Hey all names Emily from Europe,i was a member here a few years ago but lost touch with the site,only just back and hope to get around to uploading some good pics of girls in my collection some taken by me some not.
I attach a little taster/teaser
Welcome back.
Keep an eye on that Dr.Brahgles guy.
His horsecock is legendary.
Enjoy your time here.
And please feel free to PM either myself, or another mod if you have any questions or such from being gone for so long.
Thanks Bangledesh! whats the average waiting time for uploaded pics to be approved? i just uploaded 11 to get me going.....
The queue is moderated in a random order to prevent conflicting or duplicate actions.
So there's no real set time, although apparently a week or so is pretty common.
wowserz! ah well hopefully its not so long.
Holy shit you're hot!
Slender, no tats, no weird shit rammed in your face, very sweet and innocent looking with that special air of confidence...
You definitely have my attention.
so what makes you quite the catch?
Bangledeshica 15 years ago
I am amazingly funny. And have fantastic hair. Straight up, the only better hair in the world is Honda's.
Also, I like long walks on the beach, kissing in the rain during holidays, and crying during movies. Girly movies. In manly movies, crying doesn't happen. When I watch manly movies, I go hammer up some drywall and rebuilt car engines. And I love candle-lit dinners accompanied by a nice wine, usually favoring Merlot, although I do pair them, and discussions of the Twilight Saga.
Who is your favorite character? I'm all for Jacob Black.
I understand him.
wow Brahgles where have you been all my life? lol you sound like the text book guy,maybe too text book,i like a few skeletons in the closet!
sweetmeat i know how to have fun and like having it- fun that is lol