League ID is: 9334
Password is: lolattheraidas
League home is:
League settings may change at any time. Don't sign up if you won't/can't check your lineups. I may remove anyone from the league at any time for any reason.
Last year we had an issue with a "sympathy trade." I allowed it despite my better judgement. This year, if a trade is not fair, I will disallow it. This should be a competitive league.
As with baseball, I will try to arrange a WBW prize for the winner.
Good luck!
League ID is: 9334
Password is: lolattheraidas
League home is:
League settings may change at any time. Don't sign up if you won't/can't check your lineups. I may remove anyone from the league at any time for any reason.
Last year we had an issue with a "sympathy trade." I allowed it despite my better judgement. This year, if a trade is not fair, I will disallow it. This should be a competitive league.
As with baseball, I will try to arrange a WBW prize for the winner.
Good luck!
* This post has been modified
: 17 years ago