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Odd Food Combos

Starter: faulty6six6 Posted: 15 years ago Views: 2.0K
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Lvl 29
Ok so the idea here came after going to Wendy's (a fast food burger place) with the girlfriend. I order my food, a double with fries and a frosty (sorta like a milk shake) and then proceed to dip my fries in the Frosty which elicits a disgusted look from the GF. I explain that it is very tasty and she should try it. She did but said it was "gross". I wanna know if anyone else does that or what other odd food combos you enjoy the taste of.

I also, ALWAYS, have mash taters with my spaghetti.
Lvl 24
I used to do the fry and frosty thing, don't know if I still do.

And umm... I'm weird, but I like potatoes and fries with my steaks. And Beer and/or soda with mah pizza and burgers.

Lvl 29
Originally posted by Bangledesh

I used to do the fry and frosty thing, don't know if I still do.

And umm... I'm weird, but I like potatoes and fries with my steaks. And Beer and/or soda with mah pizza and burgers.


Yeah...yer livin on the edge...
Lvl 18
mashed potatoes and spaghetti is real weird, lol. But the frosty/fry thing is ok I just hate frosty's so I wouldn't dip anything em in.

To me this younger generation dipping EVERYTHING in ranch dressing is just ridiculous. They dip pizza, fries, damn near anything they can dip into that shit. I like ranch from time to time but it's a very over powering flavor and it doesn't blend as much as it just takes over and dominates.

I don't think I do any weird combos although I'm not a picky eater, I'll eat anything. I am one of the few people I knwo who will drink liquor while I eat. Most times when I go out with people they drink before dinner and after but while they have their food they switch to another kind of drink. Not me if I'm out drinking and eating then the liquor goes down with the food.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by faulty6six6

I also, ALWAYS, have mash taters with my spaghetti.

You run marathons or something? Nobody needs that many carbs in one setting.

As for the food thing, I'm not a big mixer in general.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by faulty6six6

I also, ALWAYS, have mash taters with my spaghetti.

Meh. Why don't you just eat a box of starch.

I'm not a big mixer of food in general.
Lvl 16
Peanut Butter and Ham sandwiches. Best thing EVER!
Lvl 24
i like the salty/sweet combination a lot too, thats why i love chocolate covered pretzels... but i love them when you can really taste the salt

its like going to the movie theater and eating popcorn and sno-caps together.... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Lvl 19
Never tried the frosty and fries. Nor will I.
I make sweet and sour kielbasa. Get the sauce from the neighborhood Chinese carry out. It's excellent.
Lvl 21
when I was in school they always served peanut butter sandwiches with a bowl of chili and carrot sticks,,Still today I cannot have chili without my peanut butter sandwiches which I dip in my chili.
Lvl 29
I like peanut butter and Miracle Whip sandwiches!!

Lvl 37
Originally posted by J-Swiss

To me this younger generation dipping EVERYTHING in ranch dressing is just ridiculous. They dip pizza, fries, damn near anything they can dip into that shit. I like ranch from time to time but it's a very over powering flavor and it doesn't blend as much as it just takes over and dominates.

Geez! that reminds me of all the guys in my class growing up putting French dressing on their pizza... I never tried it. I will eat just about anything on a pizza, but I draw the line there.
Lvl 10
I like Coke and Orange Juice together it 70/30 split looks like mud but tastes great
Lvl 10
I like Coke and Orange Juice 70/30 mix, looks like muddy water tastes great
Lvl 26
I've done the fries in milkshake for a long time, but I've only done it with vanilla milkshakes and as long as the fries are salty.

Swiss - I'm not one of those people but I do like dipping fries and chicken (fried or grilled) in ranch dressing. A friend of mine though eats it on pizza, spaghetti and I'm sure he uses it on other foods too.

I too eat PB sandwiches with some good homemade chilli

Now for something that hasn't been mentioned, sometimes I will take some sour cream and onion or BBQ chips, break them up and add it too spaghetti, ravioli or ramen noodles. My wife hates when I do it and just looks at me in disgust, I've told her to try it but she won't.

I've also ate mayonnaise sandwiches (with and without the above mentioned potato chips), peanut butter sandwiches with a little bit of sugar sprinkled on top of the PB.
Lvl 29
I am also a big fan of Mustard and Cheese samiches.

The chips in spaghetti or ramen is an odd one, but I am not one to judge.
Lvl 26
Originally posted by faulty6six6

The chips in spaghetti or ramen is an odd one, but I am not one to judge.

Yeah alot of people find it weird when I tell them or they see me do it. All it really does it add a little bit of a different flavor, I just think of it as like adding crackers to chilli
Lvl 29
Ohhh I almost forgot. My girlfriend, the one who thinks Frosty's and Fench Fries is gross, eats saurkraut and bologna on crackers. No shit.
Lvl 29
Originally posted by faulty6six6

My girlfriend eats saurkraut and bologna on crackers. No shit.

Is this something she just started doing recently?

Originally posted by J-Swiss

mashed potatoes and spaghetti is real weird, lol. But the frosty/fry thing is ok I just hate frosty's so I wouldn't dip anything em in.

To me this younger generation dipping EVERYTHING in ranch dressing is just ridiculous. They dip pizza, fries, damn near anything they can dip into that shit. I like ranch from time to time but it's a very over powering flavor and it doesn't blend as much as it just takes over and dominates.

I don't think I do any weird combos although I'm not a picky eater, I'll eat anything. I am one of the few people I knwo who will drink liquor while I eat. Most times when I go out with people they drink before dinner and after but while they have their food they switch to another kind of drink. Not me if I'm out drinking and eating then the liquor goes down with the food.
Well shit I guess Im still wet behind the ears beacause I eat ranch (hidden valley) on almost everything! As for weird I like Peanut Butter cookies smeared with Kraft Mayo
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