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in remembrance ...

Starter: trustno.1 Posted: 19 years ago Views: 2.4K
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Lvl 13
dude there was wrong done on both sides...nothing justified the Japanese killing, raping, and enslaving thousands on the Asian mainland..alot were innocent civilians too...I bet the Chinese felt the use of such a weapon was justified
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 15
I just think that Nuclear weapons should be outlawed, like toxic weapons are, they should be banned in the Geneva Convention, and all countries not willing to give up those weapons should be seized...
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 27
Sad yes, at least the whole world doesn't all look like that. Yet.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 12
There are no rules in war.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 15
There you are correct, that is why the remainder not willing to disarm should be nuked
and as i c we have a nucler holocaust fan here, or you just found your avatar lying around....
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 11
the day will be the saddest neccessary day ever. it saved thousands of american lives, fighting a war against a people that felt trapped into a war. what the japanese did in korea, china, phillipines and other lands they touched, makes the bombing almost right, but murder never is.... as you remember the dead , please remember my dad. he was with patton through austria and was to go fight in japan. the bomb saved his life and brought about mine. all he wanted to do was grow apples.he died in 1995.not 1945.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 15
Originally posted by SuperPirate

dude there was wrong done on both sides...nothing justified the Japanese killing, raping, and enslaving thousands on the Asian mainland..alot were innocent civilians too...I bet the Chinese felt the use of such a weapon was justified

I agree with this guy. At that time it seems like everyone had a Dr. Evil. Everybody was killing everybody unjustifiably. It's only today, now, that we are such a smarter human

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* This post has been modified by Bangledesh : 19 years ago
Lvl 13
I do agree Bin Laden blows..but I believe Mr. Bush is just reacting to the hand he was dealt..nobody wants to be President when your country is struck by something as terrible as 911. Iraq can't be blamed on one man...a Congress and half of my nation backed it. Now we are there...and engaged in a bitter fight. We pullout now..and the nation is torn by civil war, with Taliban-style warlords, partitioning up the country. Whether we are right or wrong for being there in the first place, history will decide, but to abandon the Iraqi people, and government at this juncture, would screw the US and Iraq for years to come. Yes a death toll continues to mount, but people seem to forget that wars are raging all across Africa, that have taken a much greater toll than this, and continue to do so, while the EU and UN look they other way. Soon the topic will be locked for politcs being discussed..but I think this has remained civil, and there is no reason for it. Where's a reasonable mod like CK when you need one?
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 6
Originally posted by EricLindros

You are all silly.

Silly sentimentalists.

Everyone, and everything, that has lived, is living and will live, has or will, inevitably DIE.

How those deaths occur is of little relevance to me.

What's it like to live without a soul?
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 15
Nice one d00d
Lvl 17
although i agreed with WWII 100%
and i agree with the dropping of bombs on hiroshima
it is sad that so many people had to die in such a horrific way
some people blame america for dropping the bombs
some blame japans suprise attack on pearl harbor
in reality.. both sides are to blame

both sides killed many innocent people that day
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 11 try this , it shows the timeline to surrender
a very sad day yes, but totally necessary at the time
Lvl 12
I am glad we are all talking about this in English instead of Japanese or German.. The only result that can a country can have in a war is complete victory not peace through negotiations. I, also am horrified at which lengths we had to take to achieve it, but acheiving peace through strength will always be the only way to achieve lasting peace.
Lvl 18

Originally posted by EricLindros

You are all silly.

Silly sentimentalists.

Everyone, and everything, that has lived, is living and will live, has or will, inevitably DIE.

How those deaths occur is of little relevance to me.

anyone who expresses this kind of frivolity about the deaths of so many people is a sociopathic troll.
End of story.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 15
For this remembrance i present to you the sign that still is feared by many, and with good reason...
I made this from scratch in photoshop, as a show of dedication...
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 59
Originally posted by SkilleRStyLe

well EricLindros if that's the way you live your live then I hope you never run for president...

So are any single one of the deaths at Hiroshima and Nagasaki more tragic than, say, the death of a little old lady crossing the street? Or an infant born prematurely? I submit that they are not, and therefore, this entire thread is an excersize in sentimentality. This is all Im saying.

Honestly, I think you'd rather have more realists in political office than sentimental fools who react to emotion rather than logic. But hey, I'm not the populus, and that may be part of the reason our society (that of the us, anyway) is going straight through the shitter into the septic tank.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Scott2

anyone who expresses this kind of frivolity about the deaths of so many people is a sociopathic troll.
End of story.

What do you want me to do? Build them a monument? Why are their deaths any more tragic than the deaths of thousands of people every single day? Who are you (collectively) to place more value on some individuals than others? Because these people happend to get blown up they are more important than, say the people who died at Vesuvius, or the people who got killed at Columbine High School, or some homeless guy who had a heart attack last night? No, they are not, and thus should not be treated differently than those people are. Yet, you don't see posts here mourning that homeless guy with the heart attack, do you?

I never said it was not unfortunate they died. Please do not put words in my mouth when attempting to judge me. All I said was that mourning some group of people sixty years after their death purely because of the manner in which they died is silly. Its an excersize that makes you feel better for yourself, but really serves no other purpose. And that self gratifiying sorrow is distasteful to me, and is the reason I said what I said.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 21
Well is good to see that even after an absence of years from this forum, topics are still as hot as usual...

But thats just semantics and there will always be those who defend death at the expense of other... Therefore my only natural reply to these people is, IF death is a necessary evil THEN Im glad its done just as much by USA soldiers.

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* This post has been modified by Bangledesh : 19 years ago
Yet another slight at the US via WBW members...I don't find hiroshima nearly as sad as I find this, what the Germans did was just long and drawn out torture, f'n sickening to look at those people

* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
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