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Instead of Crystal Defanti, somehow we ended up with Threadkiller's sex tape. SPAM

Starter: hydrahead Posted: 15 years ago Views: 19.6K
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Lvl 25
Yeah the 360 plays movies (USB/DVD) and plays games.

PS3 plays Blu-ray movies, and that is about it.
Lvl 59
BRB Bed.

the R part is up for interpretation though.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Kanzen

Yeah the 360 plays movies (USB/DVD) and plays games.

PS3 plays Blu-ray movies, and that is about it.

Last I checked, mine did all three.

Man, mock fanboy wars are goodtimes...
Lvl 25
Originally posted by Honda_X


Last I checked, mine did all three.

Man, mock fanboy wars are goodtimes...

You are mistaken.

Must be all those hockey pucks to the head. Silly Canadians, maple syrup is not a topical disinfectant.
Lvl 24
Meh, I'm making a chicken pot pie...

What ya all doing?
Lvl 37

Youse guys should take it easy on hydrahead and give him some stars. He didn't know I was PNG when he titled thr thread
Lvl 59
I think you've been hanging out with Tequila
Lvl 37
Your comment is very important to us.

Please hold while I can think of a snappy retort.
Lvl 10
they r putting less sodium in some of the campbells chicken noodle soups...i like it
Lvl 59
You know, that's a good idea.

I always thought those "Cup O' Soup" things, where you just add water, had way too much salt.
Lvl 28
My back hurts.
Lvl 59
My dog bit my 6 year old cousin today.

Probably because my cousin is like a six year old Tasmanian devil.

And I'm kinda tired.
Lvl 22
@ Lindros that suks

Hope the little devil is OK !

My dog bit my young nephew along time ago , my nephew survived , my dog didn't

(He was a Taz also)
Lvl 59
Meh, it just bit his hand, and it's not that bad.

I like the dog more than the cousin, so, yeah, she'll survive.
Lvl 24
This girl who pla7s th4 mwin chock in Zack Snyder's 2004 Dawn of the Dead kioojs a lot like the chick in George A. Romero's 1978 Dawn of the Dead.
Lvl 24
Round Two:
The girl who plays the main chick in Zach Snyder's 2004 version of "Dawn of the Dead," looks a lot like the chick in George A. Romero's 1978 "Dawn of the Dead."

Also, John Hughes is dead.

Also, also, I'm out of rum, and the bourbon is also almost gone.
Lvl 18
My sig is toooooooo long.

We need like an about me section on our profiles where I can post long shit like that instead of my sig.
Lvl 24
CDreate a thread for it, you hore.

Also, there is onlt 3.5ounces of bourbon keft.
~4,5 if i can'r coubf.
Lvl 24
Lvl 18
Damn Bangles, sorry bout the liquor situation
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