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Drink some coffee, turn off HBO and CHAT...

Starter: DEMO Posted: 13 years ago Views: 26.0K
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Lvl 28
Man, I bet they're sitting there, all covered in shoes... Just grooving on how hard they have to deal.

With it.
Lvl 19
If we ever go shopping together you guys will never hear the end of it !
Lvl 27
You can talk F, but if it's got to do with shopping, that's where my selective hearing becomes a blessing
Lvl 27
What to do today, oh what to do...
Lvl 18
I have a curling tournament today -- at least round one of a curling tournament. And I'm working from home all day. No soda in the house though and its got me bummed.
Lvl 27
Iced tea?

It's a good substitute for soda...
Lvl 18
I could never get into tea. Gonna make hot chocolate in a second. That might work. Soda is my really bad habit. That and dog fighting.
Lvl 18
Its ok though cause I fight the dogs myself. Mano a Mano.
Lvl 27
I like coffee, it's my biggest weakness, as if that surprises anyone

Dog fighting you say, but I ask, why isn't cock fighting more popular?
Lvl 28
I'd rather take my gal shoe shopping than play video games, but that's why anything less than sex 5x a week is a bad week.

I guess it's the diff between kid games and big boy games.
Lvl 18
Cocks are gross dude.

Except, of course, for mine, which is awesome.
Originally posted by DEMO

I ask, why isn't cock fighting more popular?

I'm not sure...kinda looks funny.

Lvl 19
I see that and I think....."You've got to be kidding". But then as the only girl in the family with three older brothers I used to hear that stuff all the time.

The way this woman sees it ( so to speak) is that you guys have your cocks in your hands about 10-20 times a day, so your relationship with your genitalia is a whole lot different than that of women. Ours is more descrete. Doesn't have to moved out of our pants to pee or retracted to zip up our pants.....or whatever. ( So look at your hand and ask it how many times it has said hello to your dick today......)

Maybe if our parts were in our hands all day, we'd be into stuff like the game shown above.

Lvl 27
Originally posted by F1098

So look at your hand and ask it how many times it has said hello to your dick today......

I swear it has been around 50 or so...

I drank a lot of coffee this morning
Lvl 19
By what quirk of anatomy can you use your dick as a straw ?????

(Oh....I see....I was confusing intake with exhaust .... !!!!!)

Originally posted by DEMO


I swear it has been around 50 or so...

I drank a lot of coffee this morning
Lvl 27
Originally posted by F1098

By what quirk of anatomy can you use your dick as a straw ?????

(Oh....I see....I was confusing intake with exhaust .... !!!!!)


Indeed F, but what a concept
Lvl 19
Try it at Starbucks some time and report back when the cops release you.

Originally posted by DEMO


Indeed F, but what a concept
Lvl 27
I do not frequent starbucks, no point in paying 5 bucks for a cup of regular old black coffee...

But maybe I'll try it at my local gas station
i want the real l word season three to start already.
Lvl 19
Regardless, after you've dipped your thing in the coffee and grossed out the place do let us know. Maybe you should try it with one of those roller hot dogs first to get them used to you.........

Or, stick your finger out through your zipper and count your change like my grandfather ( a real card, that one !) used to. Used to gross us out completely so I am sure it would still be a hit.

Originally posted by DEMO

I do not frequent starbucks, no point in paying 5 bucks for a cup of regular old black coffee...

But maybe I'll try it at my local gas station
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