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Take a boat trip with RumDum..

Starter: RumDum Posted: 16 years ago Views: 2.0K
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Lvl 16
I thought I would make a thread of some of my travels. Mainly one of this season starting in Palm Beach. I will post pics and explenations for the pics. Im not sure where it will end up, as to my schedule is never certain. Updates will come along.

Feel free to add nudity when necassary, comment or just plain ol' spam..

The Boat.
Lvl 29
What in the hell is that? You're beginning to sound like Robodick!!

Lvl 16
The starting point of this seasons shity trip. BTW, this will be a slow thread, be patient.
Lvl 16
Just to clarify. As RD pointed out. Im the captain of the boat. I don't own it.

It's over a hundred feet long and the company that built the boat, built, I believe 12 or 14 of them. There are 4 still

floating.. . Really.
Im not Robodick, Im not bragging. Just sharing an adventure.
Lvl 29
Shitty trip? That looks like it'd be more fun than a barrel of monkeys!!

Lvl 16
Originally posted by rainbowdemon

Shitty trip? That looks like it'd be more fun than a barrel of monkeys!!

That thought would make you a good "owner" boss.

If used correctly, these boats can be benificial.
Lvl 8

best advice to stay in the channel

that an avoid falling off the edge of the world
Lvl 16
^^^ I remember that first crash, I was in miami when happened..

And the second pic, Ive had happen to me with a Sea-Doo, the Davit broke.. same with the tender in this second pic.
Lvl 28
I've heard about these homosexual party boats from The Simpsons, I'm glad you're having a good time man..just make sure you don't get too much seamen on your poop deck.
Lvl 20
Note the name of the first boat in the two disaster pics, "Temporary Insanity."
Lvl 8
Originally posted by RumDum

^^^ I remember that first crash, I was in miami when happened..

looking pretty bare out there what was his claim for hitting the marker
Lvl 16
Originally posted by crazycracker88


looking pretty bare out there what was his claim for hitting the marker

More money than brains.. basically
sweet thread
and sounds like an awesome job...

many orgys on board?
Lvl 11
Hey Ya'll! I sold the yacht and shit canned the wife for unfaitfhfulness! Much happier now!!! Got two Gf's One is a 38 yr old Chinese American & the other is a 39 yr old Irish/Black! Woo Hoo!!!!!
Lvl 16
Originally posted by Latino

sweet thread
and sounds like an awesome job...

many orgys on board?

*austin Powers voice*

, We'll see how the thread works out. Ive got other boat stories...
Lvl 8
Originally posted by Latino

sweet thread
and sounds like an awesome job...

many orgys on board?

no sausage fest tho, you started digging the cannal to the inland city
Lvl 13
i waited all this time for three pics wtf
Lvl 16
Mid trip, I took a "Bobby Bouchet", Waterboy trip, on the lawn mower to our new house to fix up. I rode that fucker for two plus miles, in northwest Ohio..
Atleast it was a John Deer.
Lvl 29
Originally posted by robodick

Hey Ya'll! I sold the yacht and shit canned the wife for unfaitfhfulness! Much happier now!!! Got two Gf's One is a 38 yr old Chinese American & the other is a 39 yr old Irish/Black! Woo Hoo!!!!!

Lvl 16
I was given 3 days to make it to NY from Palm Beach, it took two weeks.. ,, kept breaking down and very close to sinking.. Man did that suck..
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