Originally posted by Jeff613
Unions are unAmerican? Okay, then so is their right to assemble and conduct business in a collective fashion. I think the supreme court has already held that as being perfectly legal. If companies have the right to wage-rape their workers, expose them to all kinds of dangers, deny them time with their families and work them into an early grave, then unions have the right to make it so they can't. THAT, my friend, is America and democracy itself in action, of nothing else......people collectively taking shit into their own hands when they're unhappy with the powers that be.
Let's analyze what you said point by point shall we?
1. Unions should be able to assemble but that's not what they're doing. They're blocking business by not allowing replacements to enter premise's. They are threatening replacements and they are blocking shipping. These were not allowed by the Supreme court and are clearly un-American.
2. Companies don't force people to take the wage they give them or to accept dangers and less time with families. Workers make that choice by taking a job that puts them in that position. Vote with your feet and leave such a job.
3. Collectively taking "shit" into your own hands is great as long as your "shit" doesn not interfere with the rights of the other guys "shit". Telling someone how much they have to pay you or threatening them with violence is indeed interfering with anothers rights. If a union wants to camp out front on public property and wave their silly signs then by all means blaze away.
One persons freedoms end where anothers begins. There is no right to work, spend time with your family, have a vacation, receive benefits or anything else except the right to get the deal you freely agreed to.
* This post has been modified
: 17 years ago