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Looking for new stuff to listen too!

Starter: we_the_people Posted: 16 years ago Views: 1.0K
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Lvl 14
i made a thread like this a while back and found well over 10 bands i loved and went out and bought cds by in a mater of a week!
I just wanna see whats new and good out there.

here are the bands i currently listen to and love (please keep the bashing to a minimum if you like what i like great if you dont then thats fine too but just dont bash on me for having my own taste!)

my faves
action action, alkaline trio, anberlin, as i lay dying, bloc party, blood brothers, boy sets fire, cave-in, chiodos, circa survive, coheed and cambria, death from above 1979, dredge, The Faint, Favez, Horrorpops, IAMX, Jealous sound,Kill hanna, Mars volta, Misfits, Pedro the lion, Placebo, rise agianst, Rocky Votolato, samiam, sparta, stalins war, a static lullaby, Thrice, the used, tiger army and zao

ive also been trying to find punk bands with female singers, been kinda on a kick of listening to stuff like tsunami bomb, rainer maria, horror pops, stalins war.... something about girls in punk bands sounds good to me...

andthats just a random list of some of my fav bands, if you see alot of stuff you like in the list id recomend checking some of the stuff you havnt heard of yet out. Other wise give me some ideas! im sure if any one has the same taste of music as i do they could find this usefull also.

OH and if you like punk and hot chicks check out this band from vegas doing a cover a the circle jerks song Wild in the streets
Lvl 25
I mostly listen to Disturbed and Godsmack now, they aren't new, but they aren't very old either. Others you could give a listen to is Danzig (pretty old, has fast/slow songs), Slipknot (there are only a few I like by them), Kitty (I think thats the name of the group, all girl metal band), Otep (metal band, female lead singer). Thats all I can think of right now, if I can think of more I'll post them.
Lvl 14
i like kitty and otep and have always listened to danzig, all good choices! keep em coming!
Lvl 12
Punk bands with female lead singers for you...the Avengers, Silverado, Fabulous Disasters, Melt Banana, the Donnas (people are really down on them, but I love 'em), Slant 6, Babes In Toyland, Aids Wolf, shit...I should have a huge list here, I'll be back when I've had some coffee.
Just for fun try the female fronted black metal band Demonic Christ. Or the stoner rock legend Thorr's Hammer. Sure, they don't sound like women, but they are. The singer from Thorr's Hammer was 17 when they recorded their album!
Lvl 14
SHIT YES thank you! keep them coming, im gunna check them all out tongiht. ..... i have a busy night ahead of me dont i? i will also need some coffee.
Lvl 16
Check out my lastfm profile for some ideas, mainly metal with some modern punk ie Killradio and Rise Against. Bleeding Through have a female singer buts thats not really punk

Thumbs up for Mars Volta check out 4Lyn for a laugh, german punk/rap/metal and Skindred which is reggae / punk

Edit: heres my lastfm profile: or search on lastfm for 'trevoriv'
Lvl 13
Give danish metal a go... Mercenary (melodic), Mnemic (like Fear Factory), Hatesphere (hard trash metal), Raunchy (in your face metal), Caliban (in your face metal), Volbeat (Elvis metal).

Other than that Soilwork is a must if metal/metalcore is a subject here...
Lvl 13
Give danish metal a go... Mercenary (melodic), Mnemic (like Fear Factory), Hatesphere (hard trash metal), Raunchy (in your face metal), Caliban (in your face metal), Volbeat (Elvis metal).

Other than that Sweedish Soilwork is a must if metal/metalcore is a subject here...
Lvl 18
chimaira, mushroomhead, hatebreed, monster magnet.
Lvl 29
I don't even know who in the hell most of those people are!!

For a nice change, try some of the 70's classic rock artists. You might just be pleasantly surprised!!
Lvl 12
OK, most of the female led punk band I know of are pretty obscure and you'd have great difficulty finding at the record store, like good luck finding something by Dickless, or STP (NOT stone temple pilots!). If you do find something by the New York, all female STP, please message me right away.

OK, Girl stuff and half girl stuff: Arkona, the Russian pagan-metal band, is lead by a very cute little blond who sings like a monster half the time. They are a very strange mix of Russian folk, death metal and black metal. I own a few CDs by them but have no Idea what they are called cause everything is written in Russian! If you like Nokturnal Mortum or Temnazor, you'll like Arkona.

This is the live CD, it has great sound quality, with awesome songs, a very lively enthusiastic live crowd (makes me want to play Russia!), and the booklet has a lot of cute pics of the singer. It's nice hearing the Russian banter between singer and crowd, "Nyet nyet nyet nyet nyet nyet nyet nyet nyet!"

Check out the album "Los Angeles" by the old LA punk band X. It has male and female vocals. It's a nice piece of American punk rock history too. Now head to New York and pick up anything by Sonic Youth, this "post punk" band also features male and female vocals. I recommend "Bad Moon Rising" "Sister" and "Goo," most all of their stuff is great, I'd avoid their first album, simply titled "Sonic Youth" if you don't like weird mucic. I like weird music, so it doesn't bother me!
More stuff later....
* This post has been modified : 16 years ago
Lvl 37
Based on the fev of your fav I actually know, I would say that you should look into bands like Muse and Mustasch.

Nice work dMODE101
Lvl 13
Thanks Sails

Been in the metal scene for ages, so why not promote it
Lvl 16
Burning Brides , The Horrors (UK)
Lvl 59
If you're looking for more suggestions try going to Seeqpod, typing in the name of bands you like and pressing "Discover." It will come up with artists and songs related to your search. It's a decent way to find new interesting music that is instantly playable.
Lvl 13
Some of my current faves are pitchshifter (early stuff is quite gruff agit metal, later stuff goes into brit rock and sample heavy industrial rock); vega4 (indie rock, bit like early snow patrol); Lawnmower Deth; The Wildhearts; Ginger; This is Menace; Kerbdog;

Girl singer wise - you could go old school and try and find some Phantom Blue (heavy rock, but not to the extent of Kittie);
Lvl 9
the beta band, muse, kings of leon
Lvl 9
oh and i just heard a UK band called the archie brunson unit...good stuff...dark
Lvl 18
The Distillers
Lvl 11
The Eagles New "Long Road Out of Eden" double CD is totally awesome!
* This post has been modified : 16 years ago
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