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G'Day Drunken Yokels, I've Made My Own Moonshine. TESTING WILL COMMENCE SHORTLY!

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 12 years ago Views: 1.8K
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Lvl 28
Hello, wbwsfolk, please lay your banjos down briefly and sit back and share my moonshine ingestion experience.

Yes, I actually plan on drinking something I learned how to make based on a "fuck yeah guy" comic strip.

It is 5:33PM my time. I'll be trying this out between 6-7PM.

I will post some pictures, amusing little things I noticed about it. Just, the overall experience.

If I'm being honest, it kinda smells like piss that's been pissed out, and then drank again, then re-pissed out. So yeah, piss.

I'll keep you bros posted, stay tuned bros.

Here is the thread this is a spinoff of, in case you need a little back story:
Lvl 27
I'll prepare the music for your funeral...

Lvl 28
Been good readin' ya, Honda...
Lvl 22
you will need a guide dog soon

you made cheap ass pop skull not moonshine.. jeez what a dolt. it should smell like throw up not piss LMFAO
Originally posted by Demodad68

I'll prepare the music for your funeral...

can i have a solo in one of the songs?
done with this here double post too
Lvl 59
I love that picture of Barack.


*someday. Probably far in the future.
LMFAO who calls him barack.
Lvl 28
This is the main jug with the first four liters removed:

This is the brita filter we put it through:

This is what the finished product looks like:

so... grodie....
Lvl 59
Originally posted by ramsann

LMFAO who calls him barack.

I do. We're bros.

Also, that last bottle looks like a big bottle of old semen or something. (Thanks /b/, for allowing me to know that that looks like )
Lvl 17
Can't wait for this! Itl probably taste like shit, but kill some brain cells!
Test it on your bro first. I've kinda grown somewhat fond of you (no penis) and it'd be a shame if you died.

Also. I kinda concerned...its now 7:00 EST....and no report back.

Lvl 28
Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated.

So, I tried it.

I was expecting some, epic puking against a wall, burning eyes......rage and such.

My dad, brother, mom and I all had a bit...and well, I gotta be completely honest. It definitely has more alcohol in it than beer, it's got a pretty good bite.

But the most surprising part of the whole thing my friends? It actually tastes pretty okay. Like, there was no drama, my mom and I don't really drink, and both of us were kinda "meh" it has a slightly bitter taste, but the aftertaste is pretty smooth. There was no harshness on the throat, and the flavor was good.

I will probably make this again since well, it went good, is heavily alcoholic and tastes quite good.

Experiment = Success

Highfives all around.
Lvl 17
Maybe he's gone blind and can't see the comp....

Lvl 59

It's jizz in a bottle and they're all slurping it down like it's the fountain of youth.

Lvl 17


Made me lol then!
Originally posted by ramsann


I second this statement. You should have lied and said you were posting from the hospital.
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