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Snow and Ice Spam... Winter Edition

Starter: DEMO Posted: 8 years ago Views: 97.0K
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Lvl 27
Time to put Daveys legendary spam thread to rest
davebt22, 11lurch11, jsmith4400 find this awesome.
Lvl 71
Finally, it ends!

Enjoy the snow for those who have some
jsmith4400 finds this awesome.
Lvl 27
I've already plowed snow this season as much as I did all of last winter, so yeah, I'm enjoying it.
olysteve finds this awesome.
Lvl 23
For me it wasn't so bad. Didn't have to work on Saturday and it all melted on Sunday.
Lvl 27
We've had ffreezing rain, snow, rain, back to freezing rain, and back to snow this weekend...
Lvl 8
It's 84 today. I actually wish it would cool down a little.

R.I.P epically bad spam thread.
Lvl 27
We had a high of around 20ish, come on up Davey lol
Lvl 29
Snow is melting now and fog is quite bad..
Lvl 27
Oh yeah, we had fog the other night also as a warm front came through, very odd weather lol
Lvl 29
It does not feel like X-mas at all.. snow is missing..
Lvl 23
A lack of snow in Finland? That surprises me.
Lvl 27
Originally posted by exocet
A lack of snow in Finland? That surprises me.


We're supposed to have rain, both Christmas eve and day :-(
Lvl 29
Originally posted by exocet
A lack of snow in Finland? That surprises me.

Yeah, Right now Southern Finland is snow-free..
yesterday a friend bought me a bag of grated coconut... i asked him "is that snow from Denmark"?
Lvl 23
Originally posted by runa
yesterday a friend bought me a bag of grated coconut... i asked him "is that snow from Denmark"?

Coconuts don't grow in Denmark. It must be snow from Hawaii
Lvl 27
Snow from Columbia
Lvl 8
Originally posted by DEMO
Snow from Columbia

Nah, that's a whole different bag of white stuff.
Lvl 27
Put the lime in the coconut...
F1098 finds this awesome.
it seems Davey still misses his scooter...
maybe an ice frozen juicy coconut with Rum and Lime will cheer him up!
DEMO finds this awesome.
Here in North Dakota it's cold as hell. Haven't seen above 0 now in like 3 weeks except 3 days this week and now looks like a big blizzard is gonna dump another 15 inches of snow on Christmas Day. I do like the snow just not the negative 55 it's been
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