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GloBull Warming Says Dr Christy

Starter: NightCruiser Posted: 10 years ago Views: 3.8K
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Lvl 4

"Dr. Christy is an outlier on what the vast majority of his colleagues consider to be a matter of consensus: that global warming is both settled science and a dire threat. He regards it as neither. Not that the earth is not heating up. It is, he says, and carbon dioxide spewed from power plants, automobiles and other sources is at least partly responsible."
Lvl 4
I think the EPA is out of control in one sense. Their mandates are very costly. For instance, fuel cans have doubled in price. What the cans are made of has changed to resist ethanol. The way the cans are vented is much more complicated to protect the atmosphere and waterways. So now a $30 plastic 5 gallon can has gone to $80+. Then you have the Ethanol mandate % of fuel. Ethanol has jacked up the price of food and fuel. Ethanol attracts water so you have to buy additives to counter that fact. Everything has to be Ethanol resistant--hoses etc. You have winter fuel and then the Summer blends of additives to fuel. All this has been very costly to consumers.
I think human activity is contributing to Global warming. But there are so many things that contribute to Global warming that are out of our control--ie Volcano's , cow poop etc. Many Scientist say we cannot stop Climate change. Just slow it down. The Earths climate has changed throughout history of it's existence. We need to do sensible things to clean up the environment for health reasons and that will help slow Global warming. Every country has to do their part or none of our efforts will do any good. I don't think the EPA's extreme measures are necessary
Lvl 19
Ethanol is a joke, and we have only our Congressmen and women from the agricultural states to blame for it.

Isn't democracy a real hoot ?
Davey45, unknown1002001, exocet find this awesome.
Originally posted by NightCruiser
But there are so many things that contribute to Global warming that are out of our control--ie Volcano's , cow poop etc.

Its almost impossible to quantify, but most experts agree that volcanic activity has an insignificant effect on climate change. As for cow poop, its is within our control, if our demand for beef wasn't so high, there would be less cattle. However, methane produced from cattle is minor when compared to methane produced from landfills and the oil & gas industry. All of this been said...Methane is not the problem...CO2 is the problem.

Percentage of greenhouse gasses produced by human sources

Breakdown of methane gas produced by human sources
pdxal finds this awesome.
Lvl 8
Originally posted by F1098
Ethanol is a joke, and we have only our Congressmen and women from the agricultural states to blame for it.

Isn't democracy a real hoot ?

As someone who works in the small engine field and previously worked in the marine field, i can attest that ethanol has no positives when it comes to an internal combustion engine. Gas quality goes down, fuel mileage goes down, rubber parts disintegrate, moisture is pulled from the atmosphere creating water in fuel. The corn lobby is the only people who actually like it.
exocet, xfireman find this awesome.
Lvl 4
There are less beef cattle these days since farmers are more focused on growing Corn for Ethanol. Corn takes a lot of fertilizer. So we have a shortage of beef cattle and a high price for fertilizer which has led to high price of steaks, hamburger meat, cereal etc
Yea I am not a fan of Ethanol at all
Coal fired plants are being shut down or being converted to "clean coal" type plants. Some are being replaced by natural gas. Landfill gases are being converted to energy by some companies. Still a long way to go
Lvl 20
All of this been said...Methane is not the problem...CO2 is the problem.

Methane is also a problem, and possibly far worse than CO2. Methane breaks down into CO2 and water vapor over a period of about twelve years. This adds to the CO2 content of the atmosphere after the methane has broken down. Methane also traps about 29 times as much heat as an equal mass of CO2. Also for consideration is the fact that as both oceans and northern land masses warm the natural production of methane, from both the decay of long frozen organic matter in the areas that have been cold enough to slow or halt decay and the release of methane from hydrates in the ocean, will increase at a more rapid pace. We may have already reached a point where no matter what mankind does, even if we completely eliminate anthropogenic CO2 emissions, the global climate will continue to warm until it reaches balance or oceanic currants and air currents change enough to cause cooling to occur.
EricLindros finds this awesome.
Lvl 23
Originally posted by F1098
Ethanol is a joke, and we have only our Congressmen and women from the agricultural states to blame for it.

Isn't democracy a real hoot ?

I am making money on ethanol stocks so keep the corn growing....Fund my retirement.......
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Allen_Bradley
I am making money on ethanol stocks so keep the corn growing....Fund my retirement.......

Your retirement fund won't matter when you're dying from heat stroke after being outside for a few minutes.
Lvl 23
Originally posted by EricLindros

Your retirement fund won't matter when you're [Link]after being outside for a few minutes.

I live in the Great White North bud. And I work in the Oilsands . I will be retired in 5 years. As far as global emissions are concerned, the Oilsands produces 2% of Canada's emissions. Canada produces. 2% of global emissions. The states, China, India and the rest of the 3rd. world produces the other 98%.America is our back door and the world's 2nd. biggest emitter of carbon into.the atmosphere so clean up.and global warming will become less of.a.concern.for.the world. I believe that the science.behind global warming is flawed. I remember the 70's. The scientific community was convinced.that we were.headed into.a new ice age global cooling. I will believe the science when the scientific community is not funded by the greens of the world non-theoretical and more factual. Until then, I will continue to take profits on the American ethanol industry and God bless the Midwest.

Lvl 59
Shockingly, an oil-industry worker doesn't believe in global warming.

"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it" - Upton Sinclair

As for this:

I remember the 70's. The scientific community was convinced.that we were.headed into.a new ice age global cooling.

You don't remember that because such a thing never happened:

But was there ever a consensus over global cooling in the 1970s?

A few climate scientists have now scanned through the research literature of the time. For 1965 to 1979, they found seven articles that predicted cooling, 44 that predicted warming and 20 that were neutral. The results are being published in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.
You can also read summaries on RealClimate and on ScienceNews, though if you're interested in how the myth of global cooling was turned on its head, it is well worth reading the researchers' own version, which is freely available (as a PDF).

In other words, it appears there was not a scientific consensus over global cooling.
Lvl 16
Originally posted by F1098
Ethanol is a joke, and we have only our Congressmen and women from the agricultural states to blame for it.

Isn't democracy a real hoot ?

People still believe we have a democracy?
Lvl 16
Originally posted by NightCruiser
There are less beef cattle these days since farmers are more focused on growing Corn for Ethanol. Corn takes a lot of fertilizer. So we have a shortage of beef cattle and a high price for fertilizer which has led to high price of steaks, hamburger meat, cereal etc
Yea I am not a fan of Ethanol at all
Coal fired plants are being shut down or being converted to "clean coal" type plants. Some are being replaced by natural gas. Landfill gases are being converted to energy by some companies. Still a long way to go

Umm from what I have heard the cost of feed is skyrocketing and so ranchers slaughtered their herds to stay profitable and now these effects are hitting use consumers a couple of years later.
Lvl 28
Another troll thread from the king troll. It just amazes me how many people, especially Americans don't believe in Global Warming. Also, scientists believe ice ages happen every 40-50.000 years and that in a few thousand years it's time for yet another one.
Lvl 4
Well duh! Althalus. Its the "Panel" forum where just about every thread is a controversial type thread. if you can't handle controversial threads then I might suggest the Lounge section. Maybe the owner could create a whiner section haha
One thing for sure is that there will be an economic catastrophe if the seas keep on rising. I don't think we will evolve fast enough to even slow it down. You would think with the history of rising seas that all development would be set back or built up to handle any contingencies. Instead we remain unprepared for the eventual permanent flooding. I did read where the technology is there to go underground and raise the surface elevation that way.
Lvl 28
Economic catastrophe? Millions of lives would be lost. And the solution to combat all these negative effects for the world governments? Pay a small fine so you can continue on your merry way. The biggest reason there's no measures taken at things like the recent Kyoto Agreement or whatever it was that the big countries didn't sign because small countries couldn't pay and it was "too expensive" to implement. As if 2 trillion dollars could save you if the whole world flooded, 60% of the earths population died, no land to grow food and to live... Nice thinking!
Lvl 4
The Seas are already rising. The rise is gradual and is effecting the lower lying areas. People have time to prepare. BUT, what do you do with all the commercial development along the coastal regions? Cites close to the waters edge? This will be a very costly adjustment and in many case a collapse of local economies
Lvl 23
Originally posted by EricLindros
Shockingly, an oil-industry worker doesn't believe in global warming.

"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it" - Upton Sinclair


E.L my boy, I have been a construction worker for most of my working life. Prior to.lthat I drove truck delivering all those goods that you urbanites need to live and show off as to how successful you are. Without the fuel.that I am in the industry of building the infrastructure for, you urbanites would not be able to aquire all.the being you need to live. All very carbon intense activities.
Now working in the sands may pay my wages but I see what is involved in the production of this resource and the conversion of it into a.marketable product to be shipped to US refineries to be made into the fuel and products that your society needs to live. I see .the amount of heat that goes into.the air and the amount of energy it requires to producde this resource. I just believe that the science behind the global warming scare mongers is flawed. How can it not be as it is based on theoretical models. I am not saying that the atmosphere is not warming. I had seen a couple of colder winters here than we have had in the last couple.of decades, weather that I have not seen since the 60's and mass flooding not seen in a lifetime due to above average rainfall and snow melt that has to be caused by something but is that something the earth's natural climactic cycles.

I WI not deny that human activities on this earth impact our environment. As for crate change, a theory is just a theory. When the scientific community can prove a postulate I WI not put any credence in the mass climactic hysteria fed to us by the government controlled mass media.
Yes we née d cut our emissions. The companies up here are taking me million dollar measures to cut emissions and reduce their footprint on the environment and I am proud to be part of that.
Now, if you can sit back in that big easy chair by your computer and come up with solutions to man's reliance on fossil our society than all the more power to you. If not,we could always slaughtering whales for the oil rendered from.their blubber to light our street lamps.
* This post has been modified : 10 years ago
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Allen_Bradley
E.L my boy, I have been a construction worker for most of my working life. Prior to.lthat I drove truck delivering all those goods that you urbanites need to live and show off as to how successful you are. Without the fuel.that I am in the industry of building the infrastructure for, you urbanites would not be able to aquire all.the being you need to live. All very carbon intense activities.

There's plenty of other fuels out there less harmful. Etanol for instance which is viable for widespread use now. Hydrogen which I believe to be the real fuel of the future because no matter how cheap and nice electricity is, batteries are rarely environmentally friendly. Also you need to replace those after tops 10 years I've heard. For half the cost of a new car.
Lvl 23
Originally posted by Althalus
There's plenty of other fuels out there less harmful. Etanol for instance which is viable for widespread use now. Hydrogen which I believe to be the real fuel of the future because no matter how cheap and nice electricity is, batteries are rarely environmentally friendly. Also you need to replace those after tops 10 years I've heard. For half the cost of a new car.

The market will decide if these alternatives are truly viable and profitable. Like I said, ethanol producer stocks are helping fund my retirement. Next up...Solar
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