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Obama Wins: New president of united States!

Starter: JustinTyme Posted: 15 years ago Views: 5.5K
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Lvl 12
I'd like to say told you so, but...oops guess I did. YAAAYYY!!!!!
I am happy, even though I am in the over 250k income range, I'm WILLING to pay my fair share, and more because I have the means. I was happy with McCain's Concession speech, to regain some integrity in America, and Palin was not given time for a speech thank the thing they call lord...

Lvl 7
Wait, who exactly said McCain is going to win? If anything, many McCain supporters predicted this victory. See my post in "the panel."

That $250,000 range came down to $200,000 before the election anyway. I imagine a lot of those promises are going to fall through very quickly. He did make a lot of promises. Since all politicans lie, I am guessing the majority of those promises are going to be huge letdowns.

Oh yeah, and if you enjoy paying your "fair share" (which will equate to what? 50% of your income?) than knock yourself out. The government would be willing to take donations. But you certainly don't have the right to tell me I am going to pay my "fair share." My "fair share" is already much more than 98% of the country. How the fuck is that fair?

I am excited to see an African American as president. We have come a long way. Obama's speach tonight was fucking amazing too. He will either be known as one of the greatest presidents in U.S. history or he will be chumming it up with G.W. and Ulysses S. Grant in the shitter.
Lvl 14
Fair share?? Yep, I guess the federal govt. is here to tell us common folk what that is. Hello socialism.
Lvl 15
Even though I thought McCain's concession speech was too early, I thought it was amazing and it was a tribute to the kind of amazing person he is. Too bad for him that the republican party used him as a "sacrificial lamb" because they knew no republican would win in the current state of affairs. He was the right person but the wrong time and hopefully the country will be better because of the change of regime. I'm not necessarily an Obama supporter, but you have to appreciate the classiness of both candidates in running an election that could have been horribly divisive.
Lvl 15
Originally posted by Eman69err

Fair share?? Yep, I guess the federal govt. is here to tell us common folk what that is. Hello socialism.

Socialism, the horror
Lvl 9
I think McCain's speech was great tonight. He presented it well, and it had a truthful and excellent message, I only wish he had run his whole campaign with as much class. He spent so much time attacking Obama and spreading lies that the message he sent out was "Don't vote for Obama" instead of "Vote for me, McCain" and it cost him a lot of votes... But now that we have finally elected a president, it's time to work together and I think Obama will do an excellent job at pulling in everyone and uniting us.
Lvl 16
Congratulations to President-elect Obama. No matter who you are, you have to agree that his election has proven once and for all that the US is not at its' core a racist nation. Of all of the major nations in the world, we are one of the very few that can truly say that your race does not matter to the majority of the people. Most of his opponents, myself included, were opponents of his policies, not him as an individual. For that, we can all be proud.

I will probably spend the next four years as his opposition since we do not agree on much, but there will be one big difference between myself and those who have been Bush's opposition for the last 8 years. I will be his loyal opposition, supporting his office and desiring no ill will toward him personally, all while working against his policies.
Well initially this sounds good news for the American and the rest of the world, not that he could do any worse than the GWB, the worst thing to happen to this plant since Hitler.
Lvl 7
Sarah Palin and her crowd is the reason why McCain lost. She's the reason I didn't vote for him.
Lvl 7
Originally posted by Mr_Bubbles

Well initially this sounds good news for the American and the rest of the world, not that he could do any worse than the GWB, the worst thing to happen to this plant since Hitler.

Yeah, Bush called for the annihilation of Jews. What a bastard
Lvl 7
Originally posted by montanamax

Even though I thought McCain's concession speech was too early, I thought it was amazing and it was a tribute to the kind of amazing person he is. Too bad for him that the republican party used him as a "sacrificial lamb" because they knew no republican would win in the current state of affairs. He was the right person but the wrong time and hopefully the country will be better because of the change of regime. I'm not necessarily an Obama supporter, but you have to appreciate the classiness of both candidates in running an election that could have been horribly divisive.

Both McCain and President-elect Obama had outstanding speaches tonight. I have to say I am very impressed with McCain's acceptance of the loss and with his stand-up way of expressing that. For those that really know nothing about John McCain prior to this election, he really will work with the democrats to make this country a better place. He truly is a moderate. You'll see that again in the next 4 years, unless you go sleep under a rock until the next election.
Lvl 7
Originally posted by Mr_Bubbles

Well initially this sounds good news for the American and the rest of the world, not that he could do any worse than the GWB, the worst thing to happen to this plant since Hitler.

I think, personally, that I will look back at Bush and clearly think "wow, that was a shitty president." But, by no means, can he be compared to Stalin or Hitler. That is just plain stupid. Between those guys they killed like 25 MILLION PEOPLE.

Say what you want about him as a failure but two things stick out in my head today.
1. We have had no attacks on U.S. soil since 9/11/2001. Despite what so many people have said about our country being "weaker" than pre-9/11, that's bullshit. Over 7 years and we have been safe (knock on wood).
2. Despite what you may have heard, he is not responsible for this economic crisis. Bill Clinton passed the bill that completed deregulation and he forced fanny and freddy to give loans to people who can't afford to pay them back. That's the shit storm we are in now.

Don't think I am coming to his defense, because this is the same mother fucker that is responsible for nearly 4,000 American lives because he was so eager to kill Saddam that he took one bullshit intel report from the British and attacked an entire country with minimal support from the other world leaders. He also diverted resources to Iraq that could have taken out the Taliban and Al Qaeda in the first year of the "War on Terror." I am actually excited that Obama is going to pull troops out in less than a year (although I doubt it will go as planned). We should have declared victory after catching Saddam and got the fuck out.

Bush also sold our liberties for temporary safety. You all know the quote. But there is no question that there is some good in the bad. If you think he is Hitler or Stalin, or even Noriega, Pinochet or Milosevic you're fucking cracked in the head. Don't throw dumb shit around like that, it just makes you look stupid.
Lvl 12
Originally posted by 11111111112

Bush also sold our liberties for temporary safety. You all know the quote. But there is no question that there is some good in the bad. If you think he is Hitler or Stalin, or even Noriega, Pinochet or Milosevic you're fucking cracked in the head. Don't throw dumb shit around like that, it just makes you look stupid.

no no no, Hitler or Stalin is a horrible reference. Bush is more a Mussolini....still totally evil but basically a complete fuck-up. oh, and without the good stuff Mussolini did before he became an evil lackey. the fact remains though: worst president ever. even the guy who was only in office for 30 days was better.
Lvl 11
Originally posted by rocknthefreeworld

No matter who you are, you have to agree that his election has proven once and for all that the US is not at its' core a racist nation.

Uh.... Obama wouldn't have won a single State without the black vote, and McCain not a single State without the white vote
Lvl 27
Originally posted by brownell

Uh.... Obama wouldn't have won a single State without the black vote, and McCain not a single State without the white vote

Indeed, racism isn't a one way street, if you look closely at the country around you, some blacks are as racist against white's as white's are with blacks...
Lvl 11
May God Bless America!
Lvl 12
Well, the bad news for conservatives is that there will be (hopefully at most) four years of "change". The good news is there were no nekkid pictures of the Obamas!
Originally posted by 11111111112


I think, personally, that I will look back at Bush and clearly think "wow, that was a shitty president." But, by no means, can he be compared to Stalin or Hitler. That is just plain stupid. Between those guys they killed like 25 MILLION PEOPLE.

Say what you want about him as a failure but two things stick out in my head today.
1. We have had no attacks on U.S. soil since 9/11/2001. Despite what so many people have said about our country being "weaker" than pre-9/11, that's bullshit. Over 7 years and we have been safe (knock on wood).
2. Despite what you may have heard, he is not responsible for this economic crisis. Bill Clinton passed the bill that completed deregulation and he forced fanny and freddy to give loans to people who can't afford to pay them back. That's the shit storm we are in now.

Don't think I am coming to his defense, because this is the same mother fucker that is responsible for nearly 4,000 American lives because he was so eager to kill Saddam that he took one bullshit intel report from the British and attacked an entire country with minimal support from the other world leaders. He also diverted resources to Iraq that could have taken out the Taliban and Al Qaeda in the first year of the "War on Terror." I am actually excited that Obama is going to pull troops out in less than a year (although I doubt it will go as planned). We should have declared victory after catching Saddam and got the fuck out.

Bush also sold our liberties for temporary safety. You all know the quote. But there is no question that there is some good in the bad. If you think he is Hitler or Stalin, or even Noriega, Pinochet or Milosevic you're fucking cracked in the head. Don't throw dumb shit around like that, it just makes you look stupid.

See you're only think of how he's affected America. 1.25 million people have died due to the Iraq war!!! It may not be a 40m but it still makes it an atrocity.

Not to mention 320,000 u.s. vets with brain injuries, and god knows how many Iraqi and other nationalities who's lives have been destroyed.

All for oil, and most the damage was not caused buy the initial confrontation but buy the power vacuum caused by it.

You can be self-righteous about Saddam being evil, but their are worse........including Bush.

Then we can talk about Guantanamo Bay.....Holding people without trial!! or the way New Orleans has been left to rot rinse the hurricane because most of it's inhabitants are....erm!!.....BLACK!!
Lvl 13
tallk is cheap,actions count.

his real test start now.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Mr_Bubbles


See you're only think of how he's affected America. 1.25 million people have died due to the Iraq war!!! It may not be a 40m but it still makes it an atrocity.

Not to mention 320,000 u.s. vets with brain injuries, and god knows how many Iraqi and other nationalities who's lives have been destroyed.

All for oil, and most the damage was not caused buy the initial confrontation but buy the power vacuum caused by it.

You can be self-righteous about Saddam being evil, but their are worse........including Bush.

Then we can talk about Guantanamo Bay.....Holding people without trial!! or the way New Orleans has been left to rot rinse the hurricane because most of it's inhabitants are....erm!!.....BLACK!!

Wow, you're quite misguided.
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