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New girl....kinda

Starter: MLE Posted: 15 years ago Views: 8.8K
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Lvl 51
Welcome back Emily

I love ypur pictures!
Lvl 14
hey emily......welcum back
Lvl 8
Thanx people.
thanks for the pics :-)
Lvl 8
More teasers......
Lvl 28
welcome back, enjoy the cars...
Lvl 26
Originally posted by artvandeleh


Does anyone actually read anything... She mentioned pics from her collection... I don't think they're pics of her.

Yes I read that to but everyone was complimenting her on how hot she was and she seemed to be taking credit for it. I'm actually surprise on how long it took for everyone to realize that wasn't her. That chick has been posted on here a few times now.
Lvl 5
Welcome, and glad to have you back! Id have to say that your gonna catch hell for the picture of that cock. The members of this site dont care for cock unless its being inserted into a female in some way shape or form, or blowing excessive amounts of all over a female. Besides that, the pics are great and hope you stay and hang around for a long time to come.
Lvl 8
Thamuz could you please quote from my previous posts where i seemed to be taking credit fro those pics????

I guess you can't please everyone roastbeef,if guys can't handle a pic of a cock in 2010 (almost) then i don't care about their feelings,it's a sexy pic full stop.!
Lvl 5
it is a sexy pic, I agree, but im one of the few i think, besides the bi ladies on this site at least ......... I mean, I dont LOVE the cock, but it doesnt bother me, I have tag teamed a few chicks in my day, a naked dude really doesnt phaze me
* This post has been modified : 15 years ago
Lvl 26
It's nothing you said, it's what you didn't say. Multiple people have commented on those pics thinking it was you and seeing as how you've replied to almost everyone here that has said anything but never mentioned to those people that that was not in fact you. It took someone finally saying I smell a rat for you to come forward and clear things up.

Sorry I'm not as nice as the rest of the guys on here who go completely crazy over every girl on this site
Lvl 14
welcome back
Lvl 28
Originally posted by rainbowdemon

Honda is our resident interior decorator!! But, unlike most decorators, Honda isn't gay. In fact, he's a very manly man!!

This is about what he looks like!!

[ Image ]

Sweet burn. Do you even know who that is?

I didn't know they got South Park in retirement homes.

Lvl 10
yeah, o.k. enough of the pitter pat. Ive seen two pics, and that's it. Regardless of whether it's you or not. Is this just a c*** tease, or the real thing? [URL]http://[/URL]
Lvl 8
I dont care for your attitude Challenger,whats your point?
Lvl 15
welcome back hope to see more pix
Lvl 4
Originally posted by challenger3404

yeah, o.k. enough of the pitter pat. Ive seen two pics, and that's it. Regardless of whether it's you or not. Is this just a c*** tease, or the real thing?[ Image ] [URL]http://[/URL]

then clearly you missed some pics.
Lvl 4
Originally posted by artvandeleh


Does anyone actually read anything... She mentioned pics from her collection... I don't think they're pics of her.

yes and apparently she knows them too.

I don't know what's accurate.
Lvl 8
What do you need clearing up? its not rocket science
Lvl 16
why are people complaining when pics are being posted regardless of who they are? and maybe it's just me but this is an introduce yourself thread rather than a straight picture thread after all
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