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How to prevent your daughters from becoming easy and sexy girls

Starter: hectorhdt Posted: 11 years ago Views: 4.3K
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Lvl 5
Im 30 years old, 4 daughters, 9 old, 7 twins and 5 old, as i see they´re growing cant stop in thinking that one day i´ll had to face the reality, girls are very easy nowadays, the world its very diffrent now that in the past, for that reason i was thinking that sports and education are the solution, maybe volleyball or soccer for them, so how can visualize my daughts in a few years? what kind of strategies should i use to prevent this possible situation?

Thanks for your time
Lvl 8
I'm going to assume English is not your first language. I get the question it's just worded slightly weird. You want to know how to keep your daughters from becoming sluts? Support and encourage them. Help them with school work and allow them to participate in sports, dancing, art, whatever. Girls who have great relationships with their fathers tend to be less likely to act whore-ish. The girls you see dancing at strip clubs and having sex in porno? They all hate their dads.
* This post has been modified : 11 years ago
Lvl 5
im learning english sorry, thanks for the counsel
Lvl 8
No problem man. Just stay involved in whatever they do.
Lvl 11
Originally posted by Davey45
I'm going to assume English is not your first language. I get the question it's just worded slightly weird. You want to know how to keep your daughters from becoming sluts? Support and encourage them. Help them with school work and allow them to participate in sports, dancing, art, whatever. Girls who have great relationships with their fathers tend to be less likely to act whore-ish. The girls you see dancing at strip clubs and having sex in porno? They all hate their dads.

this... keep them busy with sports and music and they wont have time to get into partying and sex... at least until they go off to college... I played field hockey in highschool and did marching band and was pretty much busy 24/7 i didnt have time to get into much trouble. i didnt start to get into all kinds of crazy stuff until college and after.... and the more my parents hated me doing something - be it having a girlfriend or a black boyfriend, the more exciting i found it, so dont try to be a huge backfires with teenage girls. i went from being a band geek holding onto her virginity to a girl who will try anything once in like a year lol.
Lvl 8
Originally posted by jen2412

so dont try to be a huge disciplinarian...backfires with teenage girls.

This also. One of the freakiest girls I ever dated had a holier-than-thou father who thought being demanding and punishing his daughter would keep her away from evil boys. Exact opposite effect. You gotta have a little trust that you've raised someone well enough to know right from wrong.
Just keep them buisier then shit after school! Two way parenting is key & lots of comunication is key. Also, No one undermines the rules, ie u & wife. If both of u aren't on the same page your kid is going to pick the easy target. Hopefully that will keep them clear of most of the shit, but in the end acept the fact that are gonna do what they want & shit from pier pressure. Nowadays kids have little respect of there parents ! .. at least in the usa nowadays.

sorry my spelling sucks but it's the truth.
Lvl 42
lock then in the cellar, it's the only way!! ....ask Josef Fritzl.
Lvl 17
Im 31, and have a 16/17 year old stepdaughter which I call my own, and I'm the only dad she's ever known. I've had it all with her, from catching her using the wifes vibrator, secret boyfriends to talking dirty on the Internet and being groomed by a paedo, which I thankfully caught in time.

Luckily, I'm still in touch with the youth of today, and am naturally very suspicious about things, like an internal sensor for wrongdoing. Plus I'm very technology savvy, so I've monitored her as much as possible from 13. I've eased off over the last year, she's entitled to privacy, and she's got a steady-ish boyfriend.

Luckily we're very open about sexual matters, I'm never shy about anything, whereas her mom is, so she comes to me with questions and issues, something I'm overjoyed with. I believe openness and the giving of knowledge is a powerful thing, and an important tool in bringing up kids. I'm thankful, and happy, and 100% certain she is still a virgin, and will remain until she's ready, which will probably be soon.

I think you have to roll with things, listen, lay ground rules, punish rule breaking, but encourage individuality and certain freedoms and liberties, and hopefully if you've raised them the right way, when you let them go they'll turn out to be something you'll be proud of.
Lvl 70
Originally posted by Paddy!
Luckily we're very open about sexual matters, I'm never shy about anything, whereas her mom is, so she comes to me with questions and issues, something I'm overjoyed with. I believe openness and the giving of knowledge is a powerful thing, and an important tool in bringing up kids. I'm thankful, and happy, and 100% certain she is still a virgin, and will remain until she's ready, which will probably be soon.

This, especially the bold part. I'm not a father but from my own experience and people I know, the best isn't to "forbid" or "prevent" but to explain and talk about sensible subjects (could be sex, drugs or anything). Whatever you do, your children will do what they wants in the end so they'd better be informed and reasonable to make the good choices.
* This post has been modified : 11 years ago
Lvl 17
Originally posted by hectorhdt
Im 30 years old, 4 daughters, ... what kind of strategies should i use to prevent this possible situation? Thanks for your time

  • IMHO You're asking in a bad place.

  • Your tactics has, from my point of view, is a mistake. You can't prevent at all.

I'm 44 years old, and am father of two daughters and one son. I do try to educate. Show them pros and cons. Show them all, i.e. positive and negative, consequences. I do try to do it neutrally because they will make decisions by their own when I would be absent.
* This post has been modified : 11 years ago
I don't know why, but this thread has somewhat of a creepy feeling to it.

However, I will put in my two cents. Education. Education about sex, std's, pregnancy, safe sex, and sexuality...all of that is key. Don't be too strict with them, but you still have to set boundaries and if you threaten punishment for something, you have to follow through with that punishment.
Lvl 8
Originally posted by Sugarpie
I don't know why, but this thread has somewhat of a creepy feeling to it.


I think it was the fact that the OP isn't great with English so it sounded kinda creepers. I think it's a legit question though. Nobody wants their daughter to turn out to be a stripper.
Lvl 59
I laughed at the Fritzl comment.

But really, all people are different, and while your counsel will steer them in one direction or another, you can't prevent them from being who they want to be. They'll be shaped by their friends, classmates, television, the internet, teachers, and their own personalities. Good luck trying to shape a person like they're a lump of clay. (It won't work).

Patience and communication are the best ways, but they're not perfect, and won't prevent the girls from doing things you don't want them to do.
Lvl 12
I agree that education is of the utmost importance, and not just sex education.

Help them develop their intellect as well: they don't have to judge their self-worth based on what boys think of them. Help them to know that their importance isn't based on looks. To wit: view the comments on this website regarding pictures of women over a certain age, or without the 'perfect' body. Granted, most of these asinine comments are mostly written by young, immature guys, but these are the ones who will be after your daughters! They're the ones who will pursue your daughters, use them, and then post pictures on various websites because they think it's fun.
Lvl 14
Originally posted by hectorhdt
Im 30 years old, 4 daughters, 9 old, 7 twins and 5 old, as i see they´re growing cant stop in thinking that one day i´ll had to face the reality, girls are very easy nowadays, the world its very diffrent now that in the past, for that reason i was thinking that sports and education are the solution, maybe volleyball or soccer for them, so how can visualize my daughts in a few years? what kind of strategies should i use to prevent this possible situation?

Thanks for your time

Here in Richmond, Virginia USA, believe me, the chicks around here may be good-looking, but they still sure are not easy. I don't think it's hard for you to instill Virgin Values in them at all.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by web_jock

Here in Richmond, Virginia USA, believe me, the chicks around here may be good-looking, but they still sure are not easy.

Well, maybe they are easy but just don't like you?
Originally posted by theoriemeister
I agree that education is of the utmost importance, and not just sex education.

Help them develop their intellect as well: they don't have to judge their self-worth based on what boys think of them. Help them to know that their importance isn't based on looks.

Lvl 19

Originally posted by theoriemeister
I agree that education is of the utmost importance, and not just sex education.

Help them develop their intellect as well: they don't have to judge their self-worth based on what boys think of them. Help them to know that their importance isn't based on looks. To wit: view the comments on this website regarding pictures of women over a certain age, or without the 'perfect' body. Granted, most of these asinine comments are mostly written by young, immature guys, but these are the ones who will be after your daughters! They're the ones who will pursue your daughters, use them, and then post pictures on various websites because they think it's fun.
* This post has been modified : 11 years ago
Sports won't work. I can tell you I would go out of my way to stare at the asses of high school volleyball and basketball girls when I was in high school, and college, and to date when it's on ESPN...

I have family members whom raised their children with that traditional way of trying to keep them from teenage temptation and in EVERY case it backfired on them...their daughters became rebellious and easier than easy (and some involved in more than just recreational sexcapades) - probably something that wouldn't have happened if their parents had just put their faith in them that they'll make the right decisions in life with proper guidance (but not authoritative rule).

Just embrace what you can't control, and it will all work out for the better.
* This post has been modified : 1 month ago
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