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Legs for Tits Spam

Starter: EricLindros Posted: 14 years ago Views: 29.2K
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Lvl 28
@Lindros: That is a pretty awesome scene..

Have you guys seen that show Bored to Death? I've watched a few episodes and I think it's kinda chuckle worthy, it's no Californication, but it's not bad.

What do you chaps think? I'm just curious.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Bangledesh


I had the best hand! (Happens a lot)

AND IT WON!! (Happens rarely enough to warrant my happy dance. And I don't dance!)

...The dance is really just an arm pump, and a really emphatic "Cha-Chow!"

You're still a better dancer than I am.
Lvl 24
Havent seen it...
Lvl 59
I may have to check it out...havne't seen it.

Also, Eva Amurri has huge terts, and is in Californication.

Also, David Duchovny is pretty cool.

And is anyone else experiencing a slow WBW?
Lvl 24
Yeah, WBW just timed out 3 times for me.

Also, it's wicked how those two at your table are just trading the All-Ins on each other.
Lvl 59
Yea, and the one dude got fucked over twice. lol
Lvl 59
lol, three times.
Lvl 24
Lvl 24
You made a pretty good run...
Lvl 59
I had absolutely no cards.

The best hand I had the whole time was 10/10, which I had to fold to a x/Q/x, all diamond, flop.
Lvl 24
Lvl 20
I haven't been to a bar in nearly 17 minutes.

wait, that's an old topic.
Lvl 59
Well, I'm going to bed now, to rest and stuff.
Lvl 24
Lame... That's annoying as hell.
Candy corn: Breakfast of champions.

Lvl 10
Lvl 59
Originally posted by scrɘwy

Candy corn: Breakfast of champions.

[ Image ]

Candy corn: The shittiest candy ever.

It's like the brussels sprouts of candy.
Lvl 59
No, it's hmmm...

(I think. I can never remember if it's one or two m's.)
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