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I Fucking Hate.

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 14 years ago Views: 4.2K
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Lvl 28
This thread is for me, and not for you. "You" not including Lindros or SP..or any other global mods that just wanna rip shit up in this thread...about things I hate and why.

Just gonna rant about shit up in here, and haters can hate all that want.

First off. Did photobucket by tinypic?

I just went to search for an accompanying picture for this thread, and it redirected me to the slowly loading, rarely displaying mother fucking photobucket. I hate photobucket. Fuck.

Man, fuck.

Black people...who don't hold the door open for me just to be polite despite the fact I always hold doors open, for everyone, despite their race. I mean..every time I'm in the city, it's like people are doing it on, anyone that doesn't hold the door open is rude in my opinion, but I get the impression they're strictly hatering on me due to mah whiteness..

Everyone hold doors open. Seriously.

People who don't use indicators..Fuck I hate you so much, I don't even know why doesn't matter that much, but it's so fucking takes two god damn seconds.

I'll work on this later when I'm not drunk and my internet isn't constantly fucking up.
* This post has been modified : 14 years ago
Lvl 59

FUCKTARD SNOW PLOW DRIVERS and my sister...seriously, I hate you fucking plow cocksuckers, and my sister sucks almost as bad. So, we got like about a foot of snow or so, and that's fine, and I know it sucks and I have some shoveling and shit to do. Fine. But fuck you guys, because not only do I have to shovel my driveway and my sidewalk, but I also have to fucking shovel down the massive goddamn wall of snow you've put in front of my goddamn house.

In the diagrams below, the grey areas is the snow. So, at 10:00 am there is a three foot wall of snow along the outside of our cars (mine is red, my sister's is the other one...we'll get to her in a minute). This sucks, but is standard, and so I shovel it down, shovel out my car, pull my car into the driveway and shovel that goddamn wall of snow away, putting it along the curb on both my side and the opposite side of the street, depending upon which had more room for me to put that shit.

While I'm doing this, around noon or so, my sister comes out and decides she wants her car out of its parking spot. Now, she's lazier than a sloth on quaaludes, so I'm sure this is going to go well. Also, she has 2 wheel drive, and the front end of her car has almost been buried in snow, because across the street from our house is a condo, and they have their own parking lot, which gets shoveled straight out of their parking lot into this massive mountain of snow about fifteen feet down from our driveway. I would care about that, but I never park on that side of the driveway, and the property is actually my neighbor's, so I don't care about that. But it was funny watching her try to get her car out. Her procedure was something like this. (Mind you, we got about a foot of snow, and she's driving a shitty Saturn.)

1. Shovel about 1 shovel-full from behind a tire.
2. Get in car, gun it in reverse.
3. Get out, shovel another shovel-full of snow from behind another tire.
4. Get in car, gun it in reverse.
5. Repeat steps 1-4 ad nauseam.

She eventually gets it to slide out, to the area at the bottom of our driveway that I've already shoveled out. Then she goes inside and plays on facebook for hours or something. I don't know, she sucks. Then an hour or so later, she leaves. Of course, due to her rigorous shoveling, she's left this snow-alcove, visible in the 2nd half of the first pic, which consists of a space about the size of her car which is relatively snow-free, and then a huge fucking 3 foot wall of snow to the left, and then the snow from the sidewalk and such off to the right. It's basically a big "U" of snow, which she backed out of. Ok, fine, I'm not doing her work for her.

I spend a total of about 2.5 hours knocking down that snow-wall and turning it into 3-5' snow-walls lining our sidewalk, but at least there's enough room for a couple of cars to parallel park in front of the house, in addition to the driveway. I go inside, and the result is the 2nd half of the first picture.

Once inside, I decide to have a piece of pizza. When I'm done, I notice a couple dishes in the sink, so I figure I'll just go ahead and put them in the dishwasher. But, of course, it's not that easy, because when I grab the dishwasher, it's locked, meaning there's a shitton of dishes that are in there that have to be put away. Ok, fine. So, now I'm putting dishes away, and my back goes into spasms from all the goddamn shoveling, so I'm standing there shaking because my back muscles are acting like punks.

I finally get all the dishes put away, and decide that I should take a shower since I'm all sweaty from moving all that shit around. I get into my room upstairs, and as I'm about to grab some clothes from my closet, I hear a damn snow-plow scraping around. Mind you, it stopped snowing somewhere around 3:00 am last night.

So, I take a peek out the window, because I figure this moron is going to do something stupid, and I notice he's building a to-scale version of K-2 on the corner across the street. This is standard procedure for them, because for some reason they think the best place to put all the excess snow they can find is directly on top of those handicapped ramps on the corners of streets. Slightly annoying, but it's across the street, so I let it go. Then I see him back up, and drive into the parking lot for the condos across the street from our house.

I watch as he scrapes up some sludge and frozen-slush and stuff from the lot, and comes out of there, making a right, directly toward our house. As a special treat to me, he takes his load of that shit and catches the corner of the goddamn snow-wall that my sister had conveniently left in place, blasting that shit all over the area in front of our driveway, and continues on the path shown in the second picture (the black arrows at the top), dumping all that shit right back onto the area where I had spent like 2 hours shoveling. Now, you may be asking yourself, "Wait a minute, if he's going that way, why doesn't he just go all the way to the curb, and clear it some more, now that there's no cars there or anything?" I can answer that for's because years ago, when he was young, someone cut open his fucking head, scooped out his brain, took a big shit, and then closed it back up. And the result is this clown fucking shit all up.

So, I keep looking out of the window, wondering if he's going to come back, maybe make a second run, clear that shit up? Maybe even plow the area where my sister's snow-alcove had been until he blasted that wall of snow into the alcove and everywhere else. Of course, that would assume the guy had a shred of common decency, and I realized my mistake of expecting this after a few moments and headed back out to fix that shit up.

Another forty-five minutes of shoveling later, we have the result at the bottom of the page. The snow-alcove has been utterly destroyed by the plow guy, but you're fucking retarded if you think I'm going to shovel that shit for lazy-ass sister. The snow-sludge-ice mixture that was directly in front of the driveway has somehow made it's way back into the middle of the street in little clumps. I don't know how it happened, but it did, and that's fine with me. I spent a while clearing off the parking spots down the street, down toward the corner, and now my arms are about to fall off and my back feels like it's going to snap in two like someone dying of tetanus.

The result is the bottom half of this schematic, where you can see that I've cleared almost down to the corner, where the plow driver had inexplicably just fucking ignored.

But, before you guys go thinking this story is all bad, there is a silver lining.

As I'm finishing up clearing that run to the left of the driveway ma dukes pulls up as she got out of work early or something. Whatever the reason, I'm cool with it, because it gives me an idea. You see, if my sister comes home and sees that junk, she's totally going to just park in the area I shoveled and go about doing whatever dumb shit she does all day. But, you know EL, and that shit won't fly.

So, I go grab my keys, and strategically move my car from the driveway to a different spot. The result is below.

Lvl 17
Dude, grab a beer, smoke a bone, and relax.....
Lvl 26
get over it.......
Lvl 15
Once you have shoveled out the spot you need to "save it" like we do in Chicago
Some people think its BS. But they are the ones that don't shovel and take your spot for 2 weeks.

When major snowfall hits, and drivers spend hours in the bitter cold digging out their cars, many feel entitled to "hold" or "save" their spot by placing personal property, such as a chair or garbage can, where their car was, so that upon returning home, they can reclaim the parking spot they so painstakingly shoveled.

However, some cities have had it with the practice of calling "dibs" on a parking space on a public city street.

Chicago, Illinois, has decided that Streets & Sanitation workers will begin to remove items holding parking spaces if residents won't. According to the Chicago Tribune, "The practice is technically against the law because it's an obstruction of the public way, Streets and Sanitation spokesman Matt Smith said. But the department uses common sense in allowing the informal justice of dibs to hold sway in the side streets for a few days after major snowstorms."
Items spotted in Boston and Chicago include:

•Garbage cans
•Paint buckets
•Chairs and benches (folding, rocking, computer chairs... even old armchairs!)
•Children's playthings
•Laundry hampers
•Milk crates
•Bottles of laundry detergent
•Shopping carts

Advocates of saving spaces argue that the person who shoveled the spot is entitled to it, but opponents maintain that the public streets are city—not private—property. In a online poll, the majority of respondents (42%) said that parking spaces are "public property, no one has the right to claim it." On the other end of the spectrum, 7% of respondents said that shoveling out a spot meant they could claim it "indefinitely."
Lvl 7
I hate hypocrites! Example: ranting about "Black People", and then claiming you don't care what race people are.

Grow up, not everything is about you being an oppressed white man.
Lvl 37

Lvl 59
Originally posted by littlefishy

I agree ... this place should be about a website dedicated to guys coming to for fun anyway they want to.

The Mods here have their heads up their ass and are way too restrictive and pompous. If I would have known this before I bought my 1 year sponsor membership ... I would never have done it.

This site has a partner that advertises for toys to help you masturbate, and then when you admit you masturbated they receive complaints and want to ban you from the boards. Fucking ridiculous ... and again ..... fuck you Mods

WBW .... please loosen up.

I'm just curious, do you make a habit of telling people "fuck you" and then immediately asking them for something?

How does that work out for you?
Lvl 19
Sounds rather elementary, doesn't it ?

Originally posted by PartyBaby

I hate hypocrites! Example: ranting about "Black People", and then claiming you don't care what race people are.

Grow up, not everything is about you being an oppressed white man.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by littlefishy

are you confused lindros ? lol ... what did I ask for other than Mods to loosen up here so we all can enjoy this great site !!!

Yes, you said, "fuck you mods!" and then one line later asked that the mods loosen up.

You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

Originally posted by fishguy

but I can sorta understand from your name .... you are a Flyers fan and the Broad Street bullies haven't really done it for a while and it must be dissapointing ;-)

Let's Go Caps !!!

So, I'm guessing you missed the whole "Stanley Cup Playoffs" thing last year, right? And that you haven't looked at the standings in the Eastern Conference lately?
Lvl 11
Originally posted by littlefishy

and then when you admit you masturbated they receive complaints and want to ban you from the boards.

I'm quite skeptical that this really happened...
Lvl 11
Yeah, I figured you were exaggeration and/or mis-stating what really happened..... thanks for confirming.
So first off you write me and apologize for making the masturbating comments all the time.

Originally posted by littlefishy
really ? I never meant to upset anybody. I kinda got in the habit of when I wake up in the morning and have a stiffy that I would log on to WBW and find a photo that I felt was the best and it was sort of my way to give the highest rating to a photo by saying that I actually masturbated to it.

I love WBW so I will tone those comments down some as you ask and drop the tissues part. But I hope on a site like this it is OK to talk about masturbation and what pics I like doing it to. I will try to say it better. Thanks and sorry for upsetting you.

Then you accuse me of trying to ban you...which by your own quote above, I clearly didn't do. I was actually quite nice I thought.

Then you write me and ask me to give you a link to pics of myself so you can fucking jerk off to them??

Originally posted by littlefishy
Please send me a link to a picture of you so I can work out my dissappointment by having a grudge masturbation session looking at you ;-) lol ..... come on ..... let's chill ... we are all friends here !!!!!

So speaking of things we hate....
Lvl 4
OK ...... again I am sorry for causing such a fuss and I am backing out of these posts. I'd rather be everbody's friend and not an enemy. WBW is a great place !!!
Lvl 11
Ah... much better ..... No hate here .... <grouphug>
Lvl 8
Guess I mised the big shit fest here.

That whole snow shit sucks too.
Lvl 15
Ironically, what pisses me off is I'm not getting any snow. It's all getting dumped on New York and those points south. We usually get a ton of snow but not this year. I think the most we got was maybe 4 inches way back sometime ago. And I already paid the guy who does my driveway for the year! Not only that, but I have this new ergonomic snow shovel - you know, so I don't hurt my back shoveling - and I haven't gotten a chance to use it even ONCE. That's because the guy who does the driveway is feeling guilty (though not guilty enough to refund any of my money) and is doing the walk and even my steps. So I'm not getting any of that great winter exercise! Shit! Goddamn Americans took all my goddamn snow! (whine)
Lvl 4
dude ..... if I could package it all up and send it to you I would !!!! I'm tired of it Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr lol
Lvl 8
I don't understand how people can live in the snow. That shit doesn't drive you crazy?
Lvl 18
Originally posted by EricLindros

[ Image ]


I second that. I live on a circle and somehow the plow driver always buries the crap out of half of driveway and my friggin' mailbox so that after shoveling out my driveway for 3.5 hours I got to spend another hour trying to break up the packed together 8' deep and 5' high mammoth brick of ice from in front of my mailbox. See, I learned last year that my mail carrier will not (never, ever, ever) get out of the damned mail McTruck no matter what! Thus, if there is not clean and clear access for said McTruck, they hold just skip over me and I have to go to the fucking post office to drop off and pick up my mail.
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