The site is what you make it, forums and all. It's user generated/supplied content. If you want threads about pubic hair and other frivolous matters, start one. Or, more importantly, if you see trolling, or a heated debate or flame war full of lengthy posts quoting other people's lengthy posts, don't reply. Like I just did. Shit. Oh well, you get the idea.
I liked Sugarpie. Yeah, she could be abrasive from time to time but I usually found it hilarious. Maybe I don't take internet forum postings as serious as some other people do. Anywhoo..peace out SP.
Meh, better to remain silent and be thought the fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
whatever happened to transparency?
As somewhat of a watcher I personally think the site has lost a great contributor.
Allen_Bradley 10 years ago
So bye bye Ms. Canadian pie.....
Made a comment on your post and my humor was dry.....
You cut me down and made me cry......
And I`m singing this will be the day that I die.....
This will be the day that I die........
Goodbye Sugar pie.....
I disagree with the first part, I haven't read most of this thread but imo it's the mass sterilization here, even here is EL editing posts because someone said someone else smelt of internet cheese (probably) I mean, boo-hoo waa-waa, this is the internet and rightly or wrongly anon's act differently here than they do in real life, suck it up and if you really can't handle it, then get an new username like sugarpie has.
I think the moderation has gone way too far imo, it's completely sterile here now, I have had comments deleted and a warning via PM (which I missed) because apparently commenting "awesome!" "nice" "pawg!" "incredible" "beautiful" suuuuuurrrrrwweeeeeet" is breaking rules, I mean fuck off! - can I say fuck off ?? or is that another banned thing - fuck off, fuck off, fuck off - is acting childish a banning offense too ??
I understood moderating to be a part of the word moderation, not obliteration, to be used to remove racist, homophobic, gender-phobic, xenophobic, etc, etc unpleasantness, not the complete obliteration of the character of the website and it's participants.