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What OS do you run?

Starter: Punly Posted: 15 years ago Views: 4.1K
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Originally posted by Punly

I just started using Linux on my gaming computer, and being as how my laptop, which has been my main computer for like 4 years ran Windows...and the desktop before that one ran Windows(both XP), I started thinking...What OS does your computer run?

I guess I should add in here, which version do you run i.e. for Windows users, XP, Vista, Windows 7, or even some old school motherfucker out there running Windows 95 cause it's what all the cool kids are doing.

Why are you running this particular OS? Was it by choice, or just what your computer came installed with? Also, if you are running an OS like Linux, which distro are you using?

[ Image ]

Currently running xp pro on a raid 5 gaming platform. What version of Linux are you using? i started with redhat 5.0, suse etc etc very good & powerful o.s.'s but games aren't there. oh & i forgot Caldera... never tried Lindows.
* This post has been modified : 15 years ago
Lvl 17
Originally posted by Punly

Why are you running this particular OS?

Linux. Since February 1998. Before was M$ DOS, PC DOS, IBM OS/2, M$ Wingdows 95.

Originally posted by Punly

Was it by choice, or just what your computer came installed with?

By choice. I was looking for an alternative to M$ products since 1991. E.g. had a briliant experience with WordPerfect 5.1.

Originally posted by Punly

Also, if you are running an OS like Linux, which distro are you using?

Debian. Even on a Mac Mini. Stable, and testing for about year and a half.
Ubuntu on two machines.
Lvl 5
I run Vista Business on my laptop, only because I need it for school. I love running Debian-based *nix as well, never had a problem w/ Hardy Heron. Dual booting is always fun as well. When I was a lot younger the first linux distro I used was Slackware gui lol.
Lvl 4
2 running XP

2 laptops running Vista

And mine is running Vista
Lvl 3
I have 2 machines and 3 os's.

Apple iMac - OSX Leopard / Windows XP
Sony Vaio laptop - Windows 7

The laptop is actually my main computer. It's rigged for gaming (yeah, it runs Crysis) and I can take it with me.
I run bow chicka bow wow! Or Vista or some shit like that but hey what ever it is Its Working I think
Lvl 37
Unfortunately, I am running Vista... I can't wait for 7 to come out!
Lvl 23
My new laptop came with vista home premium and i tell ya what it really pisses me off...
Lvl 5
my laptop that was running vista just died on me...two hard drives and two mother boards later...Fuck you HP! I just got a new toshiba with 7 and so far so good. I don't use my computer for much other than surfing the web and downloading shit from time to time so I'm content.
Lvl 18
Lvl 14
Dualboot XP/Ubuntu but will switch to dualboot XP/Kubuntu in a few days when the new version comes out. I'm only using XP because I want to play a game often. Otherwise I would be switching to Ubuntu/Kubuntu and say farewell to Windows
Lvl 5
For the last 2 months or so, Ubuntu 9.04, excited for 9.10. Am currently dual booting Fedora Core 11 and Ubuntu 9.04, have removed all traces of XP Tried KDE and XFCE environments on Ubuntu, then scrapped that idea after a day b/c I like Gnome. Plus, having the different environments causes your menus to look like gigantic goat clusterfucks, and I didn't want to go through the process of cleaning my menus, etc... so I removed both and went back to gnome. I am considering trying a few different distros, but my love of this particular debian-derived o/s, and the difficulty of finding good drivers for my offbrand pos DVD burner are keeping me from doing an x-boot situation, where x = retarded large number of o/ses, just for the halibut.
Lvl 5
Ubuntu on two machines for the last three years. Jaunty 9.04 on a desktop and Karmic 9.10 on my laptop. I have my entire family on Ubuntu as well as my two best fiends. Love the open source life!!
Main PC = Windows XP Pro 64bit
HTPC = Windows Vista Ultimate 64bit
Server = Windows XP Pro
Spare PC = Windows XP Pro
Laptop = Windows XP Pro
Lvl 7
-On my Gaming rig i am running genuine Vista 32 home premium on 2xRAID0 drives that i run 99% of the time. I have also got genuine Win7 installed on a seperate 500GB drive but i havn't even installed any software on it apart from windows updates.
Basically the reason i havn't switched over to constant use of Win7 is i havn't had a single issue with running Vista yet. I am actually one of the very few that seems to like vista. I also can't be bothered to have to reinstall all of my many games that i play.

- On my laptop i have dual boot genuine Vista 32 home premium and Ubuntu.
Only kept Vista on it 'cos my laptop came with vista and it's geniune. It's the same serial key that came with my laptop that i used on my dekstop so for once in years, am not running any dodgy copies of windows.
I use ubuntu because i like to tinker with ethercap and airecrack, those kind of programs for all that are familiar with them. I suppose you do get software on windows that can do the same but i prefer linux for running them.
Lvl 26
I am running Windows 7 since release day and everything runs much better than when i had Vista.
Lvl 16
My PC - Windows 7 Ultimate
Wife's laptop - Vista Home Premium (Moving to 7 Home Premium as soon as she will hand it over long enough)
Kids PC - XP Pro (Moving to 7 Ultimate as soon as I have time to do the upgrade)

I already have the 7 OS licenses for the bottom two, just haven't had time to do them yet. My wife doesn't want to hand hers over for it and the kids is going to take a while going from XP and having to reinstall everything.
Lvl 80
Windows 7. It's great.
Lvl 10
Human 1.0
Lvl 8
MacBook Pro - Mac OS X Leopard (10.5.8), Boot Camp Partition Windows XP Professional (SP3), VMWare Fusion Virtual Machine Ubuntu Linux 9.10 and Virtual Machine Sun Solaris 10 64 bit
PowerMac G5 - Mac OS X Leopard (10.5.8)
Dell Inspiron 518 - Windows Vista Home Premium (SP2)
Dell Dimension E510 - Windows XP Home (SP3)
Dell Dimension 2350 - Ubuntu Linux 9.04
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