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Celebrity Deaths..Who Do You Think Is Next!?

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 15 years ago Views: 4.1K
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Lvl 28

Over the past little while, celebrities have been dropping like, I did like some of them, and others I didn't care for, but that's not what this is about. Mourn in another thread, this thread is about who is next!

Post any celebrity you want, and any reason for death..go nuts!

Also, I'm aware this is kinda morbid, but having a little bit of fun in some fairly depressing times can be good, so if you're planning on writing me up some long ass PM full of bible quotes, you're clearly on the wrong site.

So, get to it guys!
* This post has been modified : 14 years ago
Lvl 65
Conon O'Brian, he just dosen't know it yet. Cause of death...ratings.
Lvl 20
I honestly don't give celebrities that kind of thought. I don't give them enough thought to think any of them should die. They really don't merit that kind of energy.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Tarquin

I honestly don't give celebrities that kind of thought. I don't give them enough thought to think any of them should die. They really don't merit that kind of energy.

I'll take that as "Shia Lebeouf...Killed by a Transformer."

Thanks for contributing sir.
Lvl 59
I take Larry King.
Lvl 20
Originally posted by Honda_X


I'll take that as "Shia Lebeouf...Killed by a Transformer."

Thanks for contributing sir.

I guess what I'm trying to do is get someone to give me an idea. I definitely don't want to miss the chance to wish death on someone. I just can't think of anyone as a celebrity that actually merits it. I mean... I'm increasingly irritated with Britney Spears and have despised her for years, but I don't hate her. Alec Baldwin is a twat, but I don't want to waste a shot on him.

I dunno. I'm fishing for ideas. I'd hate to waste a good fantasy death.
Lvl 28
It's not really a "wishing death on someone" thread, despite the Death Note's more of a who do you realistically think is next kinda, or just a joke...for example.

Paris Hilton, drowning on semen.

Lindsay Lohan, uncontrollable crotch fire. Instead of stopping, dropping and rolling...she just threw cocaine at it.

William Shatner, heart attack during gay sex with Sulu.

Christina Ricci just because God knows I would go soon after
Lvl 16

Lvl 12

Boxing commentator/annoying wanna be poet blowhard Larry Merchant dies when George Foreman sits on him.
Lvl 28
@RumDum: If I'm dead, then who are you going to PM when you and your boyfriend are having fights?

I was so god damn discrete about it too, then you had to come in here, and jerk things up.

Gary Busey - There just has to be something wrong with him...

Lvl 10
Brad Pitt - caught screwing Jennifer by A.J. Killed with tatto needle.
Lvl 12
Let me assist Hondog!
Originally posted by Honda_X

In an ironic twist of fate, Gary Busey dies when a pallet of motorcycle helmets falls on him.
Lvl 21
I would say Kurt Douglas He is in his 90's and already had a stroke.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by WindyM

Brad Pitt - caught screwing Jennifer by A.J. Killed with tatto needle.

Jennifer Aniston is getting pretty bad in the looks department, but seeing a cat fight between her and Angelina would be pretty sweet.

I support this idea.
Lvl 15
i had christopher lee in the work sweep stake, still waiting for him to go. The bastard junior has jacko in the sweep
Lvl 16
Sadly Patrick Swayze ! Not a good couple of weeks for the 80's.

What 80's generation boy did not have the Farrah Poster?
Michael- Love him, hate him, don't care? He did produce GREAT music!
One sad Grasshopper!
The ultimate sidekick in Ed, old school, but funny nonetheless.
Lvl 12

Ashton Kutcher, he also dies when George Foreman sits on him. (watch yourself around George and chairs, folks.)
Lvl 11
hugh hefner -from fucking his brains out!
Originally posted by astvilla

Sadly Patrick Swayze ! Not a good couple of weeks for the 80's.

What 80's generation boy did not have the Farrah Poster?
Michael- Love him, hate him, don't care? He did produce GREAT music!
One sad Grasshopper!
The ultimate sidekick in Ed, old school, but funny nonetheless.
Your problably right! Sadly someone extremly close to me has pancreatic cancer. Dont get me started its a terrible disease!!
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