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Wife deleted my porn.

Starter: beaner123 Posted: 15 years ago Views: 6.8K
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Id smack her dumb ass! Tell her to fuck off and dont fuck with your porn!
Originally posted by Honda_X


What a bitch, but...this is mostly your fault for not encrypting it. it. I keep my pornz on an external encrypted drive, just so nobody finds it.

I'm paranoid someone will find out that I have 2000 pictures of Avril Lavigne. ...

I can't help but be curious about these 2000 pictures honda haha
Lvl 16
Why not sit down with her and find out why she thinks she has the right to delete your stuff of any kind? You can use analogies like "how would you feel if I threw out most of your clothes" or something like that. The fact that she feels that she has the right to discard something that isn't hers smacks of control issues. If she doesn't like it, then she has every right to talk to you about it and try to understand why you have a porn stash and express her feelings about it. She does not have the right to take unilateral action and delete something that isn't hers.

Frankly, it's a conversation that you should have had with your wife before you got married. There are a good deal of women who feel threatened by porn or feel that it's exploitative to women, and for the most part it is still a kind of taboo subject in a lot of relationships. But if you are going to be looking at it, then you need to understand how she feels about it and how it's going to effect your relationship.
Lvl 18
Yeah the women who think it's exploitative to women are retarded. Women run the porn industry. They pick what men they'll work with, what directors, they make the most money. Porn is exploitative to men really. Porn stars exploit our uncontrollable instinct to want to see them naked in order to take our money and get filthy rich. We are being taken advantage of by the porn stars not the other way around.
Lvl 12
I couldn't be bothered to read 7 pages, sorry, but why not collect it and upload it to an image thingy such as chickupload, thats that i do, and spread it over a few of them cs well
Lvl 12
Rapidshare the movies to.
Lvl 28
Man, I just realized I said "bitch"...I should probably go edit that.

Also, I plan on making a thread shortly with sum Avril pics for all. Prepare your faces to be rocked off.
Lvl 24
Originally posted by Honda_X

Man, I just realized I said "bitch"...I should probably go edit that.

Also, I plan on making a thread shortly with sum Avril pics for all. Prepare your faces to be rocked off.

I'll start preparing in a week or two.

I don't want my face to get stuck that way because of extended premature preparation.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Bangledesh


I'll start preparing in a week or two.

I don't want my face to get stuck that way because of extended premature preparation.

That's a pretty good idea.

Everyone listen to this man.
Lvl 6
Do you want some of my porn? I can send it to you
Lvl 18
Guys you just opened my eyes. I really don't have anything saved that couldn'd be deleted. Thanks
Lvl 29
Originally posted by Tiera

Do you want some of my porn? I can send it to you

an offer like that shouldn't be refused!
Lvl 18
Recover your files, dump her and then sleep with her best friends. Problem solved.
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