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My wife's a freak. I need your thoughts...

Starter: J-Swiss Posted: 17 years ago Views: 7.5K
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Lvl 18
Well here's the deal. I installed a keylogger which records all keystrokes, websites visited and it even takes a screenshot every 30 seconds that the computer is active. I installed it just to monitor what my 8 year old son does while he's on the computer. A bonus to that was I can now view what my wife does on the computer because she doesn't know I installed it. The other day I checked my logs and founds out that my wife is a freak. Now I've known for quite some time that she has a very healthy sexual appetite but she has never shared this side of her with me. For 3 hours my wife was viewing lesbian S&M style videos online. I mean seriously hardcore stuff. The one video portrayed a girl hanging from the ceiling about 2 to 3 feet off the ground, legs spread, while 2 other girls in leather proceeded to whip her, pull her hair, call her degrading names and fuck her in every hole with strap ons and dildos. None of this bothers me in fact I find it intriguing. My question to you is this. How should I go about finding out which side of the fantasy my wife enjoys? Would she prefer to be the helpless girl hanging from the ceiling or one of the girls dishing out the abuse? I can't directly ask her because I know my wife and she shares many fantasies she has with me but has never shared this one which tells me she is shy about it and if I ask her directly she'll immediately shut down on me and deny that she's even into this kind of thing. She's been looking at this kind of stuff non stop since I've been checking my logs and it is in fact the only kind of porn she views online. Nothing involving men and no regular lesbian stuff, just this lesbian S&M stuff. It was quite shocking to me cause my wife is a stereotypical all American type girl. She's not the wild party girl or the goth types that you would expect to be into this kind of thing. I mean her two favorite colors are pink and baby blue and she loves fuzzy soft clothes. Very far from black skin tight leather and whips and chains. Anyway, any thoughts or advice on how I can figure out whether she's having submissive or dominate fantasies are welcome. Also any ideas on how I might approach her and let her know I'm willing to try whatever she's into to keep her satisfied cause I love pleasing her. Basically any thoughts or comments are welcome also any stories involving any experiences you've had similar to this. Just figured this could be an interesting topic.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 11
I think your wife is more computer savvy than you think, and she went to that site to set you up.
Lvl 13
I'd invite her to cruise some porn with you, and "stumble" on it yourself.. That way, it would seem it was your interest, not hers. Might take the pressure off. Don't press it, just sample a little while she is watching or in the room.. Point it out to her, like "Check this out! Isn't this wild? I've never seen anything like this before!"

Then, drop it and move on. Once she knows you aren't frightened or turned off by the concept, she might loosen up..
Lvl 17
You may be able to glean her dom/submissive slant from your own sex life. Then again what she was looking at may be for some other reason (sitcom) Maybe she knows one of the girls. Maybe shes shocked but cant look away. Assuming she likes it take her to a fetish night at the nearest bar near you. In chicago go to Exit on Thursdays. Its bondage night. good thing is the first floor is like a regular rock and roll bar so you could easily seque (sp?) to going upstairs.

Or next time your surfing "happen" on to or follow bondage links.

Or better yet just buy some fuckn handcuffs and handcuff her. Does she like it? does she want to hc you? bring up the other girl scenario. she wont suspect anythign b/c 90 percent of men ask this.

shouldnt be hard.

my ex gf and me agreed she would write down ten fantasies. she started with 10 we got to 7 before we broke up. she would leave it in an envelope and I followed the idea on my own. it was cool.
Lvl 17
Originally posted by brownell

I think your wife is more computer savvy than you think, and she went to that site to set you up.

probably not. maybe. she likely didnt know of the logger software. very stealth crap.

omg what if it was one of your kids!!! this is so a sitcom. a family guy episode to come.
Lvl 27
I think Morgadeth has one hell of an idea there, thats exactly what i was thinking while reading your post Swiss...
Lvl 18
@brownell: my wife is a computer retard. lol. Of that I am sure. She once had one of those pop ups that said "All your passwords and accounts are being stolen from you computer you need to download such and such software to prevent this" and she called me in a panic thinking someone was hacking our computer. She's lucky she can turn the computer on.

@Morgadeth: I like that idea, that's a good plan.

@Mal: that would be very funny but I'm sure it's coming from my wife. It all goes on from midnight to like 3:00 or 4:00 am while me and my son are sleeping. This has always been kind of "her time". Thanks for the advice. I really like the handcuff idea. I could just buy some and see who ends up wearing them, me or her and that would answer a lot of questions.
Lvl 13
Well, I have to make a few assumptions here. 1. Your wife knows you come here. 2. You enjoy looking at porn together. If my assumptions are correct, you have a fairly easy out.

Find something along the lines of what she's been watching and say you got the link here. Have her watch it with you and tell her that there's just something about it that gets you hot. That'll ope the floor for her to make a comment of her own. If you are the one to bring the material forth and exhibit an interest in the subject matter, she should be more comfortable and relaxed about disclosing her feelings on it.

My guess is that she hasn't shared this fascination with you because she fears you'll be disgusted, think badly of her or just all around not be interested. If you bring it to her and show an interest, I think she'll be much more likely to open up on this.
Lvl 20
A lot of us have pretty extreme fantasies, but they're just that; fantasies.

I for example, have some pretty wild shit going on in my brain that I find erotic, but if given the chance to engage in it first-hand and with real people, I likely would not.

So broach the topic, but don't set yourself up for disappointment.
Lvl 18
@naughtygypsy: We do on occassion watch porn together so I have known for awhile that she's only interested in girl on girl stuff. But the stuff we've watched has always just been "normal" girl on girl stuff. Unfortunately she doesn't know about WBW and so I can't use the idea of finding a link on here. Thanks very much for your input, being a girl I value what you have to say because you have a better shot of getting in her head then most other people here.

All and all everyone seems to agree that it's a good idea that I present this kind of material to her saying that I have an interest in this type of thing and that makes a lot of sense. Obviously she'd be more open to telling me she's into it if she thinks I am too. Whoever says WBW is just a porn site is crazy. You can save thousands of dollars on a psychiatrist here too cause there's always some good advice to be had.
Lvl 13
Even we perverts have brains. Some of us even have a heart. I hope we've helped you out.
Lvl 6
how do you know its not your 8yr old son?
Lvl 18
@lemmegetatthat: Because it's going on between the hours of midnight and 4:00am. Hours that my son are sleeping. Plus this has always been the time my wife stays up and gets some time to herself. I just never knew what she was doing with that time, lol.

@naughtygypsy: Ya have definitely given me some good ideas on how to get her to loosen up about it. I'll report back on how it goes from here on out but it may be a couple days before I get to try your suggestions.
Lvl 24
i have an idea

bring her over to my place and and we'll see if i can get her tied up and into some lesbian action :P

meet me at the intersection of 434 and 436.

no really, it sounds like everyone has some pretty good suggestions so far, let us know how it turns out :P
Lvl 18
lol. Well if none of the other suggestions work out I'm definitely gonna have to take ya up on that FeFe. On second thought, even after the other suggestions work out I'm still gonna take ya up on that offer.
Lvl 16
My 2 cents: be honest with her.

Just tell her that you installed that software to make sure your son is not going to see anything weird on the internet he shouldn't be watching at all, but you accidentally found out that she had been watching that funky girl on girl stuff. Make sure she's not embarrased by it as she would likely otherwise never indulge in it again as she'll be feeling watched constantly.
If your relationship with your wife is working well, then she should understand you weren't looking at her stuff, but at your sons activity on the net. She'll be thankfull you did so as you care for his well being.
If you bring it nice and easy, she'll tell you if it's just a fantasy or if it's more. Perhaps you could suggest trying out some of the things you've seen, depending on what she wants (trying not to imagine you with a dildo up your arse here ). If it's just a fantasy then let it go, never push it again and make sure the software doesn't record stuff when she's watching (like creating different accounts on the computer with passwords so only your son is being monitored). Give her her privacy in those regards. If it's a fantasy she wants to become real, then go for it .

My main point however is: be honest about how you found out about it. Trust me, lieing about something like this can and will kill your relationship. I've never been married but I've lied to my ex gf and her trust fled the door faster then a speeding bullet.

Good luck,
Lvl 24
Originally posted by CamelKnight

My 2 cents: be honest with her.

Just tell her that you installed that software to make sure your son is not going to see anything weird on the internet he shouldn't be watching at all, but you accidentally found out that she had been watching that funky girl on girl stuff.

i love how sentence number 1 COMPLETELY CONTRADICTS sentence number 2.

good lord .
Lvl 16
Originally posted by FeFeHumHum


i love how sentence number 1 COMPLETELY CONTRADICTS sentence number 2.

good lord .

It doesn't. It's the truth isn't it? He installed it to watch his son's Internet behaviour and, besides knowing where his son is going, also found out that his wife is into kinky girl on girl porn. It's not like he was looking for his wife's Internet behaviour, or worried about it. He just happened to get that info aswell, it wasn't, however, the main reason why he installed that software.
Lvl 24
ok, hi.

anyone who installs a keylogger on their computer doesnt find information that the keylogger records by ACCIDENT.

i just thought id welcome you into reality here for a moment. :P
Originally posted by brownell

I think your wife is more computer savvy than you think, and she went to that site to set you up.

If that were that case, it would be funny as hell. Safe to assume you installed SpectorSoft?
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