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EL Liveblogs [strike]House MD[/strike] The Show that is on instead of House MD - Warning: SPOILERZ

Starter: EricLindros Posted: 12 years ago Views: 2.4K
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Lvl 59
Warning: Spoilers ahead.

I was contemplating doing this in the Spam thread, but then if anyone else wanted to watch House and not see the spoilers, it would have ruined the whole spam thread for them, so instead I'm giving it it's own thread.

I'm going to start with episode two, the one that is first airing tonight, and post as it goes along.

The first episode of season 8 started with House in jail, after being arrested for crashing his car into the house of the Dean of Medicine while she ate dinner with her family. It ended as he was just about to be let out of jail on parole, except he kept not listening to the authority people and was kind of stuck in jail.

Anyway, it kind of left you hanging, so we'll see where it picks up today.

It should start around 9:00 PM EST, so that's when I'll continue this thread. Carry on.

(After this post, I'm going to be telling you what happened in the episode, so you'd best prepare your anus)

* This post has been modified : 12 years ago
look at his eyes. so dreamy.
Lvl 27
My Anus

You will use lube won't you

And, why was he in prison in the first place?
Lvl 59
Because he drove his car into his boss' dining room.

So, it turns out there's a baseball game in extra innings on the TV channel that House is on, so hopefully that's over by the time House is supposed to start or else this is going to be a really weird liveblog.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by ramsann

look at his eyes. so dreamy.

They're fucking scary. Plus his ewok buck teeth are pretty scary loooking too.....oh, mean House...
Lvl 27
Guess I should have read your first post completely, my bad
Lvl 59
Guys, guys, we have a problem

I think the baseball game threw off the schedule.

There's some weird show on now that isn't House.

This is terrible.

It's people talking about a colony of some sort.
Lvl 59
These people are in a command center thing that kind of reminds me of the bridge of the starship enterprise, except instead of on a spaceship it's like the bridge of the starship enterprise but in an underground cave or something.

Futuristic and rustic at the same time. Very strange.

And then some guy sneezed. And his wife was like, "I hope I don't catch that when I get back (she was watching him on the TV screen thing in the bridge), and he's like, "No, I caught it from Zoey" and then he hung up. And then she was like, "Who's Zoey?"

Pretty shitty. Then they went to commercial.
Lvl 59
Oh, some people. They're doing stuff. Some dad dude (the sneezer) talking about bad dates with his daughter - who just had a bad date - and he's all ike "Oh my date with your mom was worse!"

Then they bonded.
Lvl 27
Bonding is so sweet...

Unless it's by using superglue, and it's the bonding of your nuts to your thigh...
Lvl 59
Now they're talking about science outposts and such.

Still no sign of House. Or Princeton Painsboro Teaching Hospital
Lvl 59
Some people driving around in a strange dunebuggy.



The dune buggy drove up and some dinosaurs were eating on some cable or something! It's like a really dumb shitty version of Jurassic Park!
Lvl 59
So the dudes on the dunebuggy went into a building.

The one dude's wife was in there.

But she didn't recognize them, or something, and shot them with a pulse gun or soemthing. It was all very confusing. And then they went to commercial.
Lvl 59
Apparently the chick had lost 20 years of her memory, which means she doesn't remember her husband dude.

Because she has some sort of disease. Which will result in coma if they don't fix it.

It's apparently a big deal to that husband dude.
Lvl 59
Apparently they went back in time 85,ooo,ooo years. So, that's why dinosaurs.

But still the future things, like the pulse gun and all that stuff.
Lvl 59
They're telling her she went back in time 85 milion years because she forgot because of the amnesia virus or whatever.

She's not taking it well.

But after a little denial, she's starting to believe it.

But then the power went out because those dinosaurs are being pesky and whatnot. So the husband guy went outside to check it out. TENSE MOMENT!
Lvl 59
He found another guy at the power station. He's dead. Or, lying on the ground nt answering anyone.

And now some old bearded guy is threatening to blow him up.

But I don't know what's going on. I think he might know that guy, because he had plenty of time to shoot him or something, and hesitated.

Or maybe it's just really bad acting. Either one.
Lvl 59
Oh, the one guys knows him, but the other guy has the amnesia thing virus, and he's confused, so he's trying to find out what's going on by beating up the husband guy.

Which shouldn't really be possible because he's old and the husband guy isn't old. Very strange.
Lvl 59
Oh, turns out, it might not be a virus, it might be a genetic experiment or something.

Lvl 59

I can't follow this.

How the hell am i supposed to explain to people what's going on if I can't even follow it myself?

Oh, another dinosaur.

Ok, I'm going to stop liveblogging this wrong show. I think it's called "Terra Nova"

Oh, now those dudes are being attacked by a dinosaur.

This shit is bananas.

Ok, seriously, I'm going to stop until House comes on...if it does.

And if it doesn't, I'm going to be pretty pissed that I missed House because they decided to air this stupid dinosaur-futurism show instead.
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