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Share your funny or odd PM's.

Starter: J-Swiss Posted: 15 years ago Views: 3.2K
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Lvl 18

Now we don't want to embarrass people in this thread so let's not post usernames but what kind of funny PM's have you received here on WBW? I often get PM's from people thinking I'm a chick I guess because of the girl in my avatar. They almost always come from non-active people who don't post and just lurk around. I'm sure the real girls here get some great ones. Just today I received a PM from someone which inspired this thread, it said...

"Hey would u like to right back to me beauty ? "

In the past I've also gotten...

"If you let me I would fuck you so hard you would cum out of your ass."

"Baby, if you send me some naked pictures of you I would buy you a car."

"I know we have never talked but I already feel I love you."

and one of my favorites (due to the broken english)...

"Wood you marry me if come to US? I very rich I have many money and I want wife."
* This post has been modified : 15 years ago
Lvl 18
Ok then, apparently I'm the only one who gets these types of PM's? I either feel really special or really creeped out right now, not sure which.
Lvl 18
I am guessing it must be your avy + your name isn't overtly gender specific. I think my name dissuades the creepy-crawlers. Although I have gotton some strange ones when I am logged on as Lindros.
Lvl 18
You're probably right. Usually I write back and just say "I'm a dude, I think you've gotten yourself confused."

What I'm worried about is the day someone writes back and says "I knew that before I wrote you" So far hasn't happened. In fact no one has ever even written back anything after I tell them I'm a guy.

Contemplating new user name to prevent confusion: J-Swiss-the-manliest-male-of-all-males
* This post has been modified : 15 years ago
Lvl 18
Originally posted by J-Swiss

Contemplating new user name to prevent confusion: J-Swiss-the-manliest-male

J-Swissenpenis? BigBallsHavingJ-Swiss? J-dontPMmeunlessyouhaveavaginaorareallygoodquestion-Swiss?
Lvl 18
great, I like all of those.
Lvl 9
Talk about arrogance, this guy took exception to my "Sorry boys only girls for me".

It took a few moments to realize that I had typed "sorry" in my profile and he read it there. I love guys that fall in love with a female symbol.

"why say your sorry that is something an arrogant white man would say
dont get me wrong its ok to love yourself but never make a statement that
declairs you are everymans dream or what he is missing that is what the hatters in this world do and i believe you are so much better than that"
* This post has been modified : 15 years ago
Lvl 24
Originally posted by J-Swiss

"If you let me I would fuck you so hard you would cum out of your ass."

Wait, who does what where?
Lvl 24
Originally posted by webbie1

Talk about arrogance, this guy took exception to my "Sorry boys only girls for me".

It took a few moments to realize that I had typed "sorry" in my profile and he read it there. I love guys that fall in love with a female symbol.

"why say your sorry that is something an arrogant white man would say
dont get me wrong its ok to love yourself but never make a statement that
declairs you are everymans dream or what he is missing that is what the hatters in this world do and i believe you are so much better than that"

I don't even understand that one...

Also, I get creepy random PMs also. But it's part of the job with dealing with the Dutchies.

The most annoying thing is the random MSN adds. Like, when guys try to cyber with me.

*doing my business*
Some n00b: "Hey baby"
Me: "Hi?"
Sn: "What are you doing?"
Me: "Nothing, mind if I ask who you are?"
Sn: "Oh, I'm from WBW."
Me: "Faaaaaantastic."
Sn: "You're hot."
Me: "*sigh*"
Me: "Yeah, I know."
Sn: "What are you wearing?"
Me: "Yeah... about time I hit the old dusty trail."
Sn: "Talk to you later."
Me: "That's great."
Lvl 18
Damn Bangles, glad I don't get em quite like that.

@webbie: I barely understand what he's tryin to say. I figured if I get some weird ones that the actual females on the site would have to be getting some really off the wall stuff.
Lvl 37
From a female:

“can you send me foot photos?”

After one of my Welcome To WBW posts with a babe and a car. From a male.

“nice car with nice figure
like to get ur reply

Another guy sent me this:

“u r beautiful”

Disclaimer: May or may not be male/female, just going by the symbols.
Lvl 18
Originally posted by ThreadKiller

From a female:

“can you send me foot photos?”

Thanks again for sending the awesome foot photos!
Lvl 6
Originally posted by J-Swiss

"If you let me I would fuck you so hard you would cum out of your ass."

"Baby, if you send me some naked pictures of you I would buy you a car."

"Wood you marry me if come to US? I very rich I have many money and I want wife."

Those are the best!
Unfortunally nobody think i'm a girl and nobody writes me, so i can't get my contribute sry!
Very funny thread!
Lvl 37
Originally posted by FamilyGuy


Thanks again for sending the awesome foot photos!

I Knew that was you!

This was from a female who regretted posting her pics in a thread:

Can you just make this disappear ??? LINK

I did not understand and now I do, and I'm getting killed by PM's, I had to turn it off for a while, and I am sorry ... I did not mean to cause trouble
Lvl 9
I know I shouldn't post here, just opening the door for more PMs.

We have some witty members here.


I luv your "kitty"

Plz Pm me pictures of your "pussy"

Lvl 9
Originally posted by katje

I know I shouldn't post here, just opening the door for more PMs.

We have some witty members here.


I luv your "kitty"

Plz Pm me pictures of your "pussy"


Hang in there Hon.

It's just like real life but you don't need to give them a fake phone number.

Possible translation:

"why say your sorry that is something an arrogant white man would say
dont get me wrong its ok to love yourself but never make a statement that
declairs you are everymans dream or what he is missing that is what the hatters in this world do and i believe you are so much better than that"

"why say your sorry that is something an arrogant white man would say- But delicate flowers such as all females can't say this huh?

dont get me wrong - Too late

"its ok to love yourself but never make a statement that
declairs you are everymans dream or what he is missing" - A little tricky but I never said I was every man's dream, maybe I'm his . I don't doubt he's missing female companionship though.

"that is what the hatters in this world do" - Hatters were called "mad" because of the mercury used in curing felt. I'm sure he meant haters though.

"and i believe you are so much better than that" - That saved it folks.

What woman doesn't want to be put on a pedestal and admired.

It's awesome how someone can know so much about you from one sentence in a profile and a female symbol under their avy.

Anyway that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

If he replies with an explanation I'll post it here.
Lvl 37
I'll take this one in the spirit it was meant. What ever the hell it means.

zonka klasa. ostatni post tez pierwsza klasa.!
Lvl 15
never gotten any yet
Lvl 26
I haven't had the privilege of receiving these myself either but this shit sure is funny.
Lvl 37
A wise decision on this guys part. Of course if the girl posted pics when she was UA then falls in the same class as Hannah or Amanda Wenk. No WBW for her.

rather than post on the thread and get everyone hootin and hollerin; there is a new thread ( that should be taken down. it contains links to another thread that has those pics, and they should be removed as well. i know the girl and lets just say you'd have to wait another year to actually be able to look at those pictures.
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