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Question for guys only...cuz I know girls are gonna trash the question!

Starter: oxygenetic Posted: 18 years ago Views: 3.1K
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Lvl 12
ME and my Gf are closing in on our date to be wed (yadda yadaa yadda), and something we both have agreed on it that we can each have a 'freebe' before the wedding. We've both been with very few other lovers (i can count them one one hand). We're kinda of looking at it like a --last bit of single fun--. I believe all guys should have something like this, and traditionaly isn't the best man suspose to get the groom laid at the bachleor party?

but anywho. I would do it. I mean as long as you keep it as a 1 time thing. I don't condone a long-term cheating relationshaip on your gf/wife, but if this is your last bit of un befre you attached thechain and ball...i say give 'er
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 28
i wouldn't cheat man, its a bad idea....but i guess im old fashioned..and awesome.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 13
too many "what ifs"
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 13
Originally posted by oxygenetic

Okay, let's say you've been checking out porn online for awhile. One day, you find a hard core amateur site about a girl that lives in your town. While tending bar at a prominent bar in town, she bellies up and you get to know one another and become much so that you confide to her that you know her "secret" and have seen her site and pics all over the web. Still, she remains friends. Years later, she confides in you that she has wanted to get it on with you since the day she met you...and basically gives the green light for the "no-strings-attached" scenario. Do you? Normally, that would be a no-brainer. What if you were going to get married to someone you've been seeing for 5 years and are in the process of starting a family? What if your friend was okay with it and would keep it a secret? And what if you really enjoyed her friendship?

Don't trash the thread guys. Let's hear what you've got to say.

Seriously, look at the bold sections. She's only a friend, I'm assuming you now have a fiancée if not more than that, and she never gave you the impression that she enjoyed your company while something could be done about it. So, stay friends, because everyone knows that when it goes further than friends, especially when there are secrets involved, things tend to heat up quick and go straight down the drain. Taking it further and having secrets linger could later jeopardize your marriage, family and friend-ship to her.

Think about the consequences before following through with your actions.

Originally posted by oxygenetic

... That's all I was getting tempted woud you be? Enough to go there?...

I had two exes, at seperate times, show up and ask if I wanted to fuck. Since I had a fiancée at the time, I had to turn them down because I know my fiancée was a better woman than both of them put together. Yes, it seemed tempting at the time, and even though I hated myself for turning them away, I respect myself more for making the right decision now. Though I have been waiting for my fiancée to return to me for almost three years of being away from me, and have also made a few bad choices during this length of time, I can honestly say, not only to myself but to her as well, that the last person I had sex (or made love) with, was my fiancée.

I know how it feels to have dilemmas pop up at random, and it's easier to listen to what your heart is saying, rather than what people around you are yelling.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 11
Dude, stick with what you know is going to last. You're about to start a family with someone special. Take it from an old fart, in this screwy life that we live in, that's an honorable future.... especially if you uphold your end of the deal- you know, faithful, committed, provider....That's my take on it.

However, if that 'special' female happens to be lilrika ... well, to hell with everything I've said.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 8
I may be clueless in many regards, but the answer is quite simple. No, I never would cheat or even contemplate it. Fantasizing is another story. But it has been my experience that fantasy has ALWAYS better than reality. I highly doubt that I would find the opposite to be true even if I was given the opportunity of making sweet monkey love to the gal of my dreams with no consequences to be had! Good luck with your dilemma.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 11
This question doesnt only depend on personal morals or beliefs.. but you should first and foremost take into context how much love and commitment and loyalty your significant other places in you. Think of all they have sacrificed to be by your side and how you would personally feel if this situation occured in reverse (if your other half perpetrated the act)... how would that affect your feelings for them? Would it change your relationship and your trust?

Its best to absolutely hide nothing from the other person in a relationship. If you are contemplating it.. get it out in the open or discuss this matter with them.

Personally its not me though. I simply wouldnt do it.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 11
no way
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 19
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 10
damn right i would!!!!!!!!!!!
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 11
Originally posted by oxygenetic

Stone-cold...lets say it was a swinger site so make that what you will...and say she's exceptionally hot...

Vagina-king...I know, I know. The dilemma lies here. Think about it: If you had a chance with Jenna Jameson...once in a lifetime, even...and no one would know (this wouldn't even be for bragging rights...just your own skeleton you cut tuck neatly in the corner of your closet), wouldn't you?

The one time in my life I was in love, I never seriously considered cheating on this woman. I knew it would not be worth it to ruin such a good thing. The fact that you're considering it makes me think you're not ready to get married, and should get all of the girl fucking out of your system before you settle down.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 9
do you have morals at all? lol. simple qeustion. no you dont. period.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 3
Once upon a time I was quite popular, I was in a popular rock band and toured around a lot. Suffice it to say that I had my share of "band-aids" as we called the groupies. (I was single at the time). I'm now 41 yo, I'm married (3rd time) for 10+ years now. Even to this day I get offers from girls frequently, which I always turn down.
Anyway, let me get to the point, before this marriage, while I was dating the woman who is now my wife, I actually called her and broke up with her. My ex wife was staying with me and we had decided to "work it out". I didn't even sleep with the "ex" for several days, even though she tried to get me there. But on about the 4th night, I did have sex with her...which turned out to be for the last time. She went back to her old ways with biker friends (I won't go there right now)...and I said that's it, I'd rather be a lonely old man than spend my life like that with I ended it for the last time.
So after that, the woman I had broken up with to be with my ex (luckily) agreed to get back together with me. A half a year or so later we were married. I had confessed having sex with the ex while we were "broken up" before we were married, but let me tell you, about 3 or 4 times a year, when she would drink "more than her share", she'd get in one of her "black moods" (as we've come to call them), and all hell would break loose, and it ALWAYS was because she hadn't quite gotten over the thing about the ex. After counselling and a 3-some with a friend of mine that I let happen, NOW those black mood fights don't happen anymore about the ex....(she has nothing to hold against me without being a hypocrite now...and at least my thing happend BEFORE we were get my point?) Anyway, if my experience has anything to do with it, you WILL live a partial hell if you go ahead and do this other girl, and that is my point.
That said, do what you will.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
I would stay with the girl you`v been seeing for 5 years and dont go near this `friend`. You dont know what kind of situation might arrise through your friend drinking or even her confiding in someone. The truth does come out eventually.
You`v got to weigh the options. A good relationship with someone you love or sex.
I believe the people who say sex must not`v been in a good enough relationship to make the right decision, take it from me who is in a good relationship i wouldnt trade it for sex with Jakki Degg who i`v fantasised about for years.
In the end its just a fantasy, you`v got to keep it real
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 8
I guess its easy to say >no you shouldnt!<. Having sex with a girl of your fantasy without any strings attached is something few men would say no to. At least on the first hand. Because it all sounds tempting and nice.

And thats it. It sounds way too nice. You at least destroy the friendship with this person and most likely you destroy your relationship with the girl you love.
And trust me, something like >nobody will ever know< is absofuckinlutely IMPOSSIBLE!
Either she talks, you talk to a buddy when you're wasted or someone sees you.
There's also the risk of disappointment just in case you wanna do it. Cause a phantasy is always a sexier and better lover than reality. Also just my humble opinion, s.o. tell me if he made other experiences

And don't forget that WBW is also a reliable source of men showing nude pics of their ex-gfs because they cheated on them. Most men including myself are whiny runts when we're betrayed on (Admit it guys!). So just think for a sec what ya girl feels when she hears it...
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
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