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What is your opinion of your nation's military?

Starter: linenboy Posted: 18 years ago Views: 2.6K
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Lvl 9
I know it may be tempting, but please try not to voice your political opinions in this post. All I want to know is what country you are from, and how you feel about your nation's military.

I am from the USA and feel my nations all volunteer military should be increased in size by 25%.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
you have a massive fascination with militaries...

and this will get political, you might hope not but im sure it will...and the minute it does, this will be locked.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 7
Just ask the kids in Iraq what they feel.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 12
its a waste of money, solve problems through diplomatic actions , not by force. WASTE OF MONEY and LIVES
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 11
Im from Wales Britain, and I think our forces are commited young Men and Women who are only there for the good of others. Well they must be in the midst of everything they go through to get there, they all know that they will be striaght off to some war torn corner of the world. And if any one wanted to walk through our boarders they could cause we go no national guard theyre all other places but theyre great. The greatest even
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Originally posted by andrelarson

Just ask the kids in Iraq what they feel.

not really what he is asking though is he?

im happy with what Oz has, we dont need any more...the job of our army is to protect our shores and our way off life. Nothing else
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 9
Originally posted by Latino

you have a massive fascination with militaries...

and this will get political, you might hope not but im sure it will...and the minute it does, this will be locked.

OK great. If your going to waste the time posting anything, you might as well answer the question.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 9
Originally posted by Latino

Just ask the kids in Iraq what they feel.

not really what he is asking though is he?

im happy with what Oz has, we dont need any more...the job of our army is to protect our shores and our way off life. Nothing else

Thank you.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 29
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Originally posted by pigeontamertoo

you have a massive fascination with militaries...

and this will get political, you might hope not but im sure it will...and the minute it does, this will be locked.

OK great. If your going to waste the time posting anything, you might as well answer the question.

i was going to, just making that point very clear from the begining, seems some didnt get it.

Originally posted by pigeontamertoo

Just ask the kids in Iraq what they feel.

not really what he is asking though is he?

im happy with what Oz has, we dont need any more...the job of our army is to protect our shores and our way off life. Nothing else

Thank you.

youre welcome.

and learn to edit, dont double post
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 7
Originally posted by pigeontamertoo

I know it may be tempting, but please try not to voice your political opinions in this post. All I want to know is what country you are from, and how you feel about your nation's military.

I am from the USA and feel my nations all volunteer military should be increased in size by 25%.

If we try to increase our nations military by 25% we would need to goto a draft system 25% would be hard target number to increase. Even with stop-loss being in place.
How I feel about the American Military is great I am proud to have served and I am proud of the men and women that put on the uniform everyday. Good or bad right or wrong we do it every day.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 11
The US has what it needs. We have a standing force of 1.2 million. (Various branches)

I'm proud of them. For a volunteer army to do all of what it's asked, under constant criticism, and do it professionally, AND successfully - it's breathtaking. I'm especially impressed with the marines. They're quite simply an awe-inspiring example of what training and motivation can do.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
I am from the great country of of Itsgonnahurtyoustan and we need bigger milatary to take over world, we small now soon we be big then you watch out

world domination is our first middle name

we will how you say kill you first ask the lesbians later? maybe my translator is messed up......

back to military we are small soom be big our bows and arrows will concur your countries people
* This post has been modified : 3 years ago
Lvl 9
Originally posted by InvisibleGod

I am from the great country of of Itsgonnahurtyoustan and we need bigger milatary to take over world, we small now soon we be big then you watch out

world domination is our first middle name

we will how you say kill you first ask the lesbians later? maybe my translator is messed up......

back to military we are small soom be big our bows and arrows will concur your countries people

You should consider hiring a force, like they do during the weekly government overthrows in Africa.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 13
well here in NZ we have a small military, they do what they have to do. We arnt into wars and such more peacekeeping and stuff, plus in the pacific a lot of little shit has been fleering up lately and they go help them out to control what ever is happening. here it's not about fighting wars its about community and looking after people. but that said we also have troops that are trained to kill like the infantry and stuff but they are mainly around to assist the people who are rebuilding for example our infantry well part of it are in Afganistan to support our engineers and to keep them from getting fucked over.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 13
Well, generally the Dutch amry consists of a bunch of pansies, they surrendered to the germans in 4 days in 1940, they let a whole bunch of people die at sebreniza in yugoslavia, cuz they were too panzy to make stand, and they never fully comit to any military engagement. but thats the political side of things i guess.

All that said

I know some Dutch special forces guys and marines and they are as tough and crazy as their american counterparts (of whom i know quite a few too).

Holland is capable just not motivated to run their armed forces properly.

finally, we have plenty of people enlisted to serve our purposes, and a large enuf reserve to back that up. Except we are over commited to the EU, UN, and NATO and most of our troops are not actually troops but desk jockeys. So i say mre active service men less beaurocracy.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 13
I've been in the US Army for over 10 years, and I am in Iraq (As some might already know here...)
I am quite proud of what we do here, regardless of the "why"... As for the "ask the Iraqi children" comment, I have... Most of them are glad to see us, and almost always run right up to us and try and talk with us.. Do you think your children would run up to a fully armored soldier who's full armed? I would think they'd be intimidated... Not these kids. They've seen shit like no one else could imagine, yet they smile and run and play soccer like mad!
The comment on the upsizing was right... It won't happen. The main reason behind the shrinking of the Army is the fact we do more with less... The soldiers are better trained and equipped with really good equipment (mostly) It's a smarter Army now, as well. A high percentage of troops are college educated. This helps, believe me...
I had a thread with lots of interesting stuff on it, including pics and some educated (and not so educated) opinions posted.. I'd like to start posting on it again, so if a mod reads this, unlock it please. I'm nearing the end of my tour in Iraq, so my activities are slowing... However, I have lots to share for those interested...
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 16
Originally posted by KidKoala

its a waste of money, solve problems through diplomatic actions , not by force. WASTE OF MONEY and LIVES

Diplomacy is the art of offering carrots while holding the stick behind your back. Without a military, there is no stick to use if the carrot does not work. I believe we all despise war and wish it did not exist, but it does and as long as one country has a military or can reconstitute one quickly, all countries must have one.

The European theatre of WWII was created by the failure of diplomacy. Europe had no stomach for another war, and rightfully so. But some men had other opinions and decided that the desire not to use their military was a sign of weakness instead of a sign of their hatred of the death and destruction caused by war.

It is easy to say the military is not the answer when you have no control over the question.

As far as the US military, I believe it is close to large enough right now. We currently have men in Bosnia and other places that it would probably be better to allow more local troops from surrounding countries to take our place. All of our UN and NATO attachments could probably be decreased for the short term until the other two larger actions are completed in a year or so.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 23
Originally posted by InvisibleGod

I am from the great country of of Itsgonnahurtyoustan and we need bigger milatary to take over world, we small now soon we be big then you watch out

world domination is our first middle name

we will how you say kill you first ask the lesbians later? maybe my translator is messed up......

back to military we are small soom be big our bows and arrows will concur your countries people

* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 18
i want to join the israeli army... They have hot girls in their ranks!!! HE HE HE
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
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