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How to Get and Keep a Hot Girlfriend. (Suggestions)

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 16 years ago Views: 7.2K
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Lvl 20
Originally posted by FATHERTIME

honda has the best hair on wbw

And the best scarf. Bet girls gets horny when they see it.
Lvl 11
Originally posted by Vesuvius


And the best scarf. Bet girls gets horny when they see it.

I've used his scarf before...

Waiiiitt a minute! It's a TRAP!!

Lvl 27
Once you have the target locked in, you need to start fucking up her mental life. The key is to make her depend on you. She needs to feel like she can't live without you

Allude to the fact she's not pretty
Point out how all her friends treat her like shit (the probably don't, so you need to be creative. Lying helps)
Distant her from her family
Point out unnecessary flaws and show her that you're helping her to overcome them
Lvl 4
ive tried everything with all sorts of women ..fat skinny tall short ... in the end ... if 2 people are meant to be in love ..they love each other. Women are not stupid ..some act it, but most of them arent. Me personally... im past the dumb trashy women ..and it took me 30 years to run into the woman i have now ... no tricks just me and shes just her. its funny really ..we actually have talked about the shit we have pulled in the past ..and its somewhat similar to the original post here.

I do agree that women instinctively love real men ..and younger women like bad men ... the trick is knowing when to give and also knowing when to take ..when to let well enough alone ..and NEVER EVER LIE least not to your g/f or her friends.

I also agree that you must be friendly and get along with HER friends ..and you cannot be a pushover.

I guess if you just wanna fuck all means do what is necessary ... but getting a woman ..and then keeping a woman are 2 very different things indeed.
* This post has been modified by [Deleted] : 16 years ago

get some nicotine patches, the strong ones..
invite her to stay the night, stick a patch on her back..

the next day, if you plan on staying the whole day with her, make sure to wake up before her..
and replace the patch with a fresh one..

then, by the end of the day...giver her an embrace and remove it..

now...while shes away from you, shell have cravings for something...but not know what, and be in a shitty mood and feel like crap, then when you see her again, embrace and attach a patch. Shell feel better again.....and when you part, again embrace etc..

after a few days, shell realise that the only thing in life that makes her feel good is you..

game over.

men 1 : women 0
Lvl 11
look like a: douchebag

Lvl 27
Originally posted by Cooper.

why do you want to keep her?

To do the laundry, why else
Lvl 18
If I shared my secrets then they wouldn't exactly be secret anymore. I'm glad most guys are totally clueless when it comes to girls cause it just makes things that much easier for the rest of us.

One tip I will give is guys need to stop thinking that all girls want the same thing or are interested in the same things. Some girls want 50 cent other girls want Justin Timberlake and some even go for the Carrot Tops of the world. There is no formula to picking up girls because of this. Learn to gauge a girls interests in mid conversation. When you talk to her make sure she's interested in what you are talking about, if she looks bored she is bored, change the subject until you hit on something she starts talking back about. Most guys use the same approach with girl after girl and you MUST cater your approach to the girl you are approaching or you are doomed to fail before you even begin, like this guy...

Lvl 12
Originally posted by Honda_X

1. Whenever a girl asks what you are doing, completely ignore her. That way she'll think you are mysterious and or soulful.

2. Whenever you know your girlfriend is going to call before hand, leave the phone off the hook so she gets a busy signal..and when she asks who you were talking to, tell her it was her best friend, and that you two talked for hours. Girls love it when you're friends with their friends.

3. Whenever a you're talking to your buddies, and you girlfriend is listening...make sure you mention how hot another girl in the area is, making sure your current girlfriend knows this girl..and possibly dislikes her. Girls love a challenge, and she'll work harder to please you.

4. Tell her you're going out to dinner, and that she has to look really, really pretty. Wait the hours it takes for her to get ready..and then take her out to a field, and just stand there for awhile. When she asks why you lied to her, tell her it was a joke and that now you're going out to dinner now, and then drive home. When she asks why you would do something so childish and mean. Tell her "because I can"...this will keep her on her toes around you..and this will remind her why shes lucky to have you.

5. Never let her hold your's a sign of weakness. Whenever she tries, crush her hand as hard as you she can see her mistake. Try to make sure it's her left hand, so she can still cook, clean..and give you hand jobs.

*My picture for number 4 relevance*

number 1, if you ignore, is much important to do this and would please many girl , what stupid girl would ask what you doing anyhow,ha? only naive girl! The mysterious boy is the one who blind fold you and ask 'do you want to carry on life this second' this is risque/mystery/excite!

number 2, what girls call their boyfriend?? none, only stupid girl

number 3, yes talk about other girl much, one who is dislike, then can pull her hair out and make interesting night instead of normal boring sex/boytalk/blahhhh

number 4, keep on toes? i am not ballerina? this only time for toes is when boy is under 5'9 height and useless for my picture words if i am stand in street alley with my back face him! Lay down with boy?> pointless & for pensioner only!

number 5, girl hold a boys hand??? impossible! & cook? yes cook his head in fry/cooker after cut off earlier! logical :~)

also please why can i not enter this 'secret' word place >>>> Disabled PM not functioning properly? topic starter Vesuvius???>>>> is this hierarchy private rendezvous? please reply. polite ask from me, thank you very much this.
Lvl 27
Error access denied you must have tried go somewhere that is only for WBW crew, kinda like only some women like to have sex in the butt, everyone wants to be there but not all are allowed
@ rebchick - sometimes you worry me woman...
Lvl 12
Originally posted by Demonicmale

Error access denied you must have tried go somewhere that is only for WBW crew, kinda like only some women like to have sex in the butt, everyone wants to be there but not all are allowed

thank you for reply, this subject was link my problem so i was curious much , that is all & your comment regard butt, my words are pretend always not true .. anything link with *derriere* is not for me, also all my friend are same or so they tell, maybe i am inhibited?

Originally posted by latino

@ rebchick - sometimes you worry me woman...

latino-oz, boys always this worry always, **it keep them on toes** ask the honda man in his number 5 quote

i am only joke, i would not cook head is waste of fuel/gas/electric, & i would not blind fold ... unless boy -> ugly ... then yes maybe i would shut eye or look in sky

my words are always joke , if i am mind blank then i drink bottle water read book like any normal quiet girl, but sometimes i say to my mind this zip file voice clip ..actually if i am true my heart, almost many minutes of day i shout this (silently) to ALL boys in street, but they cannot hear of course :~(

apology his number 4 quote, ha
Lvl 7
How to get and keep a hot girlfriend: Be rich.
Lvl 14
Originally posted by rebchikk

latino-oz, boys always this worry always, **it keep them on toes** ask the honda man in his number 5 quote

i am only joke, i would not cook head is waste of fuel/gas/electric, & i would not blind fold ... unless boy -> ugly ... then yes maybe i would shut eye or look in sky

my words are always joke , if i am mind blank then i drink bottle water read book like any normal quiet girl, but sometimes i say to my mind this zip file voice clip ..actually if i am true my heart, almost many minutes of day i shout this (silently) to ALL boys in street, but they cannot hear of course :~(

apology his number 4 quote, ha

so....from what i understand youre saying this..
you want to have my babies?

Lvl 27
^^^No, what she's saying is, you can have your way with her if you're blindfolded and on a street corner...

Lvl 15
Lvl 59
Originally posted by rebchikk


*...a thousand monkeys typing at a thousand typewriters producing the Great WBW non-comprehensible post*


What's with the backwards E?

Anyway....I'll give a few tips out. I've got charm and magnetism to spare.

1. Tell her she's dumb. Chicks dig that. Criticize just about everything she does, even if it's right. That way, she'll look to because you're obviously so smart and omniscient.

2. Show her how much you like her family. Fuck her mother. Extra bonus points if you get her sister in a mother/daugher/sister threesome party.

C. Show up at places she's at, you know, to show how much you love her. For example, show up at her job at random times during the day, bringing her lunch. Or at her house at 4 am, bringing her a knife or crowbar. You never know, she might need to cut through some hedges in her yard or pry off some molding in the event she cant sleep.

X. Get a super-special awesome STD. Then give it to her. Then accuse her of cheating on you. Any time she even thinks about leaving you, yell at her, "WHO IS GOING TO WANT TO FUCK YOUR DISEASED CUNT, SUZIE SLUTTERSON?!"

II. Get her name tattooed on your forehead. I mean really, is there a better sign of commitment? I submit there is not.

Finally, and this one is GOLD, send her a smiley face.

Lvl 27
I always thought you got the hot girls by waiting in the mall parking lot late at night...

And you kept them at home in a box under your bed...
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Demonicmale

I always thought you got the hot girls by waiting in the mall parking lot late at night...

And you kept them at home in a box under your bed...

No. You keep them in your freezer. They tend to be tighter that way. Plus they won't stain the carpet.

Here's another one to try on a rainy day:

After giving your victim girlfriend a nice roofie-colada, or chicken and roofie soup, wait until she passes out. Strip her naked and smear some poo (yours, the dogs, doesn't matter where you get it) all down her ass and legs. Then put her into your bed and lay down on the other side. When she wakes up act flabbergasted and appalled. Finally, make sure you give her the cute pet name, "Shitty" for the next 10 years. Obviously, she'll be hooked for life then.
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