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Starter: flavio69 Posted: 15 years ago Views: 2.9K
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Lvl 4
OK...I have a question. I started dating this girl about 3 months ago. This moved quickly and she moved in a month later. now 3 months later I have found our sex life deminishing. We use to have sex just about everyday sometimes 3 times in a night. Now she want to have sex like 2 times a week. Is this normal? She is hot with a great body, 34 Y/o. Im 38.
Lvl 27
Everyone has a different sex drive.

I was married for 13 years to a woman that quit putting out regularly after just a couple months, went down to once a month or so we had sex (boy was I stupid)

The girl I'm with now, we had sex for the first year or 2, 5 or 6 times a week, we've kinda leveled off now to about 2 or 3 times a week after 6 years
Lvl 59
The sex at first was her application.

Now that she's already been approved, she only has to occasionally pay the rent.
I have been married 10+ years and still have sex with hubby at least twice a day. It's all what you make it to be.
Lvl 28
Non-sexual monk here...I'll continue about my ways.
Lvl 24
Originally posted by mishxoxoxo

I have been married 10+ years and still have sex with hubby at least twice a day. It's all what you make it to be.

What the fuck? Your husband is spiking your drinks with something. Seriously.

On topic...

Yeah, its common once you settle in to see a decrease in sex.

A few times a week is normal for long term relationships. Particularly if you both work hard or have kids.

You should talk to her about this if its a big concern, and tell her you're looking for more than twice a week, and ask if there are any particular reasons for the decrease... Maybe there is something you can do to keep her interested or available for what you want.

On a side note... Boy did I get laid last night! The ball and chain broke out the corset and everything! Thought Honda might enjoy hearing that!
Lvl 21
yea its normal
Lvl 4
Thanks for the input!
Lvl 24
Originally posted by EricLindros

The sex at first was her application.

Now that she's already been approved, she only has to occasionally pay the rent.

That's what I was going to say.
Lvl 15
48 yrs old, married to a fine looking 46 yr old grandma (who'd pass easily for 30) for 8 yrs. Started out 2-3 times a week, now maybe once or twice a month if lucky. Tried to explain to her that the clocks are ticking, but she's not listening. And she wonders why men cheat......

da Stroka
Lvl 39
Well here is something to think about.About 2 months ago on a Sunday evening I went to the local bar. I saw this woman that is 13-14 years older than me. I had just talked to here from time to time. So I am just socializing with friends when she asks me to walk her home. Not a problem with that at all as she lived a couple of hundred feet from the bar.

I get her to her house and she invites me in. Smoke a doob and she asks me to sit next to her. I did! 30-40 minutes later all of our clothes are off. I didn't escape till after 9:00 am the next morning. I spent the next five evenings at her house, she loves sex! My god this is and has been fun. But at this point in time I am now spending a couple of nights a week at home. I have to have SOME rest.

These nights last an hour or two, before we finish. I have always believed that one needs to cuddle, to hold and to mildly tease. It works well.

In the morning after 4-5 hours of sleep she will wake me up working on little Rob. What a way to wake up!

So to answer your question, I really don't have an answer. All women are different. They all have different needs and wants.

My suggestion is to take the time to learn how her body reacts to your touch. I learned a number of years ago to just whisper, touch lightly and wait awhile before you grab the gold!
Don't complain about twice a week. I'm married and haven't had sex in over 6 months.
Lvl 7
Originally posted by

Don't complain about twice a week. I'm married and haven't had sex in over 6 months.

I hear you! Why is it so hard to just spread the legs for 5 minutes and let the guy enjoy what marriage should be about. Married for 8 years and get lucky every other month.
Lvl 8
I almost have sex alot!!! It seems that whenever one of us wants it the other ones tired!!!
Lvl 22
??? sex ???
(whats that)

(menopause mean anything)!!!!!

we just hit that!!

(condolences are welcome)
Lvl 22
Been married almost 13 years and we have sex 9-10 times a week, i think she is trying to kill me, but what a way to go
Lvl 8
Originally posted by notech

??? sex ???
(whats that)

(menopause mean anything)!!!!!

we just hit that!!

(condolences are welcome)

Menopause means never needing protection again!!!!!
Lvl 22
^^and hot flashes, and, instant (bitch) and (the worst of all)

dry puss......
Lvl 24
Originally posted by

Don't complain about twice a week. I'm married and haven't had sex in over 6 months.

Seriously? I'm not going to be one to say anything bad about another member's marriage, but that's not healthy. Bummer.
Lvl 8
well i have nothing smart ass to say to that, just I'm sorry
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