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Wife deleted my porn.

Starter: beaner123 Posted: 15 years ago Views: 6.8K
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Lvl 28
Did the unicorn have tentacles?
Lvl 59
No, unicorns have horns.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by EricLindros

No, unicorns have horns.


Lvl 14
Back on topic

I think he should go into the bedroom and bin all her make up and the hairdryer (then no man would look at her seeing that she doesnt want you to look at other women)..... and whilst he is at it also bin her vibrator........ see how that makes her feel. Then you should be equal.
Lvl 4
jSorry for the loss. I would charge the camera and make her retape it al the her and my self as the leading actors....
Lvl 4
yeah you gotta start backing stuff up.

so uhh...about those Avril Lavigne pics...I can't find too many good ones on the intranetz.
i think u should get some naked pictures of ur wife and upload here
Lvl 13
If you want a secrect, private porn collection, you could always just post it all to yourself at a google email account. Always there when you want it, anywhere in the world in fact. Or just use palces like this. Or if you are really at a loss just google Molly Sugden and do what you gotta do.
Originally posted by jenngurl23

lol. the only porn i have is a couple pics a girl sent me awhile ago (a couple being, actually 2) and then just maybe... my favorites on wbw? lol.

*deletes jenn's favorites*
Lvl 11
recover the deleted files...
if my gf deleted anything on my PC i'd punch her in the face without warning.....regardsles it being porn or other files.
In return i'd censor her closet, she would have no descend clothes left. just to give her an idea of what the fuck she was doing on my pc...

i don't understand why some womenz have this lack of respect and such a sickneed to control their partners.

but reading your story mate, makes me realize why i love mine.
Lvl 24
the bitch!
Lvl 10
Fshev is that how you really feel..
Lvl 10
Originally posted by EricLindros

No, unicorns have horns.
I think they have one huge one...
Lvl 10
Originally posted by Honda_X



Some horns can be magic..
Lvl 15
Originally posted by creepus

if my gf deleted anything on my PC i'd punch her in the face without warning.....regardsles it being porn or other files.
In return i'd censor her closet, she would have no descend clothes left. just to give her an idea of what the fuck she was doing on my pc...

i don't understand why some womenz have this lack of respect and such a sickneed to control their partners.

but reading your story mate, makes me realize why i love mine.
First off get a thumb drive and save to there. 16 Gig is fairly cheap and should do the trick.
Secondly, there is this thing called the "interweb" that was specifically designed for delivering porn to you when ever you want it. Free. Third, you really need to have a discussion with her about boundaries.

Creepus you have issues we won't get into.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by monsterk

Creepus you have issues we won't get into.

Lvl 15
Active File Recovery, to get all your deleted files back!
Lvl 10
Just shag her sister / best mate, it will cheer you up
Lvl 30
Originally posted by morpheon

Active File Recovery, to get all your deleted files back!

Yup, this is the way you can get it back
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