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Goodbye from Sugarpie

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 10 years ago Views: 12.8K
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Lvl 24
The site is what you make it, forums and all. It's user generated/supplied content. If you want threads about pubic hair and other frivolous matters, start one. Or, more importantly, if you see trolling, or a heated debate or flame war full of lengthy posts quoting other people's lengthy posts, don't reply. Like I just did. Shit. Oh well, you get the idea.
NightCruiser finds this awesome.
Lvl 4
Exactly! If I see a thread I am not interested in or I find disgusting I don't click on it. I lf I do then I won't mistake that mistake again. If someone is being a jerk then I ignore them. If they are violating the rules of the forums then report them. Simple as that

Originally posted by crazyivan69
The site is what you make it, forums and all. It's user generated/supplied content. If you want threads about pubic hair and other frivolous matters, start one. Or, more importantly, if you see trolling, or a heated debate or flame war full of lengthy posts quoting other people's lengthy posts, don't reply. Like I just did. Shit. Oh well, you get the idea.
* This post has been modified : 10 years ago
Lvl 8
I liked Sugarpie. Yeah, she could be abrasive from time to time but I usually found it hilarious. Maybe I don't take internet forum postings as serious as some other people do. Anywhoo..peace out SP.
ranging finds this awesome.
Lvl 26
While I agree insults and personal attacks shouldn't be thrown. I feel like a simple "goodbye" isn't going to happen, at least from me, because most of her last posts have been either exaggerating or outright lies.

A simple "goodbye" isn't going to happen from me either for the very same reasons.
However being the mature person, I will give her a Bu Bye!!
Lvl 60
Originally posted by doolittle
in the past I have tried many times to join in the forums but could never get past only one comment on whatever the subject matter always seems like the biggest percentage of the members that participate in the forums must hold several college degrees as they all seem to know everything about everything and in their minds they are the only ones in the discussion that know anything.. there just isn't any fun in the forums anymore so I usually don't go there...

That's a very fair critique.
doolittle, moss, waywardson find this awesome.
Lvl 8
Meh, better to remain silent and be thought the fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
jenngurl23 finds this awesome.
Lvl 4
whatever happened to transparency?
Lvl 60
Originally posted by Poida
whatever happened to transparency?

Can you elaborate?
Poida finds this awesome.
a little late to the thread...but goodbye SP, ive tried to leave a few times but still cant stop hanging around
Lvl 29
Originally posted by Latino
a little late to the thread...but goodbye SP, ive tried to leave a few times but still cant stop hanging around

What, are you still here?
I keep looking for the door out, but every one i open leads me back to here
Lvl 8
Originally posted by Latino
I keep looking for the door out, but every one i open leads me back to here[Link]

Please keep trying....
Lvl 9
As somewhat of a watcher I personally think the site has lost a great contributor.
Lvl 23
So bye bye Ms. Canadian pie.....
Made a comment on your post and my humor was dry.....
You cut me down and made me cry......
And I`m singing this will be the day that I die.....
This will be the day that I die........
Goodbye Sugar pie.....
Lvl 21
Originally posted by Poida
whatever happened to transparency?
We saw through it.
Poida finds this awesome.
Lvl 22
I disagree with the first part, I haven't read most of this thread but imo it's the mass sterilization here, even here is EL editing posts because someone said someone else smelt of internet cheese (probably) I mean, boo-hoo waa-waa, this is the internet and rightly or wrongly anon's act differently here than they do in real life, suck it up and if you really can't handle it, then get an new username like sugarpie has.

I think the moderation has gone way too far imo, it's completely sterile here now, I have had comments deleted and a warning via PM (which I missed) because apparently commenting "awesome!" "nice" "pawg!" "incredible" "beautiful" suuuuuurrrrrwweeeeeet" is breaking rules, I mean fuck off! - can I say fuck off ?? or is that another banned thing - fuck off, fuck off, fuck off - is acting childish a banning offense too ??

I understood moderating to be a part of the word moderation, not obliteration, to be used to remove racist, homophobic, gender-phobic, xenophobic, etc, etc unpleasantness, not the complete obliteration of the character of the website and it's participants.
Lvl 71
Originally posted by tiredeyes
I disagree with the first part, I haven't read most of this thread but imo it's the mass sterilization here, even here is EL editing posts because someone said someone else smelt of internet cheese (probably) I mean, boo-hoo waa-waa, this is the internet and rightly or wrongly anon's act differently here than they do in real life, suck it up and if you really can't handle it, then get an new username like sugarpie has.

I think the moderation has gone way too far imo, it's completely sterile here now, I have had comments deleted and a warning via PM (which I missed) because apparently commenting "awesome!" "nice" "pawg!" "incredible" "beautiful" suuuuuurrrrrwweeeeeet" is breaking rules, I mean fuck off! - can I say fuck off ?? or is that another banned thing - fuck off, fuck off, fuck off - is acting childish a banning offense too ??

I understood moderating to be a part of the word moderation, not obliteration, to be used to remove racist, homophobic, gender-phobic, xenophobic, etc, etc unpleasantness, not the complete obliteration of the character of the website and it's participants.

Huh? It has always been part of the comment rules that one word comments aren't allowed. You may have not noticed the moderation part because those comments were just deleted and you weren't warned but I can understand comment mods being fed up with people not reading and respecting the rules. I think it's pretty simple to come up with a comment that is more than one word right? And this is precisely meant to avoid having sterile comments, like the ones you cited, all over the place (no, it's not interesting to read "nice" or even "nice tits" ten times in a row on each pics).
Bangledesh finds this awesome.
Lvl 22
Originally posted by omuh
Huh? It has always been part of the comment rules that one word comments aren't allowed. You may have not noticed the moderation part because those comments were just deleted and you weren't warned but I can understand comment mods being fed up with people not reading and respecting the rules. I think it's pretty simple to come up with a comment that is more than one word right? And this is precisely meant to avoid having sterile comments, like the ones you cited, all over the place (no, it's not interesting to read "nice" or even "nice tits" ten times in a row on each pics).

So you have a fetish involving multiple word comments?

... takes all sorts I suppose

There are tools now that can restrict members to xx amount of posts per day, or stop them typing the same text in consecutive posts, banning one word posts is soooo 2005, if I'm browsing the "top babes" page I'm not going to post a paragraph on all the top 50 babes am I your talking somewhere around 500 words a day that are mostly ignored by everyone but the uploader and I thought to encourage members to upload/contribute (they are the ONLY contributors, the entire site has no content apart from members own uploads) it might be nice to say "sweet ass" "hot chick" "incredible" on their uploads but apparently not, back here in 2005 it's a WBW crime.

Lvl 71
Originally posted by tiredeyes

So you have a fetish involving multiple word comments?

... takes all sorts I suppose

There are tools now that can restrict members to xx amount of posts per day, or stop them typing the same text in consecutive posts, banning one word posts is soooo 2005, if I'm browsing the "top babes" page I'm not going to post a paragraph on all the top 50 babes am I your talking somewhere around 500 words a day that are mostly ignored by everyone but the uploader and I thought to encourage members to upload/contribute (they are the ONLY contributors, the entire site has no content apart from members own uploads) it might be nice to say "sweet ass" "hot chick" "incredible" on their uploads but apparently not, back here in 2005 it's a WBW crime.

Maybe the hint here is : instead of posting 100 generic "nice ass" comments everyday, you'd rather post a few interesting/funny ones (no need to post an essay each time, don't fall into extremes...). Or you can continue posting those as long as they fit the rules. One words are just pretty much spamming. Would you rather have a system asking you to post at least x characters for each comments because that's how most forums works nowadays. I'm pretty sure more people would be pissed because they can't post their favorite "nice random_body_part".

I haven't made those rules but I find them useful to avoid having pages filled with uninteresting comments. I guess it's just a question of standards and I'm sorry we can't change the rules to fit yours.
Bangledesh finds this awesome.
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