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Best and worst lines?

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 16 years ago Views: 2.6K
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Lvl 9
Originally posted by britmonkey

Ask the Girl, "Do you know what the worlds heaviest Penguin Weighs?"
When she says "No" reply "Neither do I but it breaks the Ice".

To be honest Ive never really been convinced by chat up lines, the trick is to keep to the 3-second rule, Basically what it means is that the instant you see a girl you like, you have to approach her within 3 seconds. It doesnt really matter what you say. 90% of the time the girl will respond.

[ Link ]

you might actually get somewhere with me, britmonkey

...the rest of you guys... you'd have to work a little harder
Lvl 6
I work as a bartender part time, these are some of the ones that I remember at least made me smile.

Oh my god, I thought I was gay… then I met you.

You look like a girl who has heard every line in the book. So, how bad is one more going to hurt?

Were you arrested earlier? It’s got to be illegal to look that good.

You see my friend over there....He wants to know if YOU think I'M cute.
Lvl 16
Has anyone hit on you yet tonight?? K, let me get a couple more drinks in me, then I will.
Lvl 8
I learned of one that sounds good.

Asking her...

Is there any reason why we can't just go somewhere and fuck?
Lvl 18
Almost all canned lines are lame. Of course, if you look like something she wants it really doesn't matter what you say unless you are really stupid or totally self centered. A few that I recall hearing...

Your parents must have been thieves because it looks like they stole all stars from the sky and put them in your eyes.
All those curves... and me with no brakes.
If I told you that you had a great body, would you hold it against me?
Do you have a library card? I really want to sign you out.
I can't find my puppy, can you help me find him? I think he went into a motel room just up the road.
Lvl 18
(Make eye contact a few times, then motion with your index finger to call the girl over to you) Then say, "I just made you come with one finger, imagine what I could do with my whole hand."
Lvl 16
Hey Goldie locks, can I stick my dick in you and you tell me if it's to big, to small or just wright..
Lvl 22
Originally posted by spojax

I learned of one that sounds good.

Asking her...

Is there any reason why we can't just go somewhere and fuck?

close to mine...."wanna fuck?" why beat around the bush?
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