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New girl....kinda

Starter: MLE Posted: 15 years ago Views: 8.9K
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Lvl 28
Originally posted by BrahglesHorsecockPhD

I am amazingly funny. And have fantastic hair. Straight up, the only better hair in the world is Honda's.
Also, I like long walks on the beach, kissing in the rain during holidays, and crying during movies. Girly movies. In manly movies, crying doesn't happen. When I watch manly movies, I go hammer up some drywall and rebuilt car engines. And I love candle-lit dinners accompanied by a nice wine, usually favoring Merlot, although I do pair them, and discussions of the Twilight Saga.

Who is your favorite character? I'm all for Jacob Black.

I understand him.

You're awesome.
Lvl 6
Sure wish those pics would hurry up(whine)
Lvl 6
Pfft, I don't care what you say. This thread isn't about you, lady.

Oh. Wait. Yeah, that one's on me. This is your thread.

And you get to keep your skeletons hidden longer if you don't openly discuss them. lol
Lvl 8
you guys are crazy i love it !

to ease the wait.....
Lvl 28
Man, that is a pretty nice hardwood floor. Someone should throw some light beige on those walls...dark accents. Make that shit pop.
Lvl 6
I'm a fan of the blank walls and hardwood floors.

Colors, most carpets, and decorations interrupt the purity and essence of a room.
Lvl 28
I disagree in this case. It's like a mixture of homey and industrial..

It's like a hospital waiting room. Something should pop out. It's too bland, even the baseboard and shutters are white.

Also, mirrored closet doors should be outlawed.
Lvl 6
I think maybe a richer/non-pastel bedspread. Either a crimson or a black. That'd provide some pop, while keeping the room intact.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by BrahglesHorsecockPhD

I think maybe a brighter/non-pastel bedspread. Either a crimson or a black. That'd provide some pop, while keeping the room intact.

Yeah, that actually would look pretty good.
Lvl 6
Yo Dawg, I agree about the mirrored closet doors.

I'm a much bigger fan of mirrored mirrors, so you can see while you're seeing.

(I don't actually have an opinion of mirrored closet doors, I just wanted to set that up.)
Lvl 6
Keep the pix a comin, more cuteness

The orange shirt and the hottie wearing it makes the room pop
Lvl 6
Originally posted by MLE

its all about rocking out its my second fav way to release tension


Very cute How about a picture with the guitar, double the beauty
Lvl 26
Hi Emily, Europe's a big ole place ! Where in Europe are you ?
Lvl 16
hot pics thanks MLE I look forward to hopefully seeing a lot more of you on here
Lvl 4
omg you are gorgeous!
Lvl 26
Lvl 27
Originally posted by MLE

you guys are crazy i love it !

to ease the wait.....

crazy? who?

btw: you're cute!!
Lvl 27
Originally posted by Punnani

Hi Emily, Europe's a big ole place ! Where in Europe are you ?

hey pun! forget it!!
she's more in cologne than in bxxxx!!
Lvl 37
Lvl 13
If that's your more like Los Angeles than Europe!
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