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Fuck Being A Nice Guy. You Get The Girls By Being An Asshole.

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 19 years ago Views: 9.5K
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Lvl 11
Originally posted by mustanghottie

You know what scares me? It seems in this world that girls no longer are looking for Mr. Right. They are looking for Mr. Inmate - someone that will be exciting and disrespectful, while looking good doing it.

Its interesting to me that girls seem to prefer a badass that will tell them to lick his fucking boot, than a guy who bends over backwards to do anything she wants.

Of course, no woman wants a weak man that she can just push around, but sometimes (like when a woman is being abused but refuses to get the guy arrested because "she knows it isnt like him, and he'll stop) its fucking ridiculous.

Ive found with the girls ive dated - Mr. Niceguy gets you cheated on, and Mr. Uninterested gets your phone ringing off the hook.

Anyone else have any thoughts on this odd fucking phenomenon?

not all of us are like that, some of us still want to find mr. right but in this world is there really a mr. right out there any more?

It seem's that most of them only want to get laied.

im guy keeps blanace of great sex and great being there ,romance stuff......we do not all think of getting laid only... it's just bonus when do stuff to get gal loves here 0's put smile on her face each day goes work......
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
speed you been drinking?
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 11
Originally posted by lokithemadtitan

speed you been drinking?

noooooooo officer.......only 15 beers........that nothin,nmhg....

* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
yeah women in my area seem to look for guys who look all healthy and athletic, i mean WTF
* This post has been modified : 3 years ago
ok just making sure.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 11
Originally posted by Xanderthegreat

yeah women in my area seem to look for guys who look all healthy and athletic, i mean WTF

there me thinking girls from london are shallow..........Wrong the virus is spreading!
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
i guess its lucky i am in pretty good shape.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 13

I read where one guy said there's "no fish in the sea" in his town. He must live in the Midwest because after that high school diploma is handed to a Midwestern girl, her duty is to go to college - not to always find a job - but to find a mate. Then there's lots of women who just settle for assholes. I've noticed these types of chick come from broken homes. I'm not trying to be all "Oh, let's cry for the child of divorce" or anything - I'm just saying, chicks who come from divorced homes, without Papa around, have really shitty guy-picking skills. And why should they since their examples are either cousins their age or a brother near their age who's a pussy fiend himself?

Most of the women I've dated have come from divorced homes. After time, they became a pain in the ass. The few I did date who were from married as can be, great in art, music and intelligent conversation. They were always THE BEST FUCKS too! But because they were raised by seeing two parents interacting, they didn't take ANY SHIT from some loser asshole guy. When a guy shown himself to be a loser, they moved his ass on quick. Not just that, if their Papa got wind of a guy being an asshole to his daughter, there were going to be words.

Girls who were from divorced families...sheeit, yo...I could treat that girl like a piece of dirt and she'd beg for more dick. They weren't nearly as good in bed as the chicks from married homes - why that is, I don't know - but the more rude and uncaring I acted, the more the chick would be for cock. Don't get me wrong, I love giving cock, but I also can't stand submissive or domineering women, which these divorced homes produce in the ways of daughters. Chicks from divorced homes are more used to "conditions and stipulations" - they're used to having things one way - either the guy is the asshole or the girl is the asshole. And man, do women from divorced parents cheat! I haven't met one yet who was seeing a pal, a family member or myself, who didn't go off on some hidden side-fuck without any indication. And why shouldn't they? They're used to that sort of unstable environment. The more unstable and weird it is, the more it makes them feel as if they're in their own patterns.

And since the divorce rate here in America is around now 60%, that means a LOT of chicks who are on the lookout for mean nasty abusive guys.

Now I've got a chick from a married home and we have a blast. Just like the previous chicks from married homes, a KILLER fuck! She's great at compromising and doesn't fly off the handle or bow in submission like a divorced home chick does. We get along great. A compromising woman who doesn't fly off the handle and has great pussy? What more could a man ask for? But it's taken me to now, age 30, to finally realize this very substantiated possibility.

Guys, if you come from a married home and your woman comes from a divorced home - unless she was raised by her Papa - you're going to be in for a world of shit. Either you've got to turn into a total dickhead or you've got to bow down and allow yourself to get beat up.

If you both come from divorced homes, you're both behind the 8 ball. You're only going to fuck for no reason and when you should be fucking, she's out with her "friends".

If you both come from married homes and you get along with her Papa, sedispel, take your shoes off...ya'll come back now, ya hear?

That's just based on personal experience and from close friend's experiences.

You younger guys who are nice folks - if she can't appreaciate your loving, carring stupid ass, then the hell with her and move on. Every chick has that slit between their legs. Let her know that pussy doesn't have a patent on it. I asked the same questions around age 18, 19 and 20 that you're asking.

And always remember...those hot chicks who get married before age 20, will turn into fat tanks before 25 and the only time you'll get them is when you're 30, you have a good job, they're divorced and you've got some serious beer goggles on. Then that chick will weigh you as an option, not because you're nice, but because you have a good job. And understand, she'll be a handful because she'll probably have kids and you might have to deal with that nutty ex of hers. Do you really want all that noise? I think not.

OK! Whew! I'm done!
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 18
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 24
damn thats long... I'm used to Jeff posts, but damn dude!
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Originally posted by Bangledesh

damn thats long... I'm used to Jeff posts, but damn dude!

i think he was drunk....didnt read it though...too much effort
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 27
*edit for content and to fit time slot)
Don't date divoracee's from broken homes
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Originally posted by screwtape

*edit for content and to fit time slot)
Don't date divoracee's from broken homes

you should become WBW's official "Jeff type post summariser"
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 12 this
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 12
damn it didnt work
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 12

now try it guys
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
i got it to work...just edited the adress...thats some good shit..

true too
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 12
Oh yes, all too true, dammit!

Got a phonecall yesterday from one of the girls the rant goes on about... Can't help wanting her real bad, though, so I guess I'll come through for her once again.

Fortunately there's other fish in the sea too.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
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