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Obama Wins: New president of united States!

Starter: JustinTyme Posted: 15 years ago Views: 5.5K
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Lvl 59
Originally posted by zeroflat

im exstatic that B.O. won. I didnt vote for McCain because around 90% of his voting was the exact same as GWs. voting on stupid bills, giving oil companies tax breaks. Obama looks like a radical, and i hope he is. Because right now only some radical moves can get the united states out of the toilet that GW and his office left it in.

From what I can tell, you're glad Obama won because he's not George Bush and George W. Bush is responsible for the shape the US is in. That's fairly off base, but hey, it's your vote.

Originally posted by yibby

The white race in this country is over as we know it, I hoped I die first ,but after the riots, I probally will be dead anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, no! Were we even close? And here I didn't even know we were racing. Someone should have told me. I have a twin-turbo, and could have perhaps helped in some way. I'm wicked fast, you know.

Originally posted by dr.waller

obvious troll. no one actually thinks any of that. nice try though.

I bet some people do. Way to speak for 300,000,000+ americans though, doc.

Originally posted by Mr_Bubbles

Bollocks he's a war criminal and should hang(hang)

Wow, at first I thought you were just misguided. Now I think you're not all that bright. There are tons of world leaders that are MUCH worse than Bush could ever imagine being. I'm no fan of GWB, but to say that he's a war criminal that, "should hang" is beyond ridiculous.

Originally posted by tommyjt24

In case you missed Jimmy Carter was one of the first presidents to actually take action on trying to reduce our consumption of foreign oil,

Yeah, those sweaters in the White House were a good idea. I can't imagine why they didn't catch on.

Originally posted by tommyjt24

the problem with a republic/democracy is that the majority generally rules and will not work in the best interest of the country or what is "good" for the people but for the majority.

The flip side of that coin is that no one person or small group is able to steer government policy in foolish ways. Unless, of course, that constituency has access to lots of money to contribute to political campaigns and parties.

Further, the problem with your assertion is that there is no true arbiter of what, precisely, is "good" for the people or in the best interests of the country. That's quite a subjective rule.

Originally posted by tommyjt24

Don't get me wrong I'm all about small government but when everyone is subsiding (and you can just print money) what is wrong with America how is it ever going to get fixed through pure capitalism?

Pure capitalism is exactly what would fix it. The problems arise when the government intervenes in pure capitalism, distorting market forces that would be otherwise self-correcting.

Originally posted by 4tookerplace

I voted Democrat because I'm sick of cry baby rich cowards running the damn country. Fucking cry babies see the boogie man behind every rock and cower in fear. They should take all their money and move in with their masters in Saudi Arabia and live in fear there for a while.
Shut the fuck up already. Grow some balls and be a man and stop crying about your goddamn money.

Well, that was productive.

BTW, Rich cry baby cowards aren't exclusive to Republicans.

Originally posted by montanamax

The U.S. didn't achieve greatness because of hate and ignorance, it became the great nation it is because of the willingness to accept different viewpoints and ideas and incorporate it for the benefit of everybody.

What? You mean like how the early settlers of the country accepted the viewpoints of the monarchs of Europe with regard to religion and representation?

The US achieved greatness because it was a bastion of social and religious freedom, it's lack of oppression (generally) and the economic possibilities contained within. Not because the nation stood arm in arm singing "Coom-by-yah".

Originally posted by montanamax
Any civilization that doesn't adapt and accept change, stagnates and implodes upon itself. Just like any new president, you should give him your full support, but question what you think is wrong and work to improve the country and if it doesn't succeed, there is always the option to vote for alternatives. Hate doesn't do anything but breed hate.

Nobody should give anyone with whom they strongly ideologically disagree their strong support. That's a ridiculous statement.

While I generally agree that "hate" is often detrimental, holding strongly to ones convictions, even if those convictions are in the minority is to be lauded, not derided. There have been numerous times throughout the course of history when the option of voting for "alternatives" isn't enough. If you think there is a significant difference between the average democratic politician and the average republican politician you're missing the bigger picture.

I guess what I'm saying is, don't feel the need to conform to what is politically correct or accepted, if after inspection, one comes to the conclusion that none of the options on the table are adequate. There are times, in fact, when hating the status quo are acceptable and justified.

Originally posted by Skoffla


haha awesome.

and i think the new leaders ARE rising. remember last night? clinton, gore, bush, kerry, any of the former big deals in this country were nowhere to be seen. it's a new generation of politicians.

What were you watching last night? I saw and heard from Reid, Pelosi, and Biden, the current bigwigs of the Democratic Party, who have an average of TWENTY-SIX YEARS in congress.

To quote one of those three: "That's not change; that's more of the same!"

Originally posted by Skoffla
unless Obama comes to my place and roughs me up anything he does in the next year or so will most likely not even effect me personally.

Wow. That's one of the mos naive things I've heard said on WBW. Which is saying a lot.

The President of the United States has a profound impact on the daily lives of each and every US citizen, and often more than just US citizens. It's just that you don't see it directly.


Somewhat off topic funny anecdote: My cousin works in the registration department of a hospital in Trenton. He said that last night a woman came into the emergency department for treatment. She was uninsured, and as such was given information on the programs available to assist the uninsured pay for treatment, as is standard hospital operating procedure. Her response when given this information: "I don't need that. Obama's going to take care of it."

but really

Lvl 7
Originally posted by 4tookerplace


I just can't stand the whining and bitching.
See yall in the music section...

You haven't by chance met with a leftist in the last 8 years. Want to talk about whining and bitching?

Watch a fucking episode of Bill Mahr.
Lvl 24
Originally posted by EricLindros

Somewhat off topic funny anecdote: My cousin works in the registration department of a hospital in Trenton. He said that last night a woman came into the emergency department for treatment. She was uninsured, and as such was given information on the programs available to assist the uninsured pay for treatment, as is standard hospital operating procedure. Her response when given this information: "I don't need that. Obama's going to take care of it."

but really

Lvl 24
Originally posted by ThievinHonky


Yeah, Bush called for the annihilation of Jews. What a bastard

Hmmm. Actually, I believe it was Obama who has repeatedly said that Israel will have to, more or less, fend for herself, and without such a powerful and militarily-ready USA as her staunch ally, Israel will ultimately be destroyed by her many Middle Eastern enemies. Annihilation can take more than one form...what Hitler did was only one of several ways that a nation of people can be annihilated, or wiped from the face of the earth. Even though Israel has nukes, without America as a strong and ready ally, they cannot survive longterm in the violent and often irrational hotbed of the Middle East.
GWB will likely be remembered as one of America's more obvious failures as president, but the history books have not yet been written.
I am worried that President Obama will dismantle our security, overspend on entitlement programs, and tax the hell out of the common middleclass Americans, as well as those who can comfortably afford to pay more taxes. I don't think he and his party are all that eager to do anything that will really bring economic and financial recovery to the USA, and to the battered middle class.
I just don't have much faith in him to do what he ever-so-vaguely promised to do in his campaign. I desperately and fervently hope that I am totally wrong about all that.
Now that he has won, he has the chance that he and over 63 million Americans wanted for him to prove he is worthy of the office he sought, and worthy of both our trust and our respect - he will have to EARN that.
He has proved he can run a masterful let's see how well he leads and governs, how well he can bring America up off the mat, dust us off, and allow us to be the great and good nation (and steward of the planet) that most Americans do want us to be again.
Lvl 13
b.o promise alot and tallked alot,now it's time to see if those words heave deapth or just hot air.

i hope he will be a good leader for the u.s

just remember that words are words,tallking is one thing,making the action is another thing.

you can tallk all you want,but it's the actions who will move things not the words.
Lvl 16
Dead right Leon, actions always speak louder than words. Also re Israel, that whole mess (created by the US & UK in the 40's) needs sorting out both for all those who live there but also for everyone's security. There's too much evidence of the effect that it is having on radical Islamisation to ignore now - I'm sure some will choose to - and even if all you care about is home security it's a boil that needs to be lanced.

Nobody who has seen it up close can deny that it is a massively one sided human rights issue and that many of Israel's actions against Palestinian civilians would be decried as human rights abuses or even war crimes if they were carried out by - say Iran or any other state America considers unfriendly.

If Obama does what's right for all the people there - including Israelis - rather than pursue a policy of having an offshore state looking after the oil supplies, then it will be a major step forward which will benefit everyone. Let's hope.

I'm now standing by for lots of pro Israeli /anti Arab attacks but if you visit Palestine or at least read unbiased reporting then you'll know I'm right & far from alone in this view.
Lvl 13
unless you saw it with your own eyes you dont know the whole deal,a coin has 2 sides,sure some stuff is wrong sometimes,i wont tell you it's all perfect.

but since starting to tallk about the other side will bring a shit storm of of text war you should stop the Palestinian
reply,you dont know alot of things so please dont bring up in here,there are so many bad and insane things they done that you dont know about so before you go and say this guys are bad in traeting this guys or this guys are this and that you should know your stuff,sure as i said not allways the living in me is perfect.

before isreal was born Palestine was major barn land,after the israelis recicive it and start making it an awosome place the haters strted to make things,if it wasanet for the israelis Palestine would still be a barn place,and before you speak of human rights,go learn what was the "black september" eygipt shot and kill 1000's of Palestinians becuse they didnt want them in eygipt,they shot all,children womens eldery,it wasnt a war or anyother thing,they just didnt want them there,and they were supose to be thyre arab "brothers".

dont blame isreal on radical islam,crazy religons fantics will allways blame others but not themselves.
Lvl 27
Originally posted by EricLindros

Somewhat off topic funny anecdote: My cousin works in the registration department of a hospital in Trenton. He said that last night a woman came into the emergency department for treatment. She was uninsured, and as such was given information on the programs available to assist the uninsured pay for treatment, as is standard hospital operating procedure. Her response when given this information: "I don't need that. Obama's going to take care of it."

but really

I've heard more than one such naive thing as this...

A local radio show was interviewing people on the street, when they asked one woman why she was voting for Obama she said "because he is going to take care of my mortgage, and give me free gas"

Hard to believe people could actually be that naive
Lvl 16
Originally posted by leon2006

unless you saw it with your own eyes you dont know the whole deal,a coin has 2 sides,sure some stuff is wrong sometimes,i wont tell you it's all perfect.

Well I have have you? Are you saying I'm not allowed to debate a vital issue? Do you find it easier to censor than to debate? Of course there are 2 sides any fool knows that. I won't defend suicide bombers if that's what you mean but know your facts, see the whole picture & don't fall for propaganda. Not a bad rule for any topic.
I repeat BUSH IS A WAR CRIMINAL!!!! and you can insult me as much as you want....the will truth out!!!

You folk should pull your head out your asses,wake up and smell the coffee!!
* This post has been modified : 15 years ago
Lvl 13
Originally posted by Mr_Bubbles

I repeat BUSH IS A WAR CRIMINAL!!!! and you can insult me as much as you want....the will truth out!!!

you sir are an ass.

war crimanl???

is he a fat bastard from africa who cuts womens breasts? no!

did he hang gay men? no!

did he forced young children to wiled ak47 and shoot vilagers? no!

i tought you ware a decnt men,but all you write is trash who is not accurte at all.
Lvl 11
Originally posted by Mr_Bubbles

and you can insult me as much as you want....

More of a critique than an insult. Your statements are delusional and extreme; you appear unable to be rational or objective on matters you feel strongly about.

BTW, several of your links are outdated, as they make claims about what would happen to Bush if Congress was not controlled by Republicans, which it hasn't been for 2 years. I hope you feel better now that Bush's remaining time in office is so short, but I'd suggest you read a book about perspective... or something, anyway.
Lvl 12
Originally posted by Mr_Bubbles

I repeat BUSH IS A WAR CRIMINAL!!!! and you can insult me as much as you want....the will truth out!!!

You folk should pull your head out your asses,wake up and smell the coffee!!

Bubbles ... I guess you like terrorists a bit more than the average bloke, if that is your definition of war crimes.
Lvl 16
One point I have seen that is a definite plus for the US is that the Clinton-Bush era is over. We can all cheer that the power structure of the last 20 fucking years is gone. Think about that. Twenty fucking years of Bush-Clinton-Bush. Gone now. If Obama is the worst President ever, we still have that fact to be happy about.

Thank God.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by EricLindros

"I don't need that. Obama's going to take care of it."

I lol'd heartily.

Also, I can walk into any hospital, for anything..and get looked at for freez.

In fact, as annoying as it is due to tax paying and such, a lot of old people go to the hospital here just for the company, and make up medical problems, I always want to beat them to death.

@Mr_Bubbles: Bush isn't a war criminal, stop being a stupid douchefuck. I thought I would throw in the "stupid douchefuck" part because I do enjoy insulting people.
Lvl 13
Originally posted by Southernboy10


Well I have have you? I won't defend suicide bombers if that's what you mean but know your facts.
1st i live over here,so umm yes i saw stuff and not on bribed news chanels but in real life.

and know my stuff?!?!

i've seen shit you dont want to belive that could actully happen in reall life by reall people,"freedom" fighters using 8 years old as human shildes,giveing 12 years old rpgs,i know my facts! dont belive every thing you hear/see on cnn/fox news.

get back on topic.

Lvl 7
Originally posted by Mr_Bubbles

I repeat BUSH IS A WAR CRIMINAL!!!! and you can insult me as much as you want....the will truth out!!!

You folk should pull your head out your asses,wake up and smell the coffee!!
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I have also missed the part where Blair and Brown should be brought up on charges too. You left that part out, huh?
Lvl 7
Originally posted by Honda_X


I lol'd heartily.

Also, I can walk into any hospital IN CANADA, for anything..and get looked at for freez.
If I went south and tried that I would be thrown out into the street like a bum.

Fixed it for ya.
Lvl 28
I figured it was fairly obvious I was walking into a Canadian hospital, being Canadian and all..

Thanks though.
Lvl 21
Originally posted by rocknthefreeworld

One point I have seen that is a definite plus for the US is that the Clinton-Bush era is over. We can all cheer that the power structure of the last 20 fucking years is gone. Think about that. Twenty fucking years of Bush-Clinton-Bush. Gone now. If Obama is the worst President ever, we still have that fact to be happy about.

Thank God.

Don't be too sure...Hillary 2016! :P
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