Originally posted by wineanddine
bank = too much free time to write one post....
It doesn't take much to write... just a keyboard and a brain.
I have both. People pay me for it.
And I turn the money into drink. It's great.
good one........ Briefly! What you learn in normal life = experience (hot stove scenario)
What you learn by faith = experience AFTER the event.
Natural living says show me and I beleive
Supernatural living says I believe without seeing
Belief creates the atmosphere to see

What I think you're talking about......... correct me if I'm wrong.
Faith requires some belief that life has a point/purpose/whatever. In order to judge those experiences by faith, you have to have said faith.
Personally, when I look at my life (and others), it's mainly a random set of experiences tied together only by the fact that I'm in them all. The fact that my dog was hit by a car when I was a kid combined with the fact that I just stubbed my toe combined with the fact that I hate olives combined with the fact that I've expereinced some things people would deem supernatural.... the list goes on forever, as it does with everyone, and doesn't seem to point to any one fact, and certainly hasn't helped my soul.
They are experiences, I've learned from them or not, and I simply build from them and learn how to handle others, or not.
To believe in the soul requires faith.... there's no concrete proof, never has been, probably never will be. I'm not saying it doesn't exist, just saying that I can't take that leap.
There is nothing supernatural about the circumstances you mentioned. They are life experiences. When you have seen eyes come into eye sockets, legs grow, crippled people walk, and sterile people conceive - it is easier to believe in somehting you cant explain.
The soul is made up of your mind will and emotions. A proven fact acknowledged by medical profession, psychiatry profession and therapy profession. Most of which do not profess to do their job by faith, but by knowledge and intellect.
We dony beleive in the soul, we believe in faith. THe soul is a fact (doesnt require faith). What you can do naturally, you do, what you cant do naturally you require a miracle, which is the currency is faith.
Intellect does not explain faith, it reasons it. Faith believes without any evidence. However when the evidence does come it encourages greater faith.
There's no concrete evidence pointing to a soul... it has to be taken on faith.
Human willpower indicates that human's are badasses... dogs have willpower, too.
There's no doubt that intellegence can be used to provide a theory of the soul... and there's no doubt that it can be used to do the opposite.
I'm cynical, if you can't tell, so this faith issue isn't likely to be resolved with me, until I'm willing to take a blind leap of faith.
* This post has been modified
: 19 years ago