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What's Your Go To Drank

Starter: FamilyGuy Posted: 11 years ago Views: 11.4K
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Lvl 18
Good day yesterday, so I am celebrating all weekend... Picked up two bottles of

and a bottle of

Lvl 29
Lvl 3
I'm partial to a Sam Lager.
Recent purchase,

James Boag's Draught.

Refreshing with a mellow feel about it, nice easy drop. It's like the hash of beer, could almost pass as a mid strength brew although it has the same alcohol content as your average full strength.
Lvl 11
Jack Daniels - Straight up, no ice.
Lvl 14
Beer - La Fin Du Monde
Spirit - Johnny Walker (Black or Blue label)
Mix - Negroni or a Dark and Stormy
Lvl 17
I tend to be more of a social drinker, I rarely touch spirits unless I'm at a party and WANT to get wasted, at which point I'll drink almost anything. My birthday party drinks last week consisted of various spirits mixed with lemonade and Pepsi. I honestly can't take any whiskey, it's just too strong,

Anyway, my go to drink of choice is a fine British lager called Carling. it has a stigma that it's not that strong, (4.3%), and those people normally prefer stronger Stella Artois lager.

Comes in cans like this.....

I work in the brewery town where Coors are based, and blagged entry into the brewery shop which is meant for employees and local businesses, so I get carling at discounted rates, and special offers on end of lines, like these

Carling Chrome

It is refined, has a slightly stronger % but tastes really smooth. 

I found these the other day too. 

Carling Aluminium

Tastes lovely, not like normal Carling, and has a really cool aluminium can/bottle!

I got mashed the other day drinking these

They kicked my white ass!

The wife prefers Disaronno and cherry coke, it's very nice with ice!

Lvl 6
My favs:

Scotch (Single malt) - Highland Park 12
Beer - Shock Top, Blue Point Toasted Lager, Hoegaarden
Rum - Appleton 10
Wine - Pinot noir from Oregon or France, sauvingon blanc from New Zealand
Lvl 21
Bud Light & Jack Honey
Lvl 28
That Desperado sounds interesting.

I like rum too. Barbancourt Estate Reserve. With some ties to Haiti, I get a duty free bottle every once in a while. A special treat.
Lvl 14
Jack Daniels and Coke
Lvl 17
Only the best for me

Originally posted by Davallia

Only the best for me

[ Image ]

Straight edge! Now there's something I want to try before I die.
Lvl 28
Lately I've been drinking green's nice.
Lvl 18
Originally posted by Honda_X

Lately I've been drinking green's nice.

Careful there boy wonder, that stuff makes you gay. It's true! I read it on the interwebs...
Lvl 17
Originally posted by bustMall

That Desperado sounds interesting.

I like rum too. Barbancourt Estate Reserve.

The desperadoes are very nice. Almost a sweet beer taste, after 4-5 bottles, it really hit me.

I'm such a lightweight!

Oh, my dad LOVES his rum. Captain Morgan is his drink.
Originally posted by Honda_X

Lately I've been drinking green's nice.

Same here...especially after reading The Tao of Healthy Living.
On the other hand, I've lately been revisiting my childhood attraction of Madiera wine.
Lvl 79
Irish Whiskey - Redbreast 12 or 15, neat in a Riedel single malt glass.
Lvl 17
Lvl 5
i prefer rum, it's easier to swallow.

and alcohol = liquid panty remover as the previous image states... i'm drunk on captain morgan black or w/e atm. cheap stuff.
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