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Green Eggs and <SPAM>?

Starter: ObsoleteRealism Posted: 13 years ago Views: 18.6K
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Lvl 6
As this is a place to spam, I just made a new music video, and it involves people with boxes for heads.

Check it out!
Lvl 37
Originally posted by EricLindros

Predicable outcome:

[ Image ]

Probability 99.997%

And now for something completely different...

Lvl 4
Looks like Honda
Lvl 28
Originally posted by kayradis

Looks like Honda

Pffft, I wish I could pull that look off.
Lvl 22
If I was you I'd pull it off too...
Lvl 25
Lvl 59
Lvl 22
Lvl 28
@Kanzen: Jesus I lol'd so god damn hard, Lindros I also lol'd.

Notech...pick it up sir.
Lvl 22
I'm not touching that!

You do it.....
Lvl 37
Lvl 59
I kind of have a headache but I'm going to post some stuff anyway.
Lvl 25
Posting from my iPhone. That is all.
Lvl 59
Don't touch the left side with your pinky. I hear it makes them explode..
Lvl 37
Posting from my 9 year old started out as a HP Pavillion but now is a "Frankenstein" desktop.
Lvl 22
Comment Here
Lvl 24
Originally posted by Kanzen

I still chuckle when I read that.
Lvl 22


Where is everyone?
Lvl 37
The rest of the Fun Forum Mods checking in!

Who's who?
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