Originally posted by dancjmRP FTW
RP? As in Ross Perot? Is he still alive?
Originally posted by dancjmRP FTW
Originally posted by Sugarpie...
RP? As in Ross Perot? Is he still alive?
Originally posted by Sugarpie...
How would directing the $250M per day from Afghanistan to social programs raise taxes?
Hell...just redirect $50M a day...18.25 Billion will fund an awful lot of social programs.
Originally posted by dancjm...
I'm talking about a PAUL.
Originally posted by Sugarpie...
I was trying to make a funny, but yeah Ron Paul...is he alive? ;p In all seriousness, idk...3 campaigns and he's 0-3, I'm not sure he can ever win one.
Originally posted by moss...
I see people using food stamps all the time then drive away in a new $50k SUV.
Originally posted by EricLindros...
You are a liar.
Originally posted by moss...
Sugarpie, the only way to afford it is raise the taxes Again. Of course it will be taxing the working class more and not the entitlement class.
Originally posted by NightCruiser...
They could cut wasteful spending ie military being charged too much by contractors ETC. What people are saying is the poor are not causing our financial problems. During bad times though people focus on the poor as the problem. People seem to have to vent and blame someone. This last downturn was NOT caused by entitlements. The last down turn was caused by banks, wall-street and government deregulation. We are talking $Trillions worldwide down the drain. Poor investments. Gambling that home prices wouldn't drop. Uninsured Credit default swaps in the Trillions. As for our borders--if business would stop hiring Illegals they would quit coming here. Obviously many businesses want low wage workers doing what many American workers don't want to do
Originally posted by NightCruiser...
They could cut wasteful spending ie military being charged too much by contractors ETC. What people are saying is the poor are not causing our financial problems. During bad times though people focus on the poor as the problem. People seem to have to vent and blame someone. This last downturn was NOT caused by entitlements. The last down turn was caused by banks, wall-street and government deregulation. We are talking $Trillions worldwide down the drain. Poor investments. Gambling that home prices wouldn't drop. Uninsured Credit default swaps in the Trillions. As for our borders--if business would stop hiring Illegals they would quit coming here. Obviously many businesses want low wage workers doing what many American workers don't want to do
Originally posted by EricLindrosYou do not see people using food stamps all the time then driving away in new $50k SUVs. That is something you made up, because (1) it doesn't happen very frequently at all and (2) even if it did (it doesn't) there is no way you would know what their situation is.
I'm not calling you names, I'm telling you that something you just said in this forum (like many other things you've said here) is false, and you know it to be false.
Originally posted by Davey45...
This. When people talk about slashing the military budget, it doesn't mean put our soldiers in an even crappier environment with less than they already have. It mean stop spending trillions to war profiteers. You know there are developmental aircraft, that the US has never actually even used that cost taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars? This is WASTED money. If you ask me where I'd rather see my tax dollars go, I'll give it to poor people 100% of the time before I give 1 more cent to billionaire government contract holders who often work on a no-bid system and/or they have ties to highly elected US officials. cough...Halliburton...cough...
Originally posted by moss...
Davey, I agree that we need to stop and even punish the people responsible for the no-bid system if that in fact is happening regularly.
Im not sure i support stopping or even slowing down on the research, development & testing of future military projects. This seems like it would leave us vulnerable when other countries continue developing. The way technology changes & advances so quickly, I think to ensure security of our country we need to continue to advance with it.
Originally posted by Davey45Also, just so you don't believe I'm some bleeding heart ultra liberal, moss, I believe in ending all government subsidy programs for anyone but the elderly and the handicapped. The free market can easily level itself when you eliminate extra money getting shoved into it by the government. The costs of goods and housing is so high because instead of letting the market determine the price or value of something, the government alters it by changing the rules. There is a lot of talk about raising the minimum wage to $10/hour. To me it's a waste because, at least where I live, $10/hour will not get off government assistance. If they really wanted to fix the problem but avoid the short term chaos a transition to free market would bring, they could raise the minimum to roughly $12 and then eliminate all social programs but for the sick and elderly. On $12/hour you can afford a non subsidized apartment, food and even a cheap car. There would be no reason for a person capable of work to not work.
Originally posted by moss...
You obviously still can't read or you would have recognized the connection with the welfare issue davey posted about.
You should be able to figure out the connection between immigrants draining the financial system at this point & time.
Im sure you can also figure out that minimum wage jobs are not supposed to be careers or for raising families. They are beginner jobs designed for our youth to get some work ethic & work history.
This is a tough one so stay with me on this one kylecook, If you work at McDonalds and earn minimum wage, DO NOT get pregnant it's not enough to support kids on. This way we won't have to give you welfare or food stamps for your children. Common sense & budgeting works well in this case.
I hope you see the connection now to daveys post.