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Share your funny or odd PM's.

Starter: J-Swiss Posted: 15 years ago Views: 3.2K
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Lvl 59
I got this one like 4 years ago: "Who is your avator? "

followed by, "wat the girls name in ur avtar "

Also, my like 3rd or 4th PM is from bangs
Lvl 28
Lvl 59

Also, check out a funny PM i got a long time ago from a mod

Originally posted by PM Box


That's fucking atrocious!

If you don't like a thread, GO LOOK AT SOMETHING ELSE! I made it very clear in my post in that thread that I would not allow any more shitty posts. Yours will be deleted and if I catch you doing it again I will send you over to thr admins for action.

Nude PB-forum moderator [/reply]
Lvl 28
Srs biz Lindros..

Lvl 59

Lvl 28
I'm going to get into a bit of trouble for this, since Lindros likes us to keep our PMs and such to each other, and I agree with that, but it sounds like he had an interesting night.

I thought it sounded like some fun.

Later on he even told me about how he dressed up as Ron Burgundy and had her blow him while he drank scotch.
Lvl 24
Originally posted by EricLindros

Also, check out a funny PM i got a long time ago from a mod


If you don't like a thread, GO LOOK AT SOMETHING ELSE! I made it very clear in my post in that thread that I would not allow any more shitty posts. Yours will be deleted and if I catch you doing it again I will send you over to thr admins for action.

Nude PB-forum moderator


5 Bucks says I know who sent that!!!!
Lvl 23
great thread so funny great read for a sunday morning
Lvl 37
Being a Mod had it's ups and downs but my odd/funny PM's were worth it some days.

Even the Fun Forum had it's moments. Everyone thinks that's an easy forum but mostly it is a dumping ground for WTF shit that don't fit anywhere else.

Right Demo?

This was from a female member concerning a locked NPB thread:

you locked the "delicious blonde-blonde1" thread,
how could you.
I will never speak to you again.
Now other people will never speak to me again
because you thanked me,
just because I asked for it never to be locked.
I'm gonna kill myself
What am I gonna do????????
Has a new thread started yet??
Can you let me know
You might be forgiven then
At least I will consider it
* This post has been modified : 14 years ago
Lvl 17
hmm i dont have that many :p but the weirdest would probarly be this:

Message from fuckalot on 03:13 15-02-2006

hello Davallia my name is George,29+I came from Athens/Greece you have posted so many great photos i really enjoyed.we have the same interests(sex) if you like my e-mail is i'll be waiting for you.
Lvl 37
This is from a member who lives in a remote village on an iceberg or sumpin. He's a World Renowned Mod now, can't remember if he was in 2007.

We had posted some shots of where we live and he sent me this PM:

"you seem to live way out in the sticks do you get highspeed internet?

because if you have dial up with that kinda post count, ill literally shit a brick. "
some random member out of the bleu sent me VV

I love you creepus. Have my babies.

it was a male mumber
Lvl 18
Damn Honda I can't believe you posted that. Well I guess I might as well post your reply so everyone knows how much you helped me out with that awesome lotion suggestion, I don't know what I would've done without your help.

* This post has been modified : 14 years ago
Lvl 9
You guys are crazy!

From another admirer who fell in love with my witty charm, avy or maybe just my female symbol.

Subject line:

Hi Honey


my name is H***** from Syria
could i know to u?
Lvl 59
Originally posted by J-Swiss

Damn Honda I can't believe you posted that. Well I guess I might as well post your reply so everyone knows how much you helped me out with that awesome lotion suggestion, I don't know what I would've done without your help.

[ Image ]

Hrm. Honda apparently has some special abilities that allow him to send PMs in a different font than usual.
Lvl 18
Yeah I had hoped nobody would notice the font, I have no idea what fuckin font this site is in.

Ummmmm, I mean, yeah Honda totally has the new mod ability where you can change your font in PM's. Thought you'd know about that one EL.
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