: Mornin
lawnmowerman41: is this a or c
alyssanjnudist: Aly
lawnmowerman41: cool
lawnmowerman41: did you have a good night last night
alyssanjnudist: Yep
lawnmowerman41: do you care to chat or would u like me to go away
alyssanjnudist: I dont mind chattin
lawnmowerman41: cool
alyssanjnudist: Just multitaskin
alyssanjnudist: So howd ya like charlie
lawnmowerman41: ok
lawnmowerman41: he did kinda creep me out a little
alyssanjnudist: lol HOws that
lawnmowerman41: told me you caught him wanking to the porn sites
alyssanjnudist: lol Yeah
lawnmowerman41: he said he has seen you doing the same
lawnmowerman41: could not watch my sister do that blah
alyssanjnudist: Hmm wonder how he knew that
lawnmowerman41: he said he could smell it
alyssanjnudist: Oh yeah now ya say that. Yesterday you were all like whew incenst lol
alyssanjnudist: Ooo crap yeah my seat. Hmm
lawnmowerman41: opps maybe i said to much
alyssanjnudist: Growin up we both knew each other did that. I caught him ac ouple times, and idnt say. And he knew I did it with the vibrating toothbruth lol
lawnmowerman41: at least its clean
lawnmowerman41: do you have a web cam???
alyssanjnudist: Even masterbated in same room together a couple times when we were younger
alyssanjnudist: Yup, in 1000 pieces in a box in the closet
lawnmowerman41: why
lawnmowerman41 kinda close with your bro ehhh
lawnmowerman41: what did you have a race
alyssanjnudist: Yup I guess so
alyssanjnudist: lol I dunno. I guess. We raced once
alyssanjnudist: Men always win
lawnmowerman41: lol then role over and go to sleep right
alyssanjnudist: When we race now though I finish sometimes faster. Cause I have a vibrator and not a toothbrush
alyssanjnudist: Yeah guys tend to roll over and sleep
lawnmowerman41: still racing
lawnmowerman41: do elp each other
lawnmowerman41: help
alyssanjnudist: Yeah only within the past 6 months or so. After nudism and stuff I showed him. Then got in a convo one night what we did when younger.
lawnmowerman41: but do u help each other
alyssanjnudist: Im sure if I said we did, youd log off and be grossed out lol
lawnmowerman41: no just curious
alyssanjnudist: Well ok. Guess we been talkin enough.
alyssanjnudist: Yeah we do
lawnmowerman41: explain
alyssanjnudist: Whats to explain
lawnmowerman41: details girl details
alyssanjnudist: Ok well for instance then, probably when he was grossin you out online. Cause he was turned on. Afte comin back from the kitchen I got under the computer desk and sucked him off
lawnmowerman41: are u kidding me
alyssanjnudist: No not really. Who would kid about that
lawnmowerman41: today alot of people
alyssanjnudist: Probably right
lawnmowerman41: have u gone further than that
alyssanjnudist: No mostly oral fingering sucking licking jerking off etc
lawnmowerman41: wow
alyssanjnudist: I guess wow. lol
alyssanjnudist: Foolin around is great though. I like it. And hes got a nice thing so.
lawnmowerman41: do swallow
alyssanjnudist: Yes
lawnmowerman41: i am truely amazed and am certian u ar b sing me
alyssanjnudist: No reason to. I tell people really only online caue its anonymous
lawnmowerman41: ok
lawnmowerman41: but you have never had intercourse
alyssanjnudist: For a few it was a turn on to them. But plenty thought its nasty too. But oh well
alyssanjnudist: No not yet. Thought of it.
lawnmowerman41: i bet you know how it is when you get horny
alyssanjnudist: Met a couple once online who thought it was really hot
alyssanjnudist: Yeah when I get horny I want it no matter what usually. And hes big, so.
lawnmowerman41: how do i look at your yahoo space again
alyssanjnudist: profile?
lawnmowerman41: ya
alyssanjnudist: Actions Contact Options View Profile
lawnmowerman41 does your bro have a spot
lawnmowerman41: or profile
alyssanjnudist: Nope. He dont have a computer. Which is why hes stealin mine
lawnmowerman41: just trying to picture you to going at it
alyssanjnudist: Well its not like by lookin at us youd think we're related. Look just like anyone else
alyssanjnudist: No one looks at us strangely at the beach together
lawnmowerman41: you are a nice dish and would like to see the oooooh face in the throws of passion
alyssanjnudist: Yeah? talk your wife into it and maybe we can all meet
lawnmowerman41: were do u live
alyssanjnudist: NJ lol
lawnmowerman41: its another planet
alyssanjnudist: lol
lawnmowerman41: thats why i asked about the web cam
alyssanjnudist: Thats ok i think your wife wouldnt approve anyway!
alyssanjnudist: Yeah I had a cam and it was thrown against the wall
lawnmowerman41 she would do that i am sure as long as she didnt know he is your bro
lawnmowerman41 why
alyssanjnudist: Ooo wel that sucks
alyssanjnudist: Shed find out cause we say it in front each other while doin it lol
lawnmowerman41 i think you are feeding me a line what kind of proof can u offer
alyssanjnudist: Honestly? No real proof
alyssanjnudist: Cause I aint givin out my phone numbe ror address
lawnmowerman41: thinking more in the line of a pic of u 2 in action
alyssanjnudist: Dont own a digital
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 9
here she is
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 13
jeff post! sort of. lazy-guy copy/paste jeff post.

edit: she is hot as hell though
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 29
Well, I DID live in West Virginia for a few years!! And she is pretty hot.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 22
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 15
Hmmm, kinda disturbing, but she is hot.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 7
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 12
here here BULLSHITE!!
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 8
She is hot as hell, but I don't care how hot my sister is... I would never screw her or anything along those lines at all. I mean christ, that's your sister man!
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 9
Originally posted by Maverick1226

She is hot as hell, but I don't care how hot my sister is... I would never screw her or anything along those lines at all. I mean christ, that's your sister man!

did you read the post u dumbass........i was talking online to some chick dude or whatever and he/she or what ever told me they suck each other off what a sick sick world

do u understand now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!noob
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 4
In a heart beat!!!
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 16
im looking the hottie girl...but what the fuck about sister???
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 9
her and her brother materbate and suck each other off
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 27
What a fucked up thread.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 8
incest is a bad bad thing... so give me her name, address and number!!! ;P
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 29
Don`t know if the story here is true, i`ve seen this babe pic before.. in our gallery..
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
That wasn't her brother.. that was me
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 4
Probably would as long as mom doesn't get jealous
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 12
Originally posted by ronniels

Probably would as long as mom doesn't get jealous

That's gross
... and happy birthday...
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 7
I think I smell............BULLSHIT!!!!
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
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