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Virginity - is this worth waiting? (and how much :-)

Starter: bestman Posted: 19 years ago Views: 5.4K
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Lvl 5
Dont fuck either of them, unless your ready. IT isnt like it is going to be your best ever, and it will be memorable either way. U have to drop the 15 yo, it is ALWAYS going to be weird and it wont pan out. Dude when u feel you are ready to have sex, then just do it, with anyone you want. IT WILL ALWAYS BE YOUR CHOICE!!
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 29
Waiting until you are married to have sex is kind of like not learning to drive until you own a car.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 14
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 9
Well, I agree that your first intercourse should be with someone you really care about, and trust. Doing it for the first time with a total stranger, would ruin some of the emotinal feelings bound to it. Don't rush it mate, do it with someone you really like, and in this situation, drop them both!
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 15
Originally posted by bestman

Ok but the question is: I think I'm like a woman when it comes to sex :-) - I want my 1st time something special, will girls like N 2 give me "the one, special moment" memorable for a years? Or maybe only "true virgin love" matters?

Well bud, looks like you should light a candle, play some Teddy Pendergrass and get out the Lube. Just kidding!!! I have alot of respect for you dude, wanting it to be special and all. My first time certainly wasnt, and I almost hate to think about her... and her sister.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 51
Originally posted by Jackster

Stay away from the 15 year old. This is not just for legal reasons. I think a guy who is 20 and lusting over a 15 year old girl has a bit of a problem. While it's only a five year difference, at that age and her lack of any experience, the difference is greater than you realize (even though you are both virgins) and you will be using her for your own, selfish needs.

Go out with the second girl. Please note, I am not saying you need to sleep with her, that is an entirely separate decision, but I think you could learn something about dating and life in general from the second girl.

good answer...
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 10
Originally posted by SpyroX

i like to read all the stuff which was said here and as you see of your own everyone has different opinions i will tell you something from me , i lose my virginity two months before i was 16 ... for it wasnt anything special and really i dint like it , the girl "i laid " went to US she came back this summer She is always saying that she loves me , i really dont know why cauz i didnt do anything to make her love me .... Well as i think is better never pass up a chance to get laid . we had sex again and the only thing i can say is that it was awesome was surely my greatest experience so i dont think that the first time its neccesarily to be special this is what i think ... do what you wana do

In seriously can't believe "never pass up a chance to get laid" and "see a prostitute" are being offered as advice. If this guy really wanted to make good on every opportunity for sex, he'd already be doing it. That's clearly not what he wants, and it's for the good of everyone involved.

Bestman-- don't listen to guys like these. Not even because you think your first time has to be "special" emotionally. Keep in mind you could end up bringing a child into the world because of it. Be selective, be careful, and don't go in with this attitude of "fuckin hell I just want to get LAID!" that people are egging you into. Ultimately, the issue may be more than just what you want and what she wants.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
I would say avoid #1. One of the first things I learned about girls is to know when to cut your losses and not to wait for someone who you like. Another point is that #1 could change anytime and go for a different guy. Teens can change pretty quickly.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 14
ok, say you wait 3 years for #1, she's special ok, good, but by that time you might have built it up to be something spectacular. First time will most likely not be good, 1..2..3.. oops, your done, she's unsatisfied, plus you will be 23, not that old, but by that time a lot of the girls you would have talked to before would be taken possibly. I'm not saying do it now with #2, because she is obviously not your first choice, find someone else, or you might miss your opportunity.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 12
Ok guys, situation changed after few days... She's 16 now (she had birthday in friday), we were drinking (I usually don't drink much (AISB I'm not a party man) and she started talking... She was really drunk - she told me much more I wanted to hear... She had a boyfriend a year ago... She said, that he "abused her" because he had another girlfriend same time he was with her... I'm really scared about the word "abused" - I asked her about it, "Is this a "bed" kind of abuse" she said "It hurts too much, I won't talk about this"

F**K! Some $hitty psycho pedo f***ed my girlfriend!

And the worst thing is, that he went to moth*****in Germany so I can't ask him about this... I can't ask her either because she probably doesn't even remember that she told me this! $hit! Now things really f***ed up! I skip the #2, my virgin is PROBABLY not a virgin no more (you guys say, that f***ning the 16 yo is pedophile - she was probably barely 15 when she had sex! F**k, world is changing fast, isn't it? :-) And now I can't leave #1 because I said many times before things like "I would never leave you" and "I really love you" and I don't want to lie her with her conditoion (she had fight with a friend, problems with teacher at school and she argued with parents about this birthday party)... What should I do NOW? Things really f***ed up...
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 12
-walks in....walks out...goes to look at more porn-
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 14
so she is your girlfriend? if so, damn, she should not have kept that a secret, if she is not your girlfriend, then she was probably just another 16yr old girl trying to get people to feel bad for her. The way you can tell is when she said it hurts too much to talk about it. She started to talk about it first, then she could not finish it because she did not know what to say. I bet you will hear a little more out of her in the next week. Things change, your both young. I've told a lot of girls that I loved them, and I would never leave them, but you can't help what happens in the future.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 12
well thank you psychologist-fucking-jones good to know you're on the job analizing things.

-lays down on couch-

let me tell you about my childhood
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago

Glad to see you back, CIAN.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 12
thanks's good to be's been far too long.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 14
he just wants peoples opinions, thats mine, and thats Dr. Jones
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 13
not a shame bro but i have to agree with jackster the 15 y o should be off limits for those reasons.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 12
my advice.. try finding a girl your own age, well maybe not age but someone who is that bit more mature! Being with someone that much younger is just gonna cause you problems, probably both legal and emotional. DO what you can to remain a friend to her but move on. If it really is meant to be and she is "the One" there will still be a spark there a few years down the line and neither of you will care about virginity.

btw, I myself was a virgin until I was 20. no big deal. I work with the girl and at this stage have little or no time for her- she f**ked me around majorly. Was seeing her for a while, still having not gone that far, when she decided that she preferred an (ex-)mate of mine. Stupid me I kept a friendship goin with her and when they broke up we ended up gettin pretty drunk and it happened- memorable, yes- but definatley nothing spectacular. A week later she was back with him and I've never had any time for her since, especially with her calls and messages afterward saying that she missed being with me.

My point being- don't expect that because you wait it'll be worth it or that it will last forever! But do wait if it feels right for you!
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 14
whatever you´ll decide - USE A GODDAMN CONDOM!!!
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 23
^^^ WORD!!
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
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