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How to prevent your daughters from becoming easy and sexy girls

Starter: hectorhdt Posted: 11 years ago Views: 4.3K
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Originally posted by DirkJammer
Sports won't work. I can tell you I would go out of my way to stare at the asses of high school volleyball and basketball girls when I was in high school, and college, and to date when it's on ESPN...

Just because you're a perv doesn't mean that they'll be.
* This post has been modified : 11 years ago
Lvl 4
I raised four daughters. One of them earned her brown belt in karate, then went on to earn a college degree and is very successful as a business executive. Two of them excelled in high school and club volleyball. One of them is divorced with two kids and the other is living with her bf of three years and is pregnant. The fourth dau is in the banking industry. My advice to you is to stay involved in their lives. Don't be afraid to say "No" and expect to explain your reasons. . Each are different so treat them differently, but love them equally. Remember that once they are old enough to move out and start their own lives, you may give an opinion if you disagree with something they are doing, but always be supportive. That's my two cents.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Sugarpie

Just because you're a perv doesn't mean that they'll be.

DirkJammer is actually a famous person. I found a picture of him:

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