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Best and worst lines?

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 16 years ago Views: 2.6K
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I was talkin' with a young gal today and I realized that she must have heard a bazillion pick-up lines in her line of work. Some probably good, most more than likely bad.

So what is the best and worst lines you have tossed out in hopes of scoring a gold medal in the waterbed olympics?

For you gals on WBW, what worked and what didn't?
Lvl 13
What worked? The way Meat got me was rather ingenious. I was attending a birthday party for his friend. We were all sitting around, drinking, laughing, talking and having a great time. He got a call from his ex and walked away to have some quiet and privacy. We all wen on as before. He came back and we were still screwing around. A friend and I had gotten into a goodnatured argument, when out of nowhere, Meat walked up behind me, grabbed my hair, pulled my head back and kissed me hard on the mouth. I was shocked into silence. When I recovered, I asked him where that came from. His answer? "Well, it shut you up, didn't it?"

What failed miserably? "I hear you Italian girls are really wild. I bet I can tame you." My answer to that? "I'll kick your ass and send you right back to the pound." Smiled sweet as can be while I said it, too.
i used to have about a 100 bad ones and was able to fire them consecutively...

one of em went something like this :
do you believe in love at first sight ? or should i walk by another 3 times ?

or this one : i could really go for a good shag now... you want some too?
Lvl 6
Get your coat you've pulled love is a bad one
Lvl 16
Im not gay, but don't take my word for it.

They never understood that one.

This one never worked either; Hey if I fart, will you hide under the blanket with me? Dud.
Only one I ever tried was....

"If I put in your mouth, you couldn't say Thank You!"
Lvl 13
Originally posted by ev1l0ne

Only one I ever tried was....

"If I put in your mouth, you couldn't say Thank You!"

I like it. Nothing works better than a challenge,
Originally posted by RumDum

This one never worked either; Hey if I fart, will you hide under the blanket with me? Dud.

dude that one almost made me spray a zip of whisky on the screen
Lvl 16
Originally posted by creepus


dude that one almost made me spray a zip of whisky on the screen

Don't do that. I can't afford a new PC..
Originally posted by RumDum

Im not gay, but don't take my word for it.

They never understood that one.

This one never worked either; Hey if I fart, will you hide under the blanket with me? Dud.

Some gals have no sense of adventure!
an ex of my sister referred to that particular action as "the dutch oven "
Lvl 3
In high school I once asked a girl if she would go to first base with me.

Then we made out.

Best pickup ever.
Lvl 13
Originally posted by creepus

an ex of my sister referred to that particular action as "the dutch oven "

Also known as the turtle.
i always refer to it as the "fohn" aka the blowdryer
Lvl 16
Originally posted by NaughtyGypsy


Also known as the turtle.

I believe also a Cleveland Steamer..

Nother line;
Hello, may I come inside?
* This post has been modified : 16 years ago
Lvl 13
I'm not really sure there are any best. There are lots of bad one though.

Nice legs, what time do they open.
I like your dress, it'd look amazing on my bedroom floor.

Are a couple of bad ones.
Lvl 6
-It must have hurt you!!??
-Falling from Heaven my Angel...

but it didn't work out
Lvl 24
Cleavland steamer is different. Way different.
Lvl 6
Originally posted by Bangledesh

Cleavland steamer is different. Way different.

Ummm...second that...

Line: Are your lips lonely? Do they want some company?
Lvl 16
Do you have a mirror in you pocket?

Cause I can see myself in your pants..
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