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Fantasy Football 2007 (American)

Starter: socalus Posted: 17 years ago Views: 2.3K
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Lvl 59
As far as week one goes: Boooo-Yahhhh!

Also, - $10 bucks from my checking account for StatTracker, as usual.
Lvl 10
Hey Lindros, how you doing on QBs? Wanna make a deal?
Lvl 59
I'm actually ok at QB. I'm fairly happy with Kitna and Delhomme.
Lvl 24
Doesn't matter, you will all fall to me...
Lvl 24
Crickets chirping
Lvl 59
LDT - sucko.
Cadillac - busto.
Rams offense - crapo - Holt fuckedo
Reggie Brown - invisiblo.
Heap & Mason - screwedo by McNairo's declino.

Add it all together, and what to I get?

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