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Looking for new stuff to listen too!

Starter: we_the_people Posted: 16 years ago Views: 1.0K
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Lvl 14
alot of these bands i already do listen to, but ALOT i have never heard of and am trying to keep finding time to play catch up on it all! ive got this dry erase board thats getting lists of bands on it now that im going to their myspace sites and checking them out. I hardly go out and buy cds from stores i usualy end up ordering stuff off the net, thanks to myspace i can pretty much preview any band ever... gotta love it right?!
i also have been way into metal most my life still am constantly going to local and not so local shows what ever i can get my hands on. its just certain days i listen to certain types of music

btw 70s classic rock wouldnt be a change for me.... today i pretty much listened to 3 rush albums i have on my ipod while i was at work, little bit of zeppelin, some YES, alot of other stuff i really grew up on, always brings back good memories as a kid cause my dad always listened to that stuff.

Also that seeqpod site is awesome ill be using that one alot!

thanks alot guys and keep the good ideas rolling!
Lvl 11
any of the "in search of sunrise albums"
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