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there is a god

Starter: freakyhotel Posted: 19 years ago Views: 1.7K
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Lvl 5
look there is a god and hes definitly a bloke
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 17

This is good news!
Lvl 29
I really should print this. It would be good to show to any girl I go out with.

Lvl 10
Wow, this is awesome stuff. Who cares if it might not be true, I think we will all enjoy showing this article to that special someone.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 29
The way some girls are about dieting, if you can prove this to be true, you'll never be able to keep your dick out of her mouth. That could be a good thing!!

Lvl 19
Behold the new pick up line in bars.
Lvl 5
little bits of info like this just seem to make the world a better place!
Lvl 15

Great find. I'm printing it as we speak and keeping it in my wallet!
Lvl 15

I just showed that pic to my buddy and we agreed that women are parasites, they take all what's best from us (all those microelements, proteins) just to make them healthy and beautiful and we get nothing in return for our love and caring
Lvl 15
@ Garneck, We get blowjobs! Is there something else?
Lvl 18
very good news
Lvl 16
This should be at the front page!
Lvl 15
Originally posted by jobbie1kinobi

@ Garneck, We get blowjobs! Is there something else?

Yeah, right...

My gf just said it's not fully tested, because the effect of the method hasn't been checked on men () and she doesn't buy it
Lvl 16
Lvl 15
That's what my reaction was, too
Lvl 14
Actually, Garneck, I think it has been tested. Ask your girlfriend if she can name any really fat gay guys. Bet you she can't.

After a minute of her going, "Umm, uh, I'll think of one in a second...just give me a minute, " tell her to get down on her knees.
Lvl 9
Originally posted by jobbie1kinobi

Great find. I'm printing it as we speak and keeping it in my wallet!

mine too
Lvl 9
Originally posted by Jackster

Actually, Garneck, I think it has been tested. Ask your girlfriend if she can name any really fat gay guys. Bet you she can't.

After a minute of her going, "Umm, uh, I'll think of one in a second...just give me a minute, " tell her to get down on her knees.

Look at Al Roker!
You think he actually got lipo? HA! He's just been suckin a lot of dick lately
Lvl 15
Originally posted by Jackster

Actually, Garneck, I think it has been tested. Ask your girlfriend if she can name any really fat gay guys. Bet you she can't.

After a minute of her going, "Umm, uh, I'll think of one in a second...just give me a minute, " tell her to get down on her knees.

I'll have to try that one
Lvl 27
somebody call CNN, NBC, whatever. we need to spread this all over the world...

::prints a copy::
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